If You Met The Litster Above You In a Dark Alley, WWYD?

I'd ask him if his name starts with 'Cash' because he's rich. If yes, I'd rob him. If no....fuck it, I'll rob him anyway!
If he's shushing me, then I'm grabbing 2 metal trash can lids and banging the shit out of them while singing the Star-Spangled Banner at the top of my lungs.

Whip it out and finger them like there's no tomorrow.

Fidgit-spinner showdown.
I'd adjust her crown just a tad bit to the centre. There. Off you go on your merry way.
Lay my coat/cape/handy board over that bottomless puddle. It looks innocent but ...
Give him a roundhouse kick to the balls, Chuck Norris style. Let’s see him make it to the island now!