I am that person who…

IATP who goes batshit crazy when someone tries to coerce me to do something that is beyond my comfort zone. :)
I am that person who always adjusts her bra strap when I get anxious in a conversation.
IATPW is outspoken and honest with people even when they don’t want it but I am also the person that will keep a secret forever (even if it is detrimental to me) if telling it would hurt someone.
IATPW is happy when you are happy and who cries with you when you cry. I might be hiding in shadows, but I am always there if you need me.
I am that person who needs lots of reassuring. If I tell you something and you don't answear to me soon, I immediately feel that I said something wrong, said too much or not enough and I seriously wish I didn't say anything at all in a first place.
IATPW is so enthusiastic about my interest in dinosaurs I’m on several Facebook groups on the subject and always tries to sneak them into (non-Dino) conversations.