Lords and Ladies of the Realm

Stepping to hold Moonlights' sleeping form...

He shifts to his were-wolf form...

Worry not, M'Lady. Your phoenix fire will not harm me in this form.

Kneels to hold the sleeping Moonlight...hodling her protectively away from the flames...

There is only one thing can do me any harm in this form, and that is something I think, most already know of...Silver.

revels in heat of the flames...their orange tongues licking at his furred body...curls his were-form tightly around Moonlights' sleeping one...protecting her from the heat of the flames...Is also reveling in being so close to her...Reaches out to the Phoenix with his mind...feels the soaring joy, and peace of mind she feels...Is saddened by the fact, that in all this joy, there isn't even a glimpse of himself...in any form...only others...a single tear of purest silver slips down his furry cheek...leaving a deep burning furrow in his skin...Rocks to and fro over Moonlights sleeping body...Howls in agony/longing...wanting, and yet waiting...
Stepping to hold Moonlights' sleeping form...

He shifts to his were-wolf form...

Worry not, M'Lady. Your phoenix fire will not harm me in this form.

Kneels to hold the sleeping Moonlight...holding her protectively away from the flames...

There is only one thing can do me any harm in this form, and that is something I think, most already know of...Silver.

revels in heat of the flames...their orange tongues licking at his furred body...curls his were-form tightly around Moonlights' sleeping one...protecting her from the heat of the flames...Is also reveling in being so close to her...Reaches out to the Phoenix with his mind...feels the soaring joy, and peace of mind she feels...Is saddened by the fact, that in all this joy, there isn't even a glimpse of himself...in any form...only others...a single tear of purest silver slips down his furry cheek...leaving a deep burning furrow in his skin...Rocks to and fro over Moonlights sleeping body...Howls in agony/longing...wanting, and yet waiting...

As the heat within Lilly cooled, she opened her eyes for just a moment to look directly into the eyes of Nightwolf. What he held against him now was a woman, but a woman that had become dear to his heart.

His mind filled with a vision. He could see Lilly, her hair blowing gently in the wind, a soft pink gown fluttering around her legs. They walked along the shore of a great ocean, but he was not as he is now, he was Locklin. Locklin, the man he was before he was turned, before he became what he is now. They walked, looking out to sea, watching the ocean birds circle the boats as the fishermen hauled in the nets, the sun sparkling on the water, little children playing carefree in the gentle surf. He could smell the cooking fires, the salted and dries fish, the seaweed spread out to dry on racks. Lilly smiled at him, leaning down to pick up a shell and showing it to him. It was spiraled, shining every color of blue, pink and purple imaginable. It had a rich luster that made it gleam with a life of it’s own. Lilly brought it to her lips, looking deep into his eyes as softly kissed it.

The vision faded with the feel of something being pressed into his hand. He looked to Lilly’s pale complexion, she whispered to him,

“A kiss for you to keep.”

Her eyes closed once more and she slept. Nightwolf opened his hand to find the shell she had picked up in the vision. He could see the rainbow of colors in the moonlight. It was fixed to a gold chain, a black pearl either side of the shell, a gift any man would be proud to wear. He slipped it around his neck, tucking it into his shirt, resting it against his heart.

Stark came to Nightwolf, taking Lilly from his arms and wrapping her in his cloak.

“We’d better get her back to the inn, we leave at first light.”

Nightwolf nodded and the walked in silence back towards the village.
Lord Dralk collapsed on the bed inside his tent and sighed, rubbing his temples. "This will definitely be a long adventure", he groaned. Inside walked the other 12. They created beds for themselves and held a miniature cuncil of war.

The dark shape fell through a portal, just to get fall through a tent, smashing his butt on the ground 40 feet below. He stood up and rubbed his rear in pain. "Dmaned sorceror, he does that to me again and I'll kill him", he muttered over and over, heading in the general direction of Lady Dorynan's camp, even though he did not know it.
Still in his wolven form...

Prowls the streets and alleyways of this village...Keeping watch over Lady Moonlight...sending dark scouts scurrying away from the outskirts...Throws his head back and howls to warn those at the inn...To Moonlight, mind to mind, 'Wake up!! We have been found!!! We ride tonight!!'...Running headlong through the main street, heading back toward the inn, still in his wolven form, battleaxe held ready...Hearing, but not acknowledging, the shouts and screams of panic at a werewolf in their midst, I burst through the door of the inn...Startled patrons scattering...


Running up the stairs to Moonlights room, I find her already dressed and ready for battle...

