If You Met The Litster Above You In a Dark Alley, WWYD?

Well, the little angel on my left shoulder is whispering something sweet and classy in my ear, but the little devil on my right shoulder is whispering something entirely different at the same time...Wait a sec...Oh damn!!!! The little devil just body slammed the angel and kicked him to the curb! Guess I know who I'll be listening to from now on....

Put the lampshade back over his head, slap him on the ass and send him on his merry way:)
Well, the little angel on my left shoulder is whispering something sweet and classy in my ear, but the little devil on my right shoulder is whispering something entirely different at the same time...Wait a sec...Oh damn!!!! The little devil just body slammed the angel and kicked him to the curb! Guess I know who I'll be listening to from now on....
Wedgie his ducky and hold him at fang point til I get at look at T's goodies :D