Justa really wants an audio thread. Yeah, it will probably be Chaos.

You so misheard. I have a voice for monastacism
blah blah. I still maintain most people hate the sound of their recorded voice, it doesn't matter because no one actually cares, and if by some chance someone did care...well, who cares, just a stranger on a porn site.

However, I respect your no. I also choose to believe that some day a question will just speak to you so much, that you will be unable to resist.
I will try this soon although I too hate my voice and currently can't go more than a minute without a coughing jag.
thank you. I also kind of want to hear more about the outdoor anal fuck. I think there may be something amusing to that. story time?
Hahaha..... well it was during my teenage years of cruising up and down the main road in town and sitting in parking lots listening to music all night.

A 15 year old (me) and a 17 year old (her) thought it would be fun to sneak out of town to the county fairgrounds and try it.... She was bent over the tailgate of the truck and between being in a hurry and inexperienced and without lube, it just didn't work.... LMAO

It still makes me laugh though.
thanks for sharing 🥰

I forgot to add anal to mine, but I’d need someone very experienced I think.
Lots of partners of mine have always wanted to but I’ve chickened out 😂
Well if I am afraid I might chicken out on something, I go for alcohol. Intoxicated in me is a braver bitch than sober me
and for those that are scared to post...

I found having my work/gaming headset on made it feel a bit more like a work conference rather than call (which now that I say that, I have a new item to add)
that works... or maybe alcohol...see above.
Hey everyone. I saw @Justadesperatewifeandmom post about this on @Lindi37 's thread and I think it's such a cool idea!
I will be listening to everyone later when I get some free time. I'd also really like to post but it likely won't be until Tues cos we're on a 3 day weekend and my kid is like a frickin barnacle haha.
Yeah I have the same thoughts about the sound of my own voice but it seems less daunting than joining the Don't Stress thread (which incidentally is on my list) so I'm gonna give it a try and hope I don't mess up too much.
Is vocaroo the best app to use?
Well if I am afraid I might chicken out on something, I go for alcohol. Intoxicated in me is a braver bitch than sober me

that works... or maybe alcohol...see above.
yes, alcohol does reduce my "give a damn" but I still overthink and overanalyze

I have had multiple bartenders tell me they can't tell if I've been drinking even after 8 or 10 glasses of whiskey/tequila.
Hey everyone. I saw @Justadesperatewifeandmom post about this on @Lindi37 's thread and I think it's such a cool idea!
I will be listening to everyone later when I get some free time. I'd also really like to post but it likely won't be until Tues cos we're on a 3 day weekend and my kid is like a frickin barnacle haha.
Yeah I have the same thoughts about the sound of my own voice but it seems less daunting than joining the Don't Stress thread (which incidentally is on my list) so I'm gonna give it a try and hope I don't mess up too much.
Is vocaroo the best app to use?
looking forward to it. Vocaroo is the most popular. You can upload a sound file recorded on a native device app or just record in the browser. Requires no account to post or listen. Likely why it is the most popular.