Quickly, M'Lady! His scouts have found us. I was unable to keep them away. Please foregive me.
Siren layed back in bed curled into a ball tears streaming down her face. She closed her eyes and was about to drift off again when she heard a noise. Her eyes opened and she sat upright in bed and came face to face with HIM. She scrambled back her heart pounding in her chest. "Go away!" She said glaring at him trying her damndest to diguise her fear. "Ah but dear girl you do not wish me to go I can sense it within you. You fight what we have, don't you know you can't win?" He looked her in the eyes and she seemed to be hyptnotized. "I want to help you. I want you to be happy but I will only leave you alone when you admit you want me to stay!" She blinked shaking her head, "No!" she said. "I sense darkness in you I sense evil" she bit her lip. "Yes there is darkness within me but there is no evil you sense something other them myself" She shook her head "GO AWAY!" she fairly screamed it. "Fine I will go for now but I will be back dear girl you can count on that" and with that said he dissapeared. Siren wrapped her arms around her knees shaking with some emotion she had never felt before. "why me"
The dark shape walked quickly and silently through the woods. Suddenly, as he sensed something strange, his face went deathly pale. Then, he continued walking. Always in the direction of Lady Dorynan's camp.

Moonlight had slept barely an hour since Lord Stark had carried her to her bed, but when she heard Nightwolf call she knew they had to move, and fast. She was dressed and ready in moments, Stark by her side and Corry running for the horses. The moment Nightwolf returned to the inn they were ready to ride.

The horses raced at break neck speed into the night as all hell broke lose behind them. People screamed at houses burst into flames, animals broke loose from their pens in fright and headed off into the night. The sound of burning timbers shook the night as the entire village burst into flames, the small group heading for the cover of the forest.

From between the trees, under the concealment of fairy magic, they watched as a dragon flew down from the heavens, raining liquid fire upon the unsuspecting villages. Lilly’s heart and mind cried our in pain as people were instantly turned into human torches, running and creaming in every direction. Stark looked in horror as one of his own went about the very deeds forbidden by his kind. A rogue dragon was rare, and never easily dealt with.

It was obvious the dark lord had enlisted the aid of even darker forces, they would have to hurry. Turning her horse, Lilly led the charge into he night. There was nothing they could do for the village without risking everything they set out to do, and a greater number would suffer a far worse fate should the dark lord find the child first.
Feeling rather ill...

Slumps and falls from his saddle...A large silver thorn protruding from his side...

'The thorn.', he croaks before passing out.

His breathing ragged, his brow hot to the touch...a quick flash of thought to Moonlight, 'Silver...Allergic...Must remove...'...And then he is completely unconscious...

In his mind's eye, he can see the foul archer that fired the silver thorn...one of the evil faeries that dwell deep within the earth...can feel the life slipping away as the silver does its' vile deed...tries frantically to call out to Moonlight, to no avail...calls out to his own troops...noone is answering his calls...thinks briefly about giving himself to the pain...of letting himself die...then he remembers his solemn vow to protect Moonlight, with his life...fighting now...struggling back towards consciousness...fighting the effects of the silver thorn in his side...

Moonlight felt the sharp pain in her side and saw Nightwolf from the saddle. She screamed in pain, both in her side and in her heart. Spinning her horse about she raced back to her fallen wolf, leaping to the ground at his side and searching for the thorn, ripping at his clothing desperately seeking the source of his pain, caring nothing for her own.

Pulling her dagger from her boot, the cut the thorn from the body of her courageous Nightwolf, that he would fight so hard to cling to a life he cared little for touched her deeply, for she knew he did it for her, and her alone. She slipped the thorn into her pocket and covered his wounds with her hands, flooding his body with the strength of the fire that burned ever stronger within her breast. with the Pheonix now flowiung free in her veins, her energy would never be depleated, no she could only grow stronger.

“Come back to me Locklin, I need you, I can’t do this with out and I need you. Please brave and dearest Lord of Wolves, master of the woodlands, come back to me.”

As the tears streamed down her face and upon her the unconscious form of her friend, she cursed the dark lord, and vowed that his heath would not he a slow one. From this day on, the dark lord would find out just what it was like to have a thorn in his side, and his torn would be called Moonlight.
His eyes fluttering open...

Looking to his faerie scouts...whispering horsely...

Reset the watches, and glamours. It will be a day at least, ere I can ride more. The thorn is of fae make, but not of the forest fae, find the one who shot me, and destroy them.

Looking to Moonlight...smiling...

You are most correct, M'Lady. I will not let the poisons of the silver take me this day. I have much to live for. More to live for than reason to die. Take care, M'Lady, for to heal me again, will give rise to changes in you, that I would not wish on even the Dark Lord.

