I cannot confirm or deny that...

I cannot confirm or deny that most of the problems in life are because of two reasons: We act without thinking, or we keep thinking without acting.
I cannot confirm or deny that I met the next Litster at a Scooby Doo convention while I was dressed as Shaggy and they were dressed as Daphne.
I cannot confirm or deny I look nice as a redhead, but definitely not in Daphne's tone.
I cannot confirm or deny that diamonds are a girl's best friend. However, I can definitely confirm they are made of carbon, which also is present in carbohydrates, thus making carbs the cheap, ever-present, non-judgmental, best friend any girl could have.
I cannot confirm nor deny that I once was the, "stunt double" for an ex-fuck buddy who needed to use my computer camera to show her hew online man how she'd go down on him...
I cannot confirm or deny that I'd be a fantastic villain. Plus, villains have the best wardrobes.
I cannot confirm or deny that men probably invented ‘ladies first’ just so we could walk behind them up stairs while wearing a skirt or dress.
Just can't help myself

I cannot confirm or deny that men probably invented ‘ladies first’ just so we could walk behind them up stairs while wearing a skirt or dress.

Well, no. While I've sometimes said, "Ladies first," I've never worn a skirt or dress, even while climbing stairs. Especially when climbing stairs.

(And don't judge me. You'd have taken the shot too if you'd ever graded an English paper.)
I cannot confirm or deny that I am peeling out of my clothes right now to get in the shower shortly with some very, very naughty thoughts runnng thru my head! * :heart:
I cannot confirm or deny that an internet browser extension that removes all content to do with the Kardashians would be very popular.
I cannot confirm or deny that I had salted date caramel in the fridge, 'had' being the operative word.
I cannot confirm or deny that somewhere took the biggest dump in history and I will never know who it was.
I cannot confirm or deny that I hate burpees with a passion. I'll do them, but I hate them. What kind of a cracked up designation is that too, anyway?