Lit blog

I read a bitta Billy Collins last night. Wondering ...

What are you reading. Anything that just jumps off the page as it ignites into midair ... leaving a flood of nothing but good/hot/sad feelings?

Read anything that just touched you lately?

EriAliSaa said:
I have young children. Does rediscovering the wit of Seuss count?

Yes, Seuss counts. :D
Think he has inspired more than one generation eh ~ :rose:

Thank you EriAliSaa ~ and Welcome to the Lit. poetry boards.
Feel free to post, write and just have a bitta fun. Good have new blood
around these parts ...

scary morning

My daughter, the 17 year old, is a night owl like me. She has always enjoyed being up late and often stays up way past the time I finally get under the covers. SInce she graduated, the long night s have become longer and last night she was still up at daybreak. She turned off her light at about 5:30 am.

Less then ten minutes later, she was in my room, all red in the face and saying she could not breathe. I took her BP, it was 155/115 and her pulse was 90 bpm.

I told her to sit still, relax and I checked her again in five minutes, it was even higher so i called 911. I have never been so scared in my life. I had a feeling it was anxiety, but just to be safe, I asked her if she had taken anything, of course I knew better, but a mom just has to ask. She said no, I asked, energy drinks? strong coffee? sodas?

no mama, no, I cant breathe, she looked so scared it terrified me. Well, the ambulance arrived, her pulse had gone to 139 bpm and her BP even higher so they took her to the hospital, She had a chest xray, an ekg, some blood work... the doc said it was a severe panic attack and sent her home telling her to get regular sleep and not to stress so much over leaving for college in 13 days...

I know she has been worried, financing this venture has been hard on us because hubby has never been a saver and what I have saved, he squanders faster than I can find a better hiding place for an extra dollar. damn...I hat ethat she caries the stress around.

I was diagnosed with severe anxiety/ panic attacks 13 years ago and had the exact symptoms she went to the hospital with thismorning. I am on a beta blocker for my BP , doc had me on xanax for years and that is NOT a drug I can handle at all. I told her how to breathe through an attack, that she can conquer them when she learns to recognize one coming on. She is in bed now, in my bed, ac on high.

I guess Iw ill sleep on Sophies bed tonight. hubby still out of town. I wish I could make him realize how very much I hate being alone... ho much I need to feel a warm body next to me. Iw ant to love the man, but he has left me alone so much in our 24 years, I have to make myself think how it would feel to be alone, away from him, away from the expecting him to come home and treat me like his wife.

makes me wanna run off with the first person that asks me after Kris goes to 13 days :(

I miss her already and dont know how I will cope with truly being alone. My sister and I used to pick on each other, about which of us would be the old lady with the cats...I reckon its me...the cats are waiting on their bed...they are covers hogs too. Sophie and Nick, soft purring buddies, lol

damn. Its so quiet in here.
You know something Maria, I'd snuggle in beside her. Make the most of your 13 days together. If she wants her mum's bed then she wants you and your hugs and your smell and everything that is you, too.

wildsweetone said:
You know something Maria, I'd snuggle in beside her. Make the most of your 13 days together. If she wants her mum's bed then she wants you and your hugs and your smell and everything that is you, too.


I agree. Our children reach out in different ways. I think this is her way of comforting herself and you. They see everything Maria and just because things may not be said, they can feel them too ~

I wish you happiness. Sending you warm thoughts and hugs to both of you. Thinking ya'll need one right about now ...

:rose: :rose:
Maria2394 said:
damn. Its so quiet in here.

big hugs to you Maria, it is hard to watch our babies going through trouble....going away to college is a big transition, she is a strong girl and will pull through, and I agree with WSO, go snuggle :) nothing beats snuggling
thank you :)

WSO, rhyme fairy and annaswirls

for the kind words. I did go snuggle my littel birdie last night. She slept through the night and is still asleep with Nicki. Oh my poor baby :( for her sake iw ill be glad when moving day comes and she sees that everything will be okay and that she will have new friends and mom will always still be "there" for her.

I really just want to grab her hold her close and keep her here with me, but I have never been a mom that clung, that imposed my will on my girls. ( as far as their positive life choices were concerned) They have both always known that they have a choice in their lives and I am just here to help them.

ONe good t hing, her school is only about an hour and a half from here, so visiting will be easy.

Thanks so much to everyone who has sent messages and left notes, it is so wonderful to know you care. :rose:


so cold

We've got to release more CO_2 into atmosphere.

(No, your counter-propositions are not funny).
It was my sister's birthday today and I had champagne. Not a good idea, my stomach is going nuts (that and all the coffee, tart, etc)

But here's a picture of a cute kitty:


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Senna Jawa said:
We've got to release more CO_2 into atmosphere.

