hmmph an tester

thats why you have to have the skills! and if the computer could payuse it, then fine... but i guess it can click through that and make it's decitions much faster.... okay, you win this round. be i still emphisize the skill factor.

like in RA2, fancy myself to be excelent at that game, beating it was easy, i can rake on 4 or 5 enemies at once, at the hardest setting, Brutal, and still win, but thats not impressive, whats impressive is my frien kevan, he blows my mind! he takes 3 and 4 on ones, and we are all the eqivelant of 4 or 5 computer okayers. and he wins! but lately, one other guy as good as my and myself can beat him, i;ve gottin him twice on my own. proud of that.

never mind how many times he's brutally slaughered me mono a mono.

i'm still the king at Bond!
*smirks and kneels down in front of Arc*

kevan, we call him, "freaky good" "spooky good" "frighteningly good" all that nice stuff
oh? and RA and balders gate, and those like it, AOE, and and such, and bond, and the games like it, like Half Life, and Oni. damn Oni is a good game. and diablo? and the classic RPG's??

tell me Cibo, whats a good game?
hey cibo the bimbo!

It sounds like the only person who dosent know good games is you street fighter boy!I hate akuma!
no i not saying that i hate street fighter i hate akuma and i hate people that says i have no taste in games!
Khadgar said:
*smirks and kneels down in front of Arc*

*double checks which message board she on before asking for anything from Khagdar*

Darn wrong board ...

*place the tiny crown on Khadgar's head & proclaim him the King of Bond-age*

*hides behind Crysede*
what do you mean i cant hate cibo!?!i can hate him alllllll i want!!!!
*long suffering sigh* Ok, ok, I can see I'm going to have to prove it to you...

*picking up a voluminous dust covered tome, its embossed leather binding still bearing faint gold lettering: 'On Matters Literotica,' carefully leafing through the parchment-like pages*

Let's see,...ok, here it is! Declaration 304 (under the special-veto amendment) subsection g, item ixx, paragraph 2739:

Furthermore, it is hereby solemnly decreed that the one known as crysede shall be granted the power of veto in all matters concerning the hatred of persons, vis, that of one person for another.

I veto hating Cibo, so there :p
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bull f-ing s***!!!

i dont belive one word u said!

hmmmph just a tester bialogs say:dont mess with the owner hybirdx what so evar!so there nah!!!!!!!
*smirks* trying to tell me something Arc? *laughs* you keep hiding behind Crysede!

in the book of me, chapter who cares passage doesn't matter, and i quote.

"stop bickering you two"
hybirdx said:
no i not saying that i hate street fighter i hate akuma and i hate people that says i have no taste in games! you've had this problem before...
hybirdx said:
sorry you got it wrong i mean some people who plays the game!I love those game rpgs woldent excist unless shf was known!!!

no, final fantasy pre-dated shining force as did Dragon Warrior, Ultima, etc. Diablo and Baulders gate are stale.
thats a laugh PM. Diablo and BG came out WAY after SF

you ARE right. those games did come out before SF, but SF was one of the first to do a game of its kind.
No I know that, I just think Diablo and Baulder's gate are a big lot of nothing. I don't even think shining force sold that well, it debuted when Genesis was just getting less popular I think.
How much of an impact could a game have made if no one played it? I've played a few great games that never caught on. Skulljagger comes to mind, the first Strider on NES I dont' think was popular. Used to think Castlevania and Metroid were popular but when I brought up the idea of a thread no one had played them before.
I wonder why I wrote that I was hiding behind Ceyede??

Okies you guys call all laugh at this one ...

The first rpg game I played was Harvest Moon SNES!! The only farming RPG out there!!!

Heck I like all kind of games. I mostly play Adventure/Action, Puzzle, RPG, & Shooters. Games are a matter of opinion.

I really like this game called Dragon Riders of Pern (PC/DC) but everyone that has tried it thinks it sucks. One of me friends got frustrated after 5 minutes, cos she could not find the brush to give the dragon a body srcatch. I guess its cos I love the book alot & knew what I had to do so I stuck it out. :D


I luv Castlevania! I have the 2 that came out for the playstation. Sym of the Night & Chronicales. Plus the ones for the GBA. Metriod I have heard of ... side scroller right. Never played it though.
i've got castlevania for my sega emu. it's alright.

no, you are right. SF did NOT sell well. but anyone i've talked to who played it, loved it. and i'm hoping for a god damned comeback

in newer news, get the demo for Dungeon Seige.

it's a new game and the graphics are amazing! the actuall game is pretty good too. i like it. i'll get a link to the DL site soon.
I never played SF but alot of the sega saturn rpg, I wanted to play. My friend had one. I never had a Sega system till DC.

I have Dungeon Siege. Its great. Just got Morrowwind but haven't installed it yet.
PmTick said:
No I know that, I just think Diablo and Baulder's gate are a big lot of nothing. I don't even think shining force sold that well, it debuted when Genesis was just getting less popular I think.

*horrified gasp* Bite your tongue evil man! Baldur's Gate nothing?! Sure Baldur's Gate II is better, but I was very cool! And I don't know if I should even be seen with someone who'd malign Diablo, you'd just better not make any snarky remarks about Diablo II or I'll, I'll,...well I'll come up with something and you won't like it!!
Diablo II? more like Diablows (tee hee) Same old song and dance, find this, kill this, repeat but now on a bigger scale.