How did you end up at literotica?

I took a wrong turn somewhere, now I can't get out.
I was about 8 cars back, waiting for the light to change at the corner of Pervert St. and Degenerate Rd. and decided to try this alley...
Funny enough, I realized that I may not be satisfying my wife properly in bed. Oh the Horror!

We had a long long hiatus from sex and we were starting get back into the swing of things.

I thought if I could improve my techniques in certain areas that I would insure not only a successful reboot of our sex life, but also carve out enduring chapters into the future.

To that end, I was googling how to properly eat a pussy and how to make a woman squirt. Literotica popped up in the search results and here I/we are. She has her own account now. :)

I have written one story, and will - at some point - write some more. :)
I love the forums too!
I found the stories first...and one of them mentioned the Forum in the story (It was an Erotic Coupling story based on a meet-up setup through the forums).

I was like...what is that???

Then I lurked here for a while, mostly in AmPics and the PG.

Eventually I started posting. And I even like some of y'all pervs.

8 or so years and three names later...I'm still here. And the stories are mostly an afterthought. :rolleyes:
I started reading erotica on a different site but for some reason they took down the stories section. So i tried to find some other site where i could read erotica and ended up here.
It was on long ago i honestly forget. Its been a real job beig here for as long as i have been. Lit has so many Nooks and Krannies.
Started off reading masturbation stories on another site then stumbled across lit and have been here ever since.
Stumbled, browsed and then discovered the forums , lurked a while and then started posting (i cant remember the last time i read a story)
I was bored and horny, so I searched 'erotic stories'. I didn't want to go to a porn picture or video site because I wasn't home alone. Lit was a top hit and I read stories for years before venturing onto the forums.
I was young man then looking for erotic stories. Now almost 23 years later I'm still. Just not as active.
Myself and a certain lady got too flirty on the sexinfo101 forum (a serious sexual information site) and got firmly told to stop.
We opted to jump ship and she had found pixies-place (like a much smaller Lit) and finally she found Lit.
Good times!!