Kim's poly/kink thread reinvented ...

Relationships are rarely easy. Being non-monogamous simply means you're in more than one relationship, which means more complexity, not less. Best of luck there, hope things settle in.
Did S go on the date?
Yes he did. There was no sex (and I pretty much believe him when he says that). Things were a bit weird for a week or so, really until I saw him, which was last weekend - I couldn't really get a handle on where things were at, which is always a bit stress-making for me. And I feel like I slipped into being a bit needy, which is never attractive. But I think we're back on an even keel now.
It's just being a bit tricky adjusting to the whole 'this is an actual thing' instead of just being pretty casual and non-committal. And it's also not got the insane intensity that other things have had ... which is a good thing, because that level of intensity is either not sustainable, or is totally crazy-making. Either way, definitely not healthy. I have to keep reminding myself that in *normal* relationships, it takes a while for people to get to know each other and for the shape of things to become clear.
This is such a fascinating thread. I’ve been following but just caught up. Thanks for sharing all of this, Kim