How great is katiebarthedoor? Read this

Spence99 said:
When katiebarthedoor plays baseball he hits a homerun every time by roundhouse kicking the baseball. He then procedes to fuck all the girls in the stadium.
Babe Ruth would give him a run for his money on that one.
Johnny_Ray_Wilson said:
Babe Ruth would give him a run for his money on that one.

Babe Ruth wanted to drink with katiebarthedoor. katiebarthedoor said: "no amateurs."
Barry Bonds took steroids not to hit the most homeruns, but because he wanted to look just like katiebarthedoor.
katiebarthedoor counted to infinity - twice.

katiebarthedoor ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one.
One for the road.

When katiebarthedoor had surgery, the anesthesia was applied to the doctors.
Gee, after reading all this

I was sure I would find MY NAME, BUSYBODY

plastered all over

You DO know

EVERYTHING this peon Katie is known for


dont ya :rolleyes:

First there WAS and IS


When katiebarthedoor and busybody go out to pick up chicks. Universes 100 million light years away explode. That's how hot they are together.
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Spence99 said:
When katiebarthedoor and busybody go out to pick up chicks. Universes 100 million light years explode. That's how hot they are together.
weak! :D
Spence99 said:
Yes, I'm obsessed with katiebarthedoor. I want to have a million of his babies.
but katiebarthedoors uterus is was forged in iron, and spews forth bloodthirsty armies in one sitting.
Redneck_Cowboy said:
You have led a sheltered life it seems. :rolleyes:
I am right.
and completely in love with the most amazing man ever.

girl, don't get jealous now.