Takes her hands in his...kisses them gently...and drifts off the sleep...smiling...
The dark shape suddenly cleared the trees and appeared in the middle of camp. Suddenly the camp was in an uproar. The Council charged out of Lor Dralk's tent and looked up at the shape, startled. "What the...?" asked one. But another, more bold than the others, stepped forward. "Hello. Are you by any chance, an interdimensional traveler?" he asked. The shape said yes. Suddenly, the Council's faces brightened. "Welcome, Lord Lokken. Your deeds have reached our ears even on this distant plane. We are the Council of Thirteen, and have long protected this land. We are, right now, helping Lady Dorynan, who is an Elemental Sister. One has been killed, and now an evil Lord wishes to kill the others", they said. "Hmmm. That would probably be the reason Belial ordered me to go help this realm. If you don't mind, I'd like to speak with the Lady? Where is her tent?" asked Lokken. Dralk pointed to her tent. Lokken walked in, saw what was going on, then turned away, shocked. "Lady? Is that you? I am Lord Lokken, from the realm of Taros in the Plane of Darien. My God has sent me to help this realm, and you are to be my first priority", he said through the tent flaps.
Stark Wyrmsbane

Stark could not get the image of the rogue dragon's attack on the village out of his mind. He knew, instantly, exactly which of his kin it had been. Ancaleg, the Black, a dragon he had crossed paths with before. Once this is over with, cousin, there will be a reckoning! he thought to himself.

"Lady, let the wolf-Lord rest. He will be well, soon enough. His lupine constitution, and iron will, have made his recovery a certainty. Obviously, we will travel no further this night. Upon the morrow, we must plan our journey even more cautiously. The Foe's spies are everywhere, and our path is marked for them. Somehow, we must regain the element of surprise..."
Siren shivered within her tent but not from cold. when she managed to stop crying she stood up dispising herself for her weakness. She wished she knew someone anyone of whom she could trust. She stepped out of her tent and hear voices. She headed in their direction and saw the Council of Thirteen talking to a man she hadn't seen before. She watched him for a moment and turned back towards her tent. Tomorrow she would tell Lady Dorynan everything. And hopefully she would not turn away from her in horror... Hopefully...

Settling down on a rock to watch over the sleeping Nightwolf, Lilly set her mind to the task ahead.

How could the dark lord have known about them, let alone where to find them, and so fast? In her mind, there could be only one answer. Conner. “Curse that man” she thought, “If this was his doing then I shall see him pay more dearly than with his life.I will have him begging me for the sweet release of death.”

They were no more than two days ride from Yelana’s village but the terrain between here and there was considerably tougher going with a river to cross and a marshland that they could spend three days skirting around, or half a day traveling through. Considering their options, cutting through seemed to be the only one available to them. She shuddered at the thought of having to go in there; it was a foul and putrid place, filled with the worst kinds of the damned.

She checked on Nightwolf again then sort out Stark, sitting close beside him and resting her head against his shoulder. He lay back on the grass, drawing her to him, holding her in his arms while she told him of her suggestions for the next days travel. With her arm across his chest, she lifted her head to look into his eyes, and as if drawn to him by the magic within them, she kissed him softly.
Tossed fitfully in his poision induced slumber...

But it was not only the silvers poision that troubled his sleep...but something more...his link with Moonlight...feeling things from and through her...Seeing over and over again the foul eyes of the swamp fae that shot him...A feeling of utter darkness overcomes him...followed quickly by a strange and eerie cold...He struggles to sound the alarm...

TO ARMS!!!!, he cries...TO ARMS!!!

Rising...barely able to hold his battleaxe...heads to Moonlights' side...

We are found, M'Lady. Those cursed swamp faeries. They have led him straight to us. But how would the Dark Lord know to use fae scouts of his own?

Turning to Stark...

Stark...Take Moonlight, and Ride!!! Ride as though your own life depended upon your success!!! Because it does!
go through the swamp...and be weary of those foul little demons...they have the power of glamours too.

If I yet live, I will find you...With my link to Moonlight, it shan't be too hard. My troopers and I will delay them as long as we can. Go!! QUICKLY!!
Stark Wyrmsbane

It was one of those truly magical moments between man and woman... or dragonlord and elemental force. The feelings they had been repressing, for the sake of the quest, boiled to the surface in each of them, simultaneously. Stark drew the willing lips of the Lady to his... and the wolflord sounded the alarm, raising feebly from his pallet, where he had been sleeping off the effects of the poisoned thorn.

The spell of their shared moment was instantly broken, leaving one very annoyed dragon. "Right. That tears it! My apologies, Lady, but I can not believe that the secrecy of our mission holds any longer. Nor do I believe that keeping a low profile, as you humans are wont to say, is possible any longer. Speed is of the essence, and escaping pursuit. Friend wolven, you have done well this night. I ask you to have your forces keep these evil imps at bay, then make their way back to the castle."

