IC: D&D The Forests of Greenfawn

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So many things going on at once, Mab's barely had time to register the smell of fried 'puss' before that paladin started screaming again. With a sigh she took one last puff of the pipe and slipped off the railing. She raised one foot off the ground and tapped the pipe against it, knocking out the remaining contents of the pipe and stomping any embers out. The cries of sea trolls and battle seemed to phase the halfling little, even as she pulled the cowl of her cloak up and over her head and headed for the stairs leading into the ships hull. She slipped into the shadows without much of a fuss, easily blending into her surroundings and simply waiting to see what transpired. Mabs wasn't a fool, and something as big and nasty as a troll wasn't her idea of fun. Let the big strapping men beat them with their phallic-like weapons...that's what they were good for anyway.

(Hide - +19 Hide mod. + 15 on the die = 34 hide check)
-Soren Ran to the scared group of people un able to fight as Soren jumped on a Crate and yelled out-

[Diplomacy Roll 15+8=23]

-He leaped off the crate and began to walk to the door as he opens it he held it open-"LETS GO"
Celest Dryadson and Lynn Dryadson

IC: Lynn: I moved up the stairs. The excitement was immediately apparent despite the thick mist. I took a quick look around. [7+16= 23 spot.] Seeing trolls on turtle back I search my memory for helpful information [10+18=28 knowledge nature.] Scrags, they don't heal like normal trolls.

"Sea trolls only can heal in water. If you fell one keep it on the ship less the fight begins anew!" [I have a monster manual next to me :cattail: Hope you don't mind. Water trolls regenerate when mostly in water, and so not even acid or fire skip it, but you get them on land and they might as well not have regeneration.]

I'm no match for a troll in Melee, let me make this fog work for me. As silently and quickly as I could I began to climb the mast. I will snipe them as they reach the ship. [7+ 12 = 29 hide] [1+12 =13 move silently] [3+14= 17 climb]


IC: Celest: "Cedar attack!" I pointed at the shaman off in the distance. [Cedar's spot 14+4 =18, AC17 attack +5, damage 1d4-2] At that my animal companion was off disrupting the spell.

"What a day to prepare charm animal over produce flame." I was reasonably confident I'd be summoning nature's allies with that spell slot. I drew my scimitar and readied my shield. I wasn't the best of fighters but I wasn't a push over either.
Drawing the passengers and non-fighters into the depth of the ship's cargo the socrer managed to get everybody to safety as the sound of troll claw's touching ironwood planks, though the ironwood was just scratched as it was, as the name said, iron hard.

OOC: Soren gains 200 xp for getting the passengers to safety.

The ex-paladin drew his blade and turned towards one of the sailors preparign for battle and shouted. "Bring a barrel of grease!" The sailor ran off and was soon coming with a big barrel rolling down the ironwood floor of the bridge towards the Ex-Paladin, the captain of the ship had gotten to one of the large sideway ballistas on the ship and took aim at the large tortose before firing a large spear of wood from the massive crossbow, which splittered against the thick shell of the tortoise but seriously injured the trolsl as the splitter pierced their thick hides like a shower of arrows, disrubting the shman's spell, and the mist began to clear up.

Taking the barrel the paladi nsmashed it open and then pushed his sword into the grease and it soo nbegan to boil hot, bubbling madly as the holy weapon poured its holy flames into it. "It will take a minute, be ready though, those trolls are to be killed before they can return to the ocean, I don't want to fight them more then we have to." He spoke as he heated up the grease, preparing for the two trolls climbing up the side of the ship.
“You will rot at the ocean's floor!” Alaster screams as the trolls make it on board. His eyes have a look of fury and he knows he won't stop until their dead and dismembered.

I make an intimidating strike on the first troll he can reach. Attack roll 16+8-2 for istrike=22
If this hits I make an intimidate check. 13+14+2=29 success shakens it until end of combat
Damage 11 + 4 acid + 5 fire + chaos effect

The blade sinks into the trolls arm and Alaster lets loose a primal scream before surronding the creature briefly with a purple arcane energy hopefully cursing the creature. (DC 16 will save)

“You will hurt no one here!”
It was just some idiots with an octopus, Xela hated calamari, she shook her head and was about to go back down below deck when the paladin called out that trolls were coming, wasn't exactly the best thing to happen to her, what with being unarmed and unarmoured from the waist up. she raced to the side of the boat, peering out in to the fog to see if she had time to get ready.

