I cannot confirm or deny that...

I cannot confirm or deny that if you get caught masturbating on your period, you’ve literally been caught red handed.

It would be rather grand if you do not spam this thread with insipid posting, as it is customary with you.

You have opened up two or three "thinking" threads of your own, have you not? Your shower thoughts will be much more appreciated there.
I cannot confirm or deny that every time I see the word 'litster', I think of Anne Lister and what an absolute badass lesbian icon she was.
I cannot confirm or deny that one of the most irritating things is videogame video tutorials and the lack of good, old-fashioned written walkthroughs.
I cannot confirm or deny that I now know how to get rid of irritants from a thread.
I cannot confirm or deny having resorted to hexing because murder is apparently frowned upon.
I cannot confirm or deny that a punching bag is the best confidant a lass can have.
I cannot confirm or deny that I get so confused whether I should wear a mask or not when going into a bank.
I cannot confirm or deny that I get so confused whether I should wear a mask or not when going into a bank.

I cannot confirm or deny that I like to pretend I am masking myself up in shops and banks for exactly the old reasons.
I cannot confirm or deny that I may have been drinking good whiskey into the early hours of the morning.
I cannot confirm or deny that the profile issue is a tad thorny one.
I cannot confirm or deny the probability of going on a thread hunt, with a hint of necromancy attached to it.
I cannot confirm or deny that, for the first time, I have ventured outside of The Playground.
I cannot confirm or deny that the new format of this website is vastly superior to the old. OK. I deny it.
I cannot confirm or deny that I have an involuntary tendency to attract unsavoury, creeper-type characters.
I cannot confirm or deny that this thread fell to page 10. Not on my watch, dammit!
I cannot confirm or deny that if you say the secret word, the duck will come down and give you a hundred dollars.