Literotica API V3

Apr 25, 2021

I have seen that Literotica have a public REST API (v3)

Example here :{%22contentPage%22%3A2}

That would ease up of the userscript, I use and maintain that to download story for read them offline.

So, is it possible to use that API directly ? I mean... Officially ?

Side question :

Is is okay to be download stories ?
Thank you for the question.

The new API is currently a work in progress so we do not support public access to the API and it may change at any time (we change it for internal use as we add or update features).

In the future, we may off a way to get an API key for approved projects, but for now it's still in development and we are not offering access.

Thank you for understanding. :D
Thanks for your reply.

Will not use it !

Side comments :

The stability your API is not a issue (CSS selector are probably less stable :rolleyes:), nor documentation or public support.

For the API key, since the call are made in browser while browsing on not sure if it's would apply.

If the position change to "Legitimate usage would be tolerated." let me now :D

And the new Interface (with tag on the first page of story) pure bliss.
I'm also interested in this API. I don't provide stories to Literotica per se, but I've created quite a lot of material over the years on the forums. I've always wanted a way to find all of my posts and export them.
We really need a working public API. We theoretically have a good working and looking Android App from an awesome thrid party Programmer that offers the App open Source and for free.
But without a working Public API, App development is slow, painful and to some degree impossible.

Please if possible take another look into the issue.

Browsing the Web-Side on Desktop or in a Internet browser on Mobil is just not as good as in a well written App.
If people start using your API, will they have a bad time or will you?

I wouldn't want to cause you problems, but I might be fine with the risk of causing myself problems.
I would just use the API as is. They clearly aren't offering any official support and they aren't really changing much on the API.
Since the old official App is no longer supported on newer Android Devices (Android 14 will not even start the installation because the app is too old) I would really hope for some change in the API for better supporting unofficial Apps. Developing an App for multiple Platforms can be challenging for many reasons so focusing on api development could maybe a win win situation for everyone.
Hi. Im in the process of create a new android app. And im looking for some help. The app is mostly complete and iv been using the V3 api as a base. I understand its not actually meant for public use and always changing but I just prefer to use an app on my phone and there are no available apps. I wanted to query about the V1 endpoints. I was referencing when i was porting over the features to newer platforms and noticed that they where using the V1 endpoint for some functionality like search by category via top/random/new. I also noticed it needed an API key and APP Id, how would i go about acquiring this key?.