Historical Sex, Anytime

Svenskaflicka said:
Nice to see a new face on the thread. Come on, guys and gals, don't let this thread die! Until we've bugged Laurel enough to give us our own forum, this is The Thread for Historical Stories.

Now, I have PM'ed Laurel, but I think in order to show that we really are interested in having a Historical Forum, and that there are a whole bunch of us, and not just me ranting, I think we should all PM her. From what I understand, that's how Laurel go about this. She wants to see that there is a big interest for an idea before she tries it. (Which is why we don't have 80 different categories with 100 stories in each...)

She won't get mad if we all start PMing her?

Hey Laurel! It isn't just Svenska! It's a bunch of us!!!!

My plan is that if we all PM her, she'll get annoyed with us, and give us our own little room to play in, just to get us off her back...;)
Svenskaflicka said:
My plan is that if we all PM her, she'll get annoyed with us, and give us our own little room to play in, just to get us off her back...;)

Ok....I'm PM her and say that you said to! LOL!
Historical shagging shenanigans are tip top. I enjoy the 19th century ones best. It's that pretentious speech that gets it for me, and the gorgegous clothese everyone wears. And of course because the characters are wearing more clothes it makes the thought ot taking them off much sexier. I've written one set in the 1820s but I got my historical facts a bit wrong. Are we allowed to link to them here? It's had both good and bad feedback but I don't reckon it's very good. I've written it in the style of a novel of that era, which are very straightforward. What you see is what you get! The next one I will write will be in 21st century prose I think, although hopefully another historical one.

I still love the idea of a story set in New Orleans or Chicago with jazz and blues surroundings... :)

19th Century stuff would be cool too. :)

I just bought the Hornblower BBC series on DVD. :D Now there's also a story to nick and turn erotic...(heck, I'd sleep with Ioan Gruffudd any day...)

What else? Oh yeah, I have a thing for mythology so Greek, Roman and Egyptian mythology in an erotic setting would be great. I wish I could write that stuff! I remember finding Anne Rice's "The Mummy: Ramses the Damned" erotic in its places. Her book "Cry to Heaven" is quite erotic too and is set in 17-18th Century Italy about Castrati singers. Great book!

What about Sharpe's Company? He was battling those baddies in his sexy uniform and at night climbed through his lover's window and would shag her brains out.

That would be good!
Sharp would make a good idea for an erotic session also the British rule of India might work.

Or what about this as an idea.

Say in the film Zulu in the hospital they had some native girls instead of injured and it was there screams that brought on the Zulu uprising nothing else