(No, your counter-propositions are not funny).

sufferinsuckertash, i bet mine would have been.


why on earth is it cold? that seems very odd considering the heat waves in the northern hemisphere. you're not here by me somewhere are you? nice to see you, wherever you are :)

to day

yesterday we got a late afternoon call from the last company we worked for. The job at the power plant in Georgetown, SC.

Our new job is at the power plant at Lake Murray, in Lexington,20 minutes from our home. It has one small boiler, tiny compared to te last place, and they had four powerhouses. There is a hydro electric dam, which was just fortified and the place is so weird looking now. a huge wall, straight up. I will takes some pics, i still havent had the others put on a disk yet.

we got up at 3 am, and drove 50 miles to Sumter to take a drug test, came back to town and went to work until 5:30 this afternoon

Well, we are working with a pipe crew now, installing bolt up pipes today, Phlanges and 8 inch pipe, huge bolts, Im getting good arms. The actual project is called a fly ash recovery reactor. It will process fly ash , cooking out all the arsenic so it can be used in dry wall and stuff like that.

but DAMN, it was HOT!

We did okay till about 3 pm and then it just hit me, and a couple other people too. They just said on the news that we reached a dry temp of 100 F and heat index on 111. I believe it. I have a headache from hell. But...its worth it. 50 hours a week, for a month then we go on 7 tens. I might be hot and hard work, but its a blessing, Im so grateful :D home, gotta cook, hubbys watching TV. I think me and the dog might be making escape plans soon.

as soon as I get a new dog. I want a Jack Russel terrier, but I will not get another dog till he has a huge yard to play in. and a fence to keep out the alligators when we move the the better place

love ya'll,

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Murphy's Law states that if you plan a holiday everything in the preceeding week that can go wrong, will indeed go wrong.

we're getting pretty close, with glandular fever (mono), a car swallowing six hundred dollars, a hockey tournament swallowing another three hundred, a back needing dr and drugs, an entire week's sessions planned in one hour, the crossover of flight back and hockey tournament trip etc etc etc. on and on it goes.

roll on Sunday when my tootsies are on the plane steps. i'll swallow my airsick pills and keep looking out the window ('cept when the plane turns or goes up or down) and forget about everything.

yeah right. Murphy's Law. lol
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wildsweetone said:
Murphy's Law states that if you plan a holiday everything in the preceeding week that can go wrong, will indeed go wrong.

we're getting pretty close, with glandular fever (mono), a car swallowing six hundred dollars, a hockey tournament swallowing another three hundred, a back needing dr and drugs, an entire week's sessions planned in one hour, the crossover of flight back and hockey tournament trip etc etc etc. on and on it goes.

roll on Sunday when my tootsies are on the plane steps. i'll swallow my airsick pills and keep looking out the window ('cept when the plane turns or goes up or down) and forget about everything.

yeah right. Murphy's Law. lol

Don't forget to take the sleeping pill for the plane.... :)
News Update ~

Tennessee is having a tax free holiday on August 4,5 & 6, for going back to school shopping.

My children start school on Tuesday and I am amazed at this newest info. No taxes on school supplies, clothes and other items connected to going back to school. A lot of surrounding states already have/had this holiday ...

Kind of a heads up to the back to school shopping, lol ~

Has it been that long? Then I think
... Oh yeah it has, and then some ~


I've kinda got back into MySpace in a really big way. Is there anybody here who has a page there?

My one is here
A word of warning. There are as many Feds watching MySpace.Com now as there are teenagers posting...
Performances have been going really well. I got offered a spot on Omaha's national Slam poetry team, for next year, by way of, "If you don't go for it, I'm going to rip your legs off and feed them to you." But my heart isn't in slam. It feels contrived, sometimes and that's never worked for me. Still, if it meant getting to spend a couple days next to that one girl...

Who'd have thought I'd try chasing a girl with a master's in Women's Studies? HAH. I have friends that would laugh liquid out their noses at the thought.

In any case.

Work's work. Cubicles make me a little crazy, but going a little crazy in a cubicle by day and working as a banquet server by night makes me feel so Fight Club, that on the whole my general outlook has been bemusement rather than depressed. I'm still surfing a couch and I'd bet I'm the only person out there who makes two grand a month and lives in their best friend's living room. I could hack it, on my own, but I need people. Frankie knows. Everything is eventual, all is well.

