Lindi’s Lovely Little Lit Location

Off to bed for a few hours…. Happy whatever day it is…. And for our New Zealand friends happy new year I think. The time travel aspect of chatting with y’all is beyond me…. Lol
You gonna dress the part for me? 😍🥵
But in all seriousness, yes please ❤️
Of course!
Mwahahahaha 😘
Yes you are indeed :)

I were a bit over the place, during the 4 weeks we drove 4000 km and visited these places
Hobbiton (yeah I'm a big fan)
Lake Tarawera/Rotorua
Mount Tauhara
Franz Josef Glacier/Okarito

I recall a conversation I had with a airbnb host I had in Wellington, who asked me what my favorite part of the trip had been so far. I replied that so far I had loved it all, but above all the nature was amazing. And I still think so :)
Wow! What an incredible trip. I can say through that trip you probably drive through my current home and potentially my home town. That’s all I’ll say. I live in the better island 😈
It's been so good to see you posting again @lindi_85. You've certainly been missed around here. Your one old thread doesn't apply for me anymore either. I'm sure that doesn't come as a shock to you.🤦‍♀️
I hope that despite this you’re continuing to live your best life 🫂☺️. It’s been wonderful being back. I’m trying to limit my online time though as it becomes too much.
Good afternoon All.
Melting hot again for me today.
I met some aussies a few weeks ago who were wearing jackets 😱. I’d die of heat exhaustion over there. I prefer the 10-20 degrees range 🤣
Way too much positivity in here. I think we need a change.

Good afternoon all. May a thousand cats pee on you at once and all your favorite foods taste like cardboard.
Tsk tsk tsk, what ever will we do with you Taegul?
Of course!
Mwahahahaha 😘

Wow! What an incredible trip. I can say through that trip you probably drive through my current home and potentially my home town. That’s all I’ll say. I live in the better island 😈

I hope that despite this you’re continuing to live your best life 🫂☺️. It’s been wonderful being back. I’m trying to limit my online time though as it becomes too much.

I met some aussies a few weeks ago who were wearing jackets 😱. I’d die of heat exhaustion over there. I prefer the 10-20 degrees range 🤣

Tsk tsk tsk, what ever will we do with you Taegul?
We had 37° today….
Wow! What an incredible trip. I can say through that trip you probably drive through my current home and potentially my home town. That’s all I’ll say. I live in the better island 😈
I did love every day of the trip, even the one time we did get a bit lost 🤣 Of course I'm curious now, but I do understand why :p