I cannot confirm or deny that...

I cannot confirm or deny that if two people had flaccid penis fetishes, they would get turned on by each other’s flaccidness and gain erections, but then get turned off and lose their erections, and the cycle would continue.
I cannot confirm or deny that whoever thought a worm in an apple would make a cute cartoon school clip art image has probably never eaten an apple and found a worm in it.
I cannot confirm or deny that I'm running behind schedule today because I expected to be on my 3rd or 4th orgasm by now but with Lit shut down all morning I'm going to have to hope for a couple of multiple O's now. :)
I cannot confirm or deny that I still find that post kind of hurtful (not yours, BFG)
I cannot confirm or deny that most people who watch extreme rough porn would never be comfortable acting out that porn in real life.
I cannot confirm or deny that when a woman has a bigger cock than a guy, the guy gets humiliated. When a guy has bigger breasts than a woman, then again the guy gets humiliated.
I cannot confirm or deny that the internet didn't make people dumber, the internet just allowed them to reach out more
I cannot confirm or deny that people who prefer crunchy peanut butter will tolerate creamy, people who prefer creamy peanut butter will refuse to was crunchy.
I cannot confirm or deny that chances of fucking someone who you masturbate to are more than dying of a meteor strike
I cannot confirm or deny that when sperm is drunk out of a glass , it's disgusting, but if it's drunk out of a urinating organ, it's not.
I cannot confirm or deny that it’s a pity when men gain weight none of it goes to their dicks.
I cannot confirm or deny that a lot of people have probably tickled a dead person thinking they were faking.