Mass Effect: Chronicles (OOC)

NAME: Vincent Anatasio
AGE: 19
CLASS: Sentinal
WEAPON SKILLS: SMGs, Pistols, Shotguns
TECH ABILITIES: Tech Armor, Overload
APPEARENCE: Stands 5'11" and weighs 145lb. Has straight black hair, light blue eyes, pale skin. Has a thin gangly appearence so he isn`t physically strong, but is quick and dexterious.
PERSONALITY: Highly reserved and shy, Vincent isn`t very social. This has lead him to having few friends. Many see him as dull and unfunny, however among friends and companions, he`s calm and easy to get along with. He`s highly loyal and trustworthy. He never rushes into situations.
HISTORY: Born on Shinax, Vincent was just a baby when the First Contact War began. Hs family was killedand he would`ve died as well if a soldier from the resistance saved him. He grew up with a hatred towards tuians and the council races (Asari, Turian, and Salarian) for there prejudices against humanity. He treats other aliens races, Quarians and Volus [Those small guys who keep saying Earth Clan] as equals. Vincent has recently gone solo, looking for answers to the unanswered questions.

Name: Alec Kaiser
Age: 28
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 6’4” (194 cm)
Weight: 210lbs (95 kg)
Defining Features: “Dirty” Blonde Hair – Full Beard – Brown Eyes – Caucasian Ethnicity
Birthplace: Non-Alliance Colony on Trident – Third Planet of Hoplos System / Hades Nexus
Primary Skill Set: Urban Survival ; Combat (Specialties: Hand Guns ; Assault Rifles ; Hand-to-Hand Combat ; Medium Armor)
Secondary Skill Set: Decryption and Hacking ; Wilderness Survival
Tertiary Skill Set: Basic Piloting Skills ; Rudimentary Knowledge of Inter-Stellar Navigation
Background: Alec Kaiser was born on the lawless, corporate owned human colony on Trident. The planet is over 90% ocean, so actual land is cramped and tightly controlled by the corrupt companies that operate there. Education on this colony was decent enough, but Alec spent more time with generic youthful rebellions than actual studying. “Street smarts” was the term he used to make himself feel better when he was younger. Nowadays, though, it is just “experience.” At 17 years old, Alec wanted to join the Alliance Marine Corps. He simply saw it as a way to get off that planet and learn how to be a better fighter in the process. He washed out of boot camp before the halfway point, though. No one specific reason, just a lot of things that built up. By the time he left, he actually believed the Sergeant when he told Alec that he was no good and didn’t have what it takes.
From 18-26 he was more of a drifter than anything else. Freelanced with mercenaries, bounty hunters, bodyguards. He was always hired on at dirt cheap and was expected to be little more than fodder. He always survived, though, and learned how to adapt in a lot of situations.
Alec doesn’t talk much. When he does speak it is usually short and to the point. Socializing in any form isn’t really his thing. He likes to get the job done and move on. Emotional conflicts need to be left behind. He can’t always live by his own rule, though. After all, he’s only human.
Personal Belongings: Mid-range Torrent class Assault Rifle ; Mid-range Raikou class Pistol ; Low-range Cipher class Omni-tool ; Low-range Kuwashii targeting visor ; Custom made Medium Armor ; Oil-cloth duster ; 2 pairs of casual clothes ; Weapon maintenance kit ; Basic multi-tool ; Utility knife ; Unlabeled old leather bound book ; Small locked engraved box ; Duffel bag ;

Alec’s armor is well made and higher end than what most people have. 5 years ago, it would have been considered top of the line and incredibly expensive for a civilian. Even today it would still be on the expensive end. He gave it a custom paint job so it looks less like military uniform. The greaves are black with white dark blue highlights, the pants are gray, and the chest piece is two-tone black and gray with dark blue highlights. If he isn’t going in to combat, he wears a dark grey oil-cloth duster that ends just above his knees.
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Here is the profile template.


[B]Defining Features:[/B]

[B]Primary Skill Set:[/B]
[B]Secondary Skill Set:[/B]
[B]Tertiary Skill Set:[/B]

[B]Personal Belongings:[/B]
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Apologies, seems I jumped the gun!

Name: Kaito Foley
Age: Fifty Two
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 6 Foot 2
Weight: Two hundred and ten pounds.

Defining Features: A long scar than runs from his neck to the bottom of his chin.
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

Primary Skill Set: Biotic Vanguard, expert in Shockwave, Pull and Charge. Expert fighter.
Secondary Skill Set: Decent Strategist. Can plot out decent tactics for taking down groups/large enemies.
Tertiary Skill Set: Survival. Don't eat yellow snow. Don't eat out Turians etc. etc.

Background:Almost like a marauding warrior, Kaito wandered from planet to planet earning chips as he went. No job was too dirty or too difficult for him. His hair has thinned as he wandered, it’s tricky to try and put his age down. Some say he’s in his forties while others claim he’s nearer his seventies. He had training in some form of military, his trigger finger is very disciplined and without his weapons he’s just as lethal. Has an outright hatred for Vorcha though, people theorized it was something to do with his past.
Other: Can have a trust worthy gut, depends on his diet.
Alright, that's it. I can no longer contain the raging spirit of the grammar Nazi inside me.

*cough* Moving on.

Avellan, please work on your writing. Please.


3 different words, 3 different meanings.

Spelling errors happen, I know. But if you could just give your posts a quick preview before you post them you could fix a lot of them. Also, just about every internet browser has an option where it will give you a red line under a misspelled word when you are typing it. If you don't have that function on and can't find it, let me know and I'll help you get it on. I am generally a terrible speller, but when I can see the error as I type it, I get better.

