If You Met The Litster Above You In a Dark Alley, WWYD?

Well seeing that it's past four in the morning I would suggest we grab some breakfast lol better than being in a dark alley :)
I thought I would be ok... before she revealed her cosmic weggie plan.

Ha! I get the boobie flash... and she finds a kilt and no weggibles
I'd encourage her to keep meeting FF just the same, and I'll film it!
give him some undies to wear, because he probably is bare assed again, and then wedgie him to within an inch of his life, bite him, butt slap, chinese burn and run off giggling!
give him some undies to wear, because he probably is bare assed again, and then wedgie him to within an inch of his life, bite him, butt slap, chinese burn and run off giggling!

I'd humbly decline her granny panties, not really my style. Then I'd escort her to VS for a style upgrade.