Is Only Fans morality the new normal?

I hesitate to use the word "morality" in the following because I don't want anyone to assume my mind, but in the last 70 years, the world has become much more open and liberal in general. Things people might have thought of as immoral in 1955, are very different than today. How many openly gay people did your parents/grandparents know back then? How many interracial couples did they know? I won't even ask about trans-folks.

I suggest that perhaps the Onlyfans morality or mentality is the new normal, simply due to the progression of society as a whole toward being more bold, accepting and inclusive.

Just imagine your parents face if they dropped by and noticed all the cars in your neighbors driveway.
"Yeah, they are a hotwife couple. He's probably brought a half dozen guys over to gangbang Loretta."

We're rapidly progressing to the point where even that is just another day in the suburbs.
It depends so very much on your own culture.

The Sistergirls of the Tiwi, openly trans, have been around for about 10,000 years - since the Tiwi first claimed the Tiwi Islands, now north of Darwin. It was only in the last fifty years that any opposition to them sprang up, mostly thanks to the Christian missions to the islands. (Though Sister Ann has always tried to protect them from it.)

There has been a lot of evidence that even when homosexuality was a crime, most of the lay people didn't think it should be.

I think we're just moving towards peeling away a layer of cultural nonsense towards what we had already embraced a very, very, long time ago.