Sober for several weeks. Got on this workout kick that's been cutting pretty heavily into my attention. I put together a schedule that's all bodyweight exercises, swimming and running. I feel cleaner, like every gram of muscle I put on makes my nerves settle that much more. No more shaky hands in public, just quiet and calm. Not much writing, lately, but running on the treadmill gives me an excuse to memorize. It'll come - summer's always a slow time for writing. And I don't have unrestricted access to a keyboard, which always makes me write less. Pen can't keep up with brain, and remain legible.

Been idly adding to a story I wrote a while back. I think I see where it's going, for a change and that's weird. Having a plan, for a story. Prose. Well. It's easier and harder. I have voice, but I wonder if what it's saying is worth it. Doesn't matter, it's all a hobby.

Be off probation, soon. That's neat, I guess.

Nothing exciting, except exchanged emails with the girls. Mel, who's in the peace corps, in Bulgaria, talks about wanting to get married and wanting children with me constantly, and in the next breath says we should give being together a chance. I'm not sure what that means, all around, but if she's got the matrimonial eyes on me, I dunno how I feel about it. I suppose I've got another year to figure it out. "Sometimes, I think I'm in love with you, other times I'm certain." is a scary thing to hear from a girl halfway around the world, who you know for a fact wants to settle down and start popping out kids. Madness. Children. She tells me she thinks I'll be a good father some day because she remembers how I was with her little brother all through highschool. Strange to think I've known her since seventh grade and we never did more than make love like people pass each other in dark hallways. A casual brush, and then gone in different directions. We had opportunities, but other things always came up. Now, after what happened in December, when she flew home to see her family for christmas and wound up sleeping at my house for three days... I don't know. I feel soft for her, and I've always had love for her. Bah. We're realistic - she got a bulgarian boyfriend and I'm talking up a girl from the poetry nights I frequent.

Mar writes about loneliness the way I feel about it, and we send emails like fog back and forth - hazy and cool as hair on your face, but I can't seem to see what's behind them. So, I keep moving forward and seeing a little more. She's never had a chance to really stretch her legs, in a relationship and she reminds me of the Neruda poem that goes, "I want to do to you what Spring does to cherry blossoms," to steal a sentiment from Mason, albeit one about his wife, and not this girl. He'd understand.

She never wears makeup and she's lucky to be one of those girls that never really need it. She'll have wrinkles from smiling more than she will from frowning, one day and she wraps herself in her words. We sit on the couch at the PSC, each hugging pillows and giggling back and forth while people read and it feels innocent and young and I am a sucker for feeling either way. I look at her and see the hope that there's at least one person in the world who I can use as an example and say, "She will love well and true."

Such a romantic asshole. Hah.

Got a shower to take and some laundry to iron. Wearing the shirt, slacks and tie to work is great for building routine, when it comes to laundry. You don't get a choice.

And there is poetry, tonight. A chance to sit on my favorite couch next to a girl, and listen to people lay it down.

Everything is eventual, all is well.

DeepAsleep said:
Performances have been going really well. I got offered a spot on Omaha's national Slam poetry team, for next year, by way of, "If you don't go for it, I'm going to rip your legs off and feed them to you." But my heart isn't in slam. It feels contrived, sometimes and that's never worked for me. Still, if it meant getting to spend a couple days next to that one girl...

come on, go, it is in Austin! I would die to see you up there with those torn sneakers or whatever, I can be the old lady in the back who just doesn't get it!

but seriously, are you gonna do it? I am gonna go watch would love to cheer you on!
annaswirls said:
come on, go, it is in Austin! I would die to see you up there with those torn sneakers or whatever, I can be the old lady in the back who just doesn't get it!

but seriously, are you gonna do it? I am gonna go watch would love to cheer you on!

I got asked about it for next year. I'll have vacation time, then, so I've been considering going at least to see it. It's a ways off.

Well, the wife is off on her annual backpacking trip and that means it's time for amother exciting episode of I Cook for Myself. Thrills! Chills! Heartburn!

There actually are several things I cook. I do omelettes better than she does, for example, and I bake pretty well when I want to, but this week is always an adventure. Intentionally so. I usually attempt something that sounds (a) like I can do it without messing it up and which (b) has more culinary interest than just nuking a package of Stouffer's Mac & Cheese. What time is Everyday Italian on TV?

Last year I did an orange-soy glazed chicken that was pretty good, but not really any different than dumping some store-bought teriyaki sauce on some baked chicken. I also did some pounded medallions sauteed with onions in olive oil, but burned that, so perhaps we'll stick with the oven this year.

Anyway, checked the batteries in the smoke detectors and made sure I have plenty of Rolaids. If I disappear for a few days, I'm probably either having my stomach pumped or it's because it hurts to type with the finger I sliced while dicing onions.
