IC: D&D The Forests of Greenfawn

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Looking up from his meal the paladin motioned for the pile of items. "Well there are several gems, magical items, a robe and coins. I have split up the coins for you, they lie divided, the rest of the items I am sure you can recognize as you have studied the arcane while I have meager knowledge in it."

OOC: No need to try to use knowledge arcana, the items are identified s oyou jsut have ot look through the mfor what you want and the share of gold, silver and copper for each person is: 400 gold, 353 silver and 76 copper.
-soren nodded the Ironwood staff and the siren Robe he smiled tot he paladin and bowed thanking him as he finished his food and water he sighed and went to his room to drop off his new items putting the robe of sirens on and keeping his original staff with him he walked out on the ship deck again staring in to the night he sighed this trip took a lot out of him i mean sure he has been stranded on the ship for two weeks but he was happy he at least wasnt traveling alone like usual he kept eyeing the same tiefling from earlier before the battle began he kept seeing her eyes they were peircing a bit he bit his lip and stoped a nervious habbit he had to stop he sighed looking out over the ocean the waters were dark the sky was dim and the smell of death and blood rang in the air with sea salt he sighed tryign to only take in the sea salt smell-
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OOC: erlind too kthe ring of regeneration, there are a pair of Troll Skin Boots though, they grants regenration, Ac, waterbreathing but halves your speed.
Lynn Dryadson

IC: Celest grabbed the pair of bracers and left the room to change her armor bracers included. I was confident and comfortable in my own, even though it was louder and heavier. Maybe my sister was right. I scooped up a bowl of turtle soup. "If no one wants the armor I'll take it. Other wise give me what ever is left and I'll be fine with it."

At that I sat down studding my new book. I hopped it had instructions for crafting bows and arrows as well. In any case it should prove an interesting read.

OOC: Drakkwall if you would PM exactly how the book works, I would appreciate it.
She had kept to the shadows and watched from there, it wasn't as if she was needed in this fight. Not that she would have been very good at slaying water trolls, she had enjoyed watching the fight nonetheless. She followed suit after the odd assortment of travelers, ending up at the table. The cowl of her cloak was drawn back revealing her beautiful features as she reached for a glass of wine.
Alaster turned to find a shapely halfling suddenly next to him taking a glass of wine. It was the same one who'd had the pipe earlier. "I was going to ask you if I could have a smoke from your pipe earlier or at least trade something for it," he told the beautiful halfling taking a bit of some of the turtle meat.
Mabs cast the man a curious glance as he spoke to her. She offered a light nod of her head before she reached into the folds of her cloak and produced a small bag containing a pipe and smoking tobacco.
"I saw you out there. Impressive display of skills, especially on a rocking boat. The pipe might be a bit small for a man of your stature," She flashed a rather alluring smile and a playful wink as she handed the small satchel towards him
Xela had the Cabin boy take her things back to by her hammock, he had to make two trips thanks to the massive sword, but he got it done in time to be back to serve Xela, getting her a bowl of the tortoise meat along with the biggest tankard of ale he could find and setting it down next to the Paladin, then sitting beside her with smaller portions of both, the necklace he had been paid with wrapped around his neck.

Xela ate with about as much womanly grace as a door, her sharp teeth biting of large chunks of the meat before she washed it down with copious amount of ale, once she was through the first tankard of ale she slowed down though, starting to listen to the conversations going on around her, eventually starting one up herself when she noticed the Paladin watering down his wine. "What was that?" she asked wit a look of confusion on her face "I'd punch a man out if he did that to my drink, why you doin it to your own?"
Alaster stared at her little body as he took the satchel. "Thank you, I left my tobacco behind by accident. I really really needed some." He took the pipe out and stuffed it and lit it. He'd only had a small bit of the meal, but he took a puff of the pipe. "Thank you."
Lynn Dryadson

IC: I heard the conversations going on but did my best to tune them out. This wasn't a quiet place but it was as good as any on this cramp ship. I was intent on finding out if anything could be made from troll blood and eyes or ashes. Sure it wouldn't do me good yet, but I was sure some one would of have brought a foundry with us and it would be quickly unpacked at our destination.
"That's unfortunate. Luckily I have more than enough to go around. Enjoy it;" Mabs commented as she leaned back in her chair, drawing her cloak back and revealing that small, but stunning figure. The black armor clung greedily to her ample swells of her chest, stopping just short and revealing her taut core concealed underneath a skintight black tunic. After watching the man for several puffs she reached out with her hand to take the pipe from him, only to take a few long draws of her own.

"The name's Mabsweet Crumbuckle. But you can call me Mabs."
"Mabs, it is truly a pleasure to meet you," I tell her as my eyes run over her body resting especially long on her little tits. "I'm Alaster Hayes, blade swinger and bringer of bad luck to my enemies." Alaster's cock twitched awake at the curves of the hot little halfling. "I didn't see you in the battle, what do you do?"
Chuckling a bit the former holy knight looked down at his wine. "I have never consumed pure alcohol before, I always mix water into it, an instruction I guess I came to be used to back when I was a paladin." Looking down at his drink he suddenly just wanted to down the freaking drink just to spit on his old life as a figure head for the mockery that had been the Order of Light. "...Gods I am not sure wether to drink it or throw it away..." He muttered to himself while rubbing his forehead, as he was stil lrather new to the whole No-Longer-A-Paladin thing.
Xela mirked as she repressed the urge to laugh "All that means is you have alot of catching up to do" she slipped the goblet of watered down wine from his hand and gulped it down in half a second, making a face of disgust before refilling the goblet from her own tankard "its time to start living a life of selfish headonism" she pressed the ale back in to his hand with a grin "drink up charlie boy" she raised her glass "to dead trolls!"
-Soren Looked to The sea sure it was nice now that the trolls were gone but the misty view made him frown a bit-"Traveling is always better on a Clearer Day"-his mind wondered its not that he didnt wan tto be with the people below its just he wasnt much of apeople person by nature he didnt hover around people much it was when he was hovered around an dgot to know them did he seem friendlier or around those terms during batle an dbuisness he was very interactive other then that he kept to him self most of the time-
[Roll for Spot check 19+8=27]

