How did you end up at literotica?

Around 2010 ish I was in a dead and sexless marriage. So I found the stories to be pretty arousing.

I got divorced and forgot about literotica.

Then I found the forum. Lurked for many years before joining. My wife is on here too (although we did not meet here).
My other site we used to post on Voyeurweb went sucks now. Started reading stories eventually tried the chat rooms where no one says a word then over to this part
Googled some words out of boredom. Found a page that did not contain any of them (so much for Google being the best...) but that did include somebody mentioning Literotica. Normally I'd not follow such a link, but the name stuck out, as it suggested better than the typical/average low quality porn writing. Read a few stories plus a few forum posts and decided to stick around. Started commenting on the forums within days of discovering the site, as I have written several (semi-)autobiographical stories before (albeit mostly unpublished) and have several ideas for more on my todo list.