I would also really, really appreciate it if when you scan your posts you double check for spacing issues. This actually goes for everyone. When words run together without a space, my dyslexic brain has a hard time separating them. I can often see two words mashed together, and think they are one entirely different word. Which can lead to some odd misunderstandings on my part.
He mad bro. Professor Nid.
The almighty Grammar Nazi.
Teach us thy wisdom.
-covers yer mouth- SHH!! I have
this adorable, sweet cover I am
using to fool the masses. Stop
revealing my secrets damn you!
Oh come on. I can't be the only person who knows that the whole "cutsy" thing is just to lure us in to a false sense of security so you can eat our souls. We all know, and we're all fine with it. You just gotta be you.
-opens mouth to argue- .....
Well, I suppose if that is the
case, bust out the A-1 sauce
and lets have ourselves a good
ole' fashion soul BBQ!
OK. I think we need to start coming up with the group dynamic. We haven't completely settled on a direction for the "Relic Hunter" idea, so I'm going to just make a decision. If you guys want something different, just say so.

Prothean Relic Hunters

Either as freelance and recent hire-ons, or regular team members, we are a team of treasure hunters. We focus on getting prothean artifacts from remote or dangerous ruins. Some are newly discovered ruins, some are old dig sites that have been taken over by less than friendly groups or governments. We operate as legal as possible, but sometimes we just have to do what it takes to make it back alive. We don't like dealing with Prothean art and relic black markets, which could make us targets for people who do.

Even if your character is just here to do a job, whoever the actual Prothean expert/enthusiast is(or are; more than 1 scholastic type might be good) is in charge and wants to make sure we show proper respect for the ruins. We do our best to get what we're after and not cause any damage to the site.

The most dangerous part of our job is not always getting the relic. Usually, it is getting the relic to the client safely. Pirates and other "treasure hunters" would much rather us do the leg work, and they come in guns blazing. They would take our relic, sell it to our client with a mark-up, and make a profit off of what they took from us.
Our clients will be anyone who pays through legitimate means. If those means are a cover or front isn't an issue. They either give specifics for what they want, or just buy whatever we manage to get. Sometimes we may have to take a cut to our profits by selling to a dealer, who would then have to re-sell the item.

I was thinking our clients could really be anyone, dealers, collectors, universities. Maybe not museums, at least not directly. They might go through a dealer to hire us.

Group Dynamics

Coming up with the roles for each of our characters is one thing, but we also need to figure out why we're all there. I don't think we should all be recent hires, but we also shouldn't all be a part of the troupe already.

For instance, we might need to actually go and get the pilot and/or an extra man for the recent job. That could be where we start the whole IC RP.

I have already said that my character will be the bodyguard/assistant for whoever the Prothean expert is. NPC or other PC will work.

So, lets start thinking about how we all fit in to the group. Why we'd be there, what our characters bring, and how long any of us might have known any other character.
My Character`s Role and Entry

I`ve got two ideas and you can pick one that you think would fit best Nidhogg.

1.) Vincent is already at a prothean ruin that the other characters are headed for. They question him and get suspicious. However a rival group, like the Blue Suns or other merch group, interrupts them and we team up to take down a common enemy.

2.) Vincent is a friend to one of the other PC`s (Either Kaito Foley, Alec Kaiser, or Katina`Evna nar Io). They call him for help and he accepts.
Right, here is the revised sheet for Shadow. I pulled the other one, in case you were wondering. I will assume that we can have the team searching on Omega for their final squadmate? Maybe that's where they get their contract and hear the rumors about Shadow or something like that.

Name: Shadow
Age: Age? Created nine years, four months, two weeks, six days, three hours, twenty three minutes, and seventeen seconds ago. (That's seventeen seconds on the dot. No milliseconds.)
Species: Geth
Gender: Male (Masculine, at any rate.)
Height:) 6'7"
Weight: 200 lbs

Defining Features: Crimson eye instead of the usual Geth eye color and midnight black armor.
Birthplace: Deep in Geth Space.

Primary Skill Set: Geth Infiltrator. Geth Collective knowledge.
Secondary Skill Set: Decryption and Hacking.
Tertiary Skill Set: Disguise and remaining out of sight.

Background:The thing is, Geth are not made to be independent. An exception to this rule was made with one particular pair that was specially manufactured. Legion and Shadow. Shadow was the first finalized project to be manufactured. There were several 'test' models developed before them that had nailed down most of the bugs and glitches in the programs that made up the 'personalities' of Legion and Shadow. Shadow serves a different purpose than Legion, however. The point of the project was to see how a single Geth Infiltrator would act if sent on its own with the ability to make its own decisions. He was also a sort of beta to Shadow.

Obliviously this choice was to freelance on the city-station “Omega.” It served his abilities and it was a very simple life. As it stands, he has recieved a consensus to investigate any prothean digsites or otherwise in order to find any useful data to transmit back to the Collective. As of now he has investigated seven of these digsites, finding a quantifiable sum of data to send back to the Geth Collective. He usually returns to Omega unless there is something interesting he finds that requires further research. He has only been in one such occasion.

On an unnamed backwater world that the Geth have designated simply TT-123, Shadow found a prothean relic of seemingly great importance. After examining it and storing data, he later reviewed it and found that a set of co-ordinates were embedded inside the relic itself. He investigated those co-ordinates. What he found? He locked the memories shortly after returning to Omega. What he