How Much "Fantasy" Do You Use?

I took that simply as a phrase contrasting absurdity in plot with absurdity in sex scenes. The OP's initial thought was about how some writers add contrivances to their plots to facilitate more of the sex they want; TWG was asking, I thought, about how that differed from adding contrivances to the sex scenes specifically to get more of them.

I don't know why it's different, but I do react differently to them. For example, let's take a story about an average guy -- has a decent job, good dude, responsible, all that stuff, but basically a young man who behaves like a typical normal young man. And he has a girlfriend who he has sex with all the time. In that story, it's going to bother me way more when his girlfriend starts pimping him out to her sisters than it does when he turns out to be able to orgasm four times a night, every night for weeks on end, even though the end result is just that the writer gets to do more vanilla-y MF sex scenes.

I'm sure on an Earth with one billion people, much less eight, there's a girl who's going to let her boyfriend have sex with her sisters, and I'm sure there's a guy who can have four giant facial-tastic orgasms every day between 6PM and midnight. But the first one showing up is going to seem like a silly plot twist to me and the second just kinda the cost of doing business in erotica.
Some of what I write is based on fantasy.. Some stories I've written are based on acts of sex I've done IRL.
I've been in threesomes, but not mmf, but I want to be in a mmf so writing about it excites me.
Sometimes the imagination is all you have. This was especially true in the early days of publising the following is from the May 1936 issue of the pulp magazine, "The Spider.". They don't write them like this any more! A yellow peril novel. that could only have been written in the 1930s, an Asian baddie called the Dragon is abducting, young white American women to spirit them to the Orient to live lives of white slaves combined with breeding stock. There is a TON of racism in this novel. Remembering the times it was written in however, goes a long way towards enjoying it and I did. At one point the Chinese kidnap Nita van Sloan, the Spider's main squeeze and chestnut-haired najor babe. Note how Norvell Page writes around the censorship of his day and informs the astute reader that Nita was strip searched without mentioning a single garment coming off.

“Nita smiled faintly at the impossibility of such a feat. She had passed through the double fences now, men with whips beating back the dogs as she crossed, and was thrust into one of the barracks. She was searched there with a thoroughness that brought the shamed blood hot to her cheeks, then allowed to walk untended ito the dormitory”
Sometimes less is MORE!