-Soren eyed th eArea carefully his mind bored and walked around on the ship just thinking but also checking the area of the deck of the ship-"the blood the troll bodies its just more then what im used to seeing all at once"
Chuckling Charles nodded and took a dep breathe before gulping down the strong alcohol and then coughed a bit afterwards. "That was strong, feels like sandpaper in my throat." He began to talk to the tiefling as he got used to the strong alcohol, talking about his past, what dangers he faced when he was a paladin, everything from goblins to young dragons, most of the dangers he had faced were paid by the Order of Light so they could keep up their farce appearance of goodness. After a while he was getting a bit tipsy... okay a bit slurry rather like it, having a hard time pronouncing his words correct, though he was doing good for a beginner in the art of drinking, as he had passed his sixth tankard. "And t'en t'at son of a b'tch stabb'd me in da ass, cut h's head th't's fer s're." He stated with a laughter, his arm over the tiefling's shoulders like they had been friends for years, laughing at his own misfortune and his enemies misfortune.

Meanwhile Soren was looking out at the mist, which was clearing out, revealing the open night sky, as the sun had set two hours ago. But as he looked out at the sea he could see a glimmer of some sort, like a guiding flame, yet the look outs had not seen it yet.
"Well met, Alaster;" She retorted, easily catching notice of how his eyes wandered blatantly over her tempting frame. She was use to such, if she were offended she wouldn't have worn such clothing. After all, Mabs knew how not to be seen, but that didn't mean she didn't know how to look good when she was seen. A coy smile drifted out over her lips as she canted her head to the side before she spoke.
"I was watching from afar. As you can tell...I am no fighter. And you seemed to have it well under control, as well as the paladin and that beastial woman. My talents are far more...subtle..." She finished her sentence slowly, leaving the true meaning of her words up in the air for the time being.
Alaster smiled at her words. She was likely a thief since she had disappeared so easily, it wasn't something he minded, but he'd have to keep his eye on her hands as well as the rest of her. "Subtlety, is very unappreciated, Mabs, but trust me, I understand the art."
-Soren looked out and spotted it he smiled at the sky and the Flame of sorts and yelled up to the look out-"HEY I SEE FLAME IN THE DISTANCE OF SORTA A LIGHT DO YOU SPOT IT ITS 40DEGREES FROM THE NORTH EAST SIDE"-he yelled up as he looked back up the stary night making him smile-
"Can't see anything sir! There's no flame anywhere in the skies!" Shouted the lookout, apparently the flame was not natural and only visible to Soren for some reason, then the flame began to twitch and turn until it flew away into the sky, and a pair of wings of fire could be seen flapping from its glowing light, whatever it had been it had been something unnatural, something that only Soren had been able to see, maybe an omen or a good fortune?

OOC: You fill find out what that light was soon enough. ;)
-Soren looked at it with intrest he bit his lip and nods to the look out as he sighed and sitting on a set of steps he looked at the Sky once more the image of what he just saw burning in his mind he sighed the ship moving nicely and the crew below this was interesting none the less he bit down on his finger to think as he held his index finger in place he wondered about the others below and the thing he just saw what was to happen-
Celest Dryadson

IC: It had taken some time to find a private area on the ship. The two of us didn't need private chambers and so we didn't take private chambers. But changing for a lady usually took a private chamber, but I managed.

I now wore the bracers and armor, in my hand was my old hide armor and on my back was my shield. In front of me was the spell caster standing out in the open looking slightly confused.

I tapped him slightly, "something going on kind sir?"
-Soren looked up and smiled a bit-"no just the trip has taken a lot out of me im not use to being on ships"-he said and looked to the female-"Im Soren Elf Scorcerer"-he said-"And your name Maiden"-he said as his eyes looked back to her eyes as well-
Celest Dryadson

IC: "Celest Dryadson, a wilderness guide." I smiled warmly. "Or maybe not this time. This time I am more of an expert or perhaps a scout. I've never been to Greenfawn. But here I am with a group trying to settle it."

I took out my whistle and blew on it once, softly. "Funny concept isn't it? People have been there. We have some maps. We know it is rich in resources. And we also know no one has ever managed to call it home for more then a few months. Such a valuable jewel and yet so dangerous." My hawk, Cedar, landed on my hand and I gave him a piece of turtle meat. "But still all of these people, all of us, think we can do better."

"But enough of me thinking out loud. What brings you out here."
-he looked-"Im a Traveling Scorcerer and i want to stop any evil in the land essentially"-he looked to her-"i am interested to i dont gather around people much if you like you can sit and look at the stars with me there quite nice"