If You Met The Litster Above You In a Dark Alley, WWYD?

I dont think you'd understand Yorkshire.
Greet them politely;)

haha 2 of my friends have been to visit me from yorkshire twice. i do confess to askinf them to repeat themselves often.

buy him a beer at the pub out front since i was creepy and all
haha 2 of my friends have been to visit me from yorkshire twice. i do confess to askinf them to repeat themselves often.

buy him a beer at the pub out front since i was creepy and all

That's reeight kin' o' theur. sits 'n gets ta kna theur.
Yell “you may take my life, but you’ll never take my freedom!!!” in my best Mel Gibson accent.

Then run into the light. There is peace and serenity in the light.
Lets call them for takeout too. We can have a late night picnic while we wait!