The dragon-lord stepped away from the campsite, and transformed himself back into his full dragon form. In his booming, full-throated dragon voice, he said "Lady, mount me, an ye will. I will carry our companion and his pallet in my claws. Mount, Lady, for now we ride!"

The Lady Moonlight climbed onto Stark's back, and he, in turn, picked up the wolf-lord, pallet, packs and all. Far above the reach of the evil ones' arrows they flew. Shortly thereafter, the village which was their destination came into view. Stark's keen dragon eyesight spotted it first, "My friends, the village is in ashes!" Swiftly he stooped, landing in what was once the main square of the vilage.

"Lady, I sense no life here... only the traces left behind by a large cousin of mine, Ancaleg, the Black, I suspect. What would you have us do?"

Lilly stepped from the dragon’s back; there was indeed no life here. The charred remains of the villages lay strewn over the ground; the air still reeked of their pain and confusion. She wondered through the ruins, trying to find reason in this senseless slaughter.

Opening her mind she searched for Yelana, finding her in darkness, alone and afraid. Her anger swelled and she fought back her tears. How could they treat I child thus?

“He has her.”

She was furious with herself. Why hadn’t she just flown here with Stark to begin with? This was her fault, her responsibility, and she had failed. Spreading her arms wide she turned and looked at the dragon lord, the wolf lord, and Corry.

“Corry, return to the mountains, tell Nina what has happened and I will be in need of her.” There was a crack of thunder and the very air seemed to split as a hole appeared of no where. Corry bowed, entered the hole and vanished along with the hole.

“Nightwolf, I was wrong and I am sorry, we never should have come with your full forces. If you can forgive me my error I will do all within my power to set things right. I will open for you a door way back to the castle, rally your forces. When you are prepared let me know and I will bring you back through.”

A second crack filled the air and another hole appeared, Nightwold vanishing through it.
She turned to look Stark.

“Will you fly with me my Lord? I have a need to be closer to the dark lord this day.”

Her body burst into flames, her womanly form transforming into the phoenix once more, she took to the sky.
Stark Wyrmsbane

"My lady, I would follow you into the depths of hell, itself." Stark spread his wings, and took to the sky once more, following the vision of fiery beauty that Moonlight had once more become.
Looking deeply into Moonlights' eyes...

Nay, M'Lady. My pledge is firm. My army and I will stand at your side unto death, if need be.

Rising to his feet...not that unsteadily...His axe in his now steady hand...

I will be fine, M'Lady. As for the Dark Lord, I cannot say, for he has drawn forth from the depths of my being, an anger, I had thought long since gone. Twas bad enough, he ruined my life. But I will not let him ruin anymore!! If at your side, is where I am to be freed from my shackels of this curse, the curse of the were...Then, by God, so be it!!

His knuckles white as his hand grips the haft of his axe tightly...Seeking to partially soothe his anger...

One of his fae scouts flits to his shoulder...she appears to be carrying something...It is the body of the one who shot him...in her quiver...a dozen more of the vile silver thorns...whose very metal is poisonous the any of the creatures of the were...

Lord Wyrmsbane? If you would, please direct some of your fire onto this foul creatures remains. She is the one who shot me.

Points to the tiny swamp fae lying dead on the ground...

I must go and make my were troops aware of this new threat.

Turns on his heel and walks off to tell his troops of the swamp fae and their silver thorns...
Lady Dorynan

"By the saints!" Lady Dorynan cursed loudly. Looking once more at Lord Remy she stood. At least getting dressed wouldnt be such a chore as tearing herself away from the pleasure she was for the first time in her life experiencing. With one wave of her hand, she was once again in her leathers and vest, boots and cloak and her hair was again short. "Im sorry." she said as she turned one last time toward Drake.

"It's not your fault. I'm not done with you. We'll finish this yet." was all he said in return.

Dory stepped out into the chaos of this new arrival. She was above all things miffed at being interrupted.

Looking the man over as if there were nothing different about his height or looks she scrutinized him. She was definitely weary of him, his late arrival and frankly she had heard no horses approach so she did not know how he arrived.

"Well...Lord Lokken. You have...shall we say, an impeccable sense of timing." Lady Dorynan sarcastically addressed him. Just then Lord Remy stepped out of the tent behind her. Tall and menacing.

"Lord Remy, Lord Lokken. Who has yet to tell me why he's here." Lady Dorynan did the introductions and waited.
"Uh yeah. About that sense of timing. When I walke in, I thought you were having a council of war, so I accidentally saw what was going on. As I have said, I am Lord Lokken, the Emperor of Taros of the Dimension Darien. I am an interdimensional traveler and have just arrived on orders from my god. He told me that this dimension was in trouble. So I am here. I believe this Council of Thirteen knows a good deal about me. I actually have been to this plane at least 5 times. Dratted dragons. They never cease to attack me", said Lokken.