(spot check: 14+3=17)
(knowledge check: 20+4=24 (oh yeah, natural twenty))

She gritted her teeth, there were a few of the bastards, but at least the elven girl had a point, scrags couldn't do their fancy healing trick out of water, and they were slower on land, so at least that would help with her getting her things in time, something she didn't waste any more time doing. She bolted to the stairs down, practically leaping them on her way to the cabin boy with her armor, to his credit, even with what was going on, he was still polishing.

"You, stop polishing ya daft idiot! we're under attack!" she stomped over "now help me get this stuff on if you intend to live"

(don breastplate hastily, with assistance, that's five rounds, right?)
OOC: considering the fact that you have a whipped cabin boy helping you putting it on, make it one round.


Pulling out his blade from the grease the former holy warrior hefted up the barrel and threw it at the seatroll as it was getting up from the edge of the boat, a second sea troll steadily climbing up to the right of the other sea troll, their thick hands hefting heavy war hammers. Then the barrel shattered against the wooden floor just as the troll stepped down and it found itself unbalanced on a wooden floor covered with burning hot grease. It screamed in pain as it lost its balance and rolled around in the burning hot grease, the other troll followed second as it too lost balance and fell onto the burning grease.

Rolling Damage From Red Hot Grease(3d6 Fire Damage, for each troll, for two roundss): 4+6+6= 16, 3+6+3=12

The hexblade pierces the troll's thick hide and it is wounded by the magical blade, deeply, and as the troll is wounded further but the cursed swordsman a large flower began to grown out of the troll's wound, it seemed to be leeching up the blood in its body, growing larger by the minutes.

OOC: Personally had I thought that the trolls would have remained standing but they got a 1 on their balance rolls. Avoid the grease people, it will disappear in two rounds.

I want your Hexblade to roll Reflex Save to avoid the hot grease Erlind. DC: 14
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Rolled a 1 and I add 1 so that's a 2 for my reflex save. Also, can I tell if my stuff worked?
OOC: If you roll a 1 then that's a critical fail, you take damage from the hot grease on the floor as you are not quick enough to get away. and you are temporary too much in pain to keep yourself from attacking for one round, but if you got boots then you will not be pained for the next round.

Rolling 3d6 fire damage: 1+2+5=8 damage
-Soren looked and once inside he ran to the bottom of the steps his Staff inhand and his other hand out he aims for the door if any thing came down he would use the 5 magic missle he had left for today to use them in battle and then melee it but he had no chance for that still he would try-
Celest Dryadson and Lynn Dryadson

OOC: Is every one on the same ship?

IC: Celest: Seeing the arrow strike the shaman and his spell disrupted, I acted fast. "Cedar return." I called to my hawk. Our Deck was fire now, but iron wood doesn't burn well and water logged iron wood not at all. I waited for the fire to dissipate making my way to the slippery passenger. I'd heal him if he lives.

IC: Lynn: The ship was lit ablaze. "Well that is odd." I looked down and spotted the two trolls jumping aboard. "God where is Celest. She should be up here fighting." I let loose two arrows quickly at one troll [ 5+16 = 21 damage 7 + 3 cold, second arrow 1. Damage 10 + 2 cold.]
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OOC: Yes. And it was a ballista boltn ot an arrow, as ballistas are more like crossbows then bows.

Putting his hand on the shoulder of the warrior who had wounded the troll Charles let holy light florish through his hand and into his body, healing him of the burning grease that had nearly fried his feet. "Sorry about the grease, I had little time to act or the troll would have had a chance to dodge it."

The first arrow split the left shoulder of the troll shaman and he screamed in pain and was unable to continue his chant, clutching his wounds whiel hisu dnerlings werep ulling out the splitters of the giant bolt that had exploded agaisnt their tortoise's hard shell. The mist was cleared up and soon enough were the ballistas of the ships firing at the tortoise, while sound of battles were heard on the ships, spells being cast and trolls, passengers or crewmembers screaming in either pain or thriumph.

Trying to stand up the two trolls only managed to fall down onto the boiling grease, and kept screaming, their skin looking burned brown from the heat.

Fire Damage From Grease on Both Seatrolls 5+3+6=14, 3+5+5=13
-Dark lit only by a candle or a few in the ship below the people softly cried or cowered then a few people were hungry he had 48 or so rations on him he bit his lip there was about 40 with him here in the ship below and turned-"FI you are hungry i will give you each a Ration but please be brave this will be over hopefully soon"-he said and as his courage grew he left the stairs and handed each passanger a Ration-[lost 40 rations] -Dam him for being light hearted in time of need normally he wasnt so open he was quite shy but in some points when he was scared or in trouble or when others needed help he would rise to the occasion he walked to the stairs and herd screams above the people had started to eat and he felt hungry him self the fish began to leave his stomach but after this battle if there was a next time he would eat then-
The efforts of Xela and the cabin boy paid off, getting her in to her armor and ready to go in the blink of an eye, she smirked, pushing the boy back on to her hammock before grabbing her massive blade and wading through all of the noncombatants to make it back up on to the deck, clearly she had missed a few things, nothing was on fire when she left, but she didn't intend to let that stop her from messing a troll or two up, when you have a weapon as big as hers you don't have to go near the burning things.

(attack roll(2 handed)= 15+8, damage roll (5+6+5+4(fire)=20)
OOC: You hadn't needed to use your own rations, there's plenty of food and water bellow deck, though rationed to keep everybody onboard feed.

The blade of the tiefling sorared through the air and split into the glesh of the agonizing troll on the floor, her blade piercing his thick hide, spilling blood onto the grease covered wooden bridge, making it cry out in pain. Out at the other ships had four ships already killed their troll attackers, while the other five had only one troll remaining. And the shaman was wounded, his two guards dead, and the tortoise had two large ballista bolts in its thick neck and one in its left fin.

The flower growing out of the troll's wound suddenyl entangled the entire ogre as the tiefling's blade cut into its hide and as its roots burrowed into its veins the troll soon fell limp to the ground, dead to the world, a beautiful purple and crimson colored flower blooming from tis carcass, spreading its pollen into the air. While the other troll still remained agonized and in pain ,thoguh the grease was nearly all gone.

OOC: 1000 xp to everybody for killing Sea Troll Raider, 200 xp extra to Alaster and Xela for dealing the death blow, Xela's blow giving the plant a faster blood suction rate. Though i had hoped to drag it otu a bit that Chaos Effect had been a sort of summoning spel lthat created a vampiric flower in the troll's blood stream, sucking out 50% of the creature's blood, 40% if large sized, removing one third of the creature's current hp every turn. If the creature is wounded by piercing or slash then the plant's speed rate of sucking blood will double to 2 times per turn. Frankly, you were lucky to get that effect, one number up or down on my roll and you would have gotten, Drown or Sleep.
OOC:Sorry i didnt know it was in the same place usually ships this big have two under deck storages passanger and supply i didnt know if we were with food sorry i should of asked-
Lynn Dryadson

IC: Luckily the trolls hadn't spotted me up in the crows nest. The paladin, a giant, and another knight were fighting the trolls, leaving one left on this ship. I worried again for my sister, was she on another ship? Had something happened to her on this ship? I didn't have time to worry as I rapidly shot off another two arrows.

[5+3 = 8 attack 1, 5 + 16 =21 attack 2. damage 9+ 7 cold]
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-He bit his Lip Soren thought about the battle how feirce it must be he gulped yeah he was nervious and he was scared i mean sure if he was the last line of deffence or he had to fight he would be alone essentially"
(Knowledge check: 7+4= 11, that's enough to have heard of things like the crazy blood flower, right?)

Xela smiled gleefully as the Troll fell dead, a wicked look in her eyes, she enjoyed that part just a little too much, even with a massive blood sucking flower bursting from the wound and denying her the fully gory display her eyes twinkled in the same way a pyromaniac would look at a wooden hay cart in a garden and sitting next to a brewery. she took a quick glance around the boat, taking gin the scene, but she didn't bother with the rest of the fleet, nothing would change what she would do if the rest of the ships had sunk and their attackers were turning around to go for them next.

She quickly repositioned herself to get in place to attack the second troll, she assumed that there was a caster somewhere that pulled that little flower trick, and wanted to take the next troll down before they decided to help again, she might have been ready and willing to fight whatever may have been coming if there was a second wave, but she wasn't stupid, if there was an army coming, the casters would need as much power as they had, if only to heal her after she did all the work.

(Attack Roll: 13+8=21, Damage Roll: 11+5+4fire=20)
Last Fire Damage of Boiling Grease: 6+4+6=16

Critical Attack! 19-20/x2, means Regular Attack Rolls + 20x2 and Damage Bonus x2

Rolling For Critical Damage: 10+5+8+40+16=79

Moving towards the trol as it rolled in agony the Paladin charged, his blade ablaze and roared out as he charged, the grease on the wood dissolved, leaving the troll rolling around, covered in burns. And the two blades split into the troll's thick hide, making it screech in agony as it flails on the ground, but then it moves up from the ground and tries to smash the woman away with its thick ironwood club.

Total Troll Attack Roll: 18

Damage from Giant Ironwood Club: 17
(AC 20, 10 base, 7 armor, 3 dex)

Xela was quick to get the massive weight of her sword up in time to block the hefty ironwood club, she stopped it, but she felt the kind of dammage it could do if she was any slower next time, she did not want that. she scowled as she shifted her footing and twirled around with the strike, she had planned to go for a beheading with her second swing, but she couldnt be sure she wouldnt hack their benefactor as well, so she settled for another overhead strike. as she came arond, the massive slab of sharpened metal comming over her shoulder and striking down yet again on to the beasts hide.

(attack roll: 15+8=23, Dammage roll: 8+8+5+5fire =26)
Celest Dryadson and Lynn Dryadson

Lynn: As the troll was flanked, I stopped shooting. My aim wasn't precise enough to hit a troll in melee with to allies. I would need to work on my aim in the future.

Celest: I had seen arrows rain down on the trolls with all the accuracy needed to make me feel embarrassed for my sister. I had stayed back ready to defend myself. I was not a warrior I was a healer and trail guide. My task would come after the battle, either healing here and helping find the way to Greenfawn on land.
-soren looked around the cabin below for anythign that coudl be of assistance-

[search Check for anything useful 11+5=16]
The tiefling's blade split the left arm off the troll's body, it scrambled up, its ironclub in its arm, trying to reach for the edge of the water to leap down and regenerate. "Oh no you don't!" The Paladin shouted as he leaped at the Troll's back, sword blazing and swung to decapicate the bluish green sea troll.



The troll screeched out in agony as the blade split its spine and it fell down onto the railing, not moving or falling into the water, dead as its body began to burn with the holy flames, all its equipment falling to the ironwood floor of the bridge as it turned into ashes, as it other brothers did. But the three trolls on the tortoise were still very much alive, their bodies lying bleeding but not dead, as they had not been killed with acid or fire, the tortoise was dead, a ballista bolt sticking out of its left eye, and it was floating there.

Swiping some sweat off his brow the paladin looked at the giant tortoise before he shouted. "Get grappling hooks and ropes! We shall get that tortoise and drag it with us to grenfawn, it will make an excellent supply of food! And burn those troll corpses on it! We cannot let them crawl to the waters and regenerate themselves!" Turning towards those who had aided in the defence agaisnt the seatrolls the paladin bowed his head in greeting and gratitude. "Thank you for helping with the defence of the ship, it would have been a real mess had those trolls gotten any further. Please, take whatever loot those trolls may have, and 1000 gold pieces for you madame, for decapicating the first troll." He then held out a bag of gold to the tiefling, half his face covered in dark green sea troll blood.

OOC: 1000 xp to everybody for defeating the last troll, 250 extra for Charles.

Soren's Searc: You spot a medium sized ballista, outfitted for launching large grappling hooks and harpoons, and some harpoons and large grappling hooks.
-Soren Ran over and Picked up a harpoon and loaded the Balissta as he stuffed it he aimed it for the ship and held the trigger aiming it-

[Roll for Accuracy if its a hit 13+3[balance]+4[Ranged attack][if it counts]=either 16 or 21

-Soren Fired it off hopeing to destory or kill something if anything at all hurt a troll feeling the Kick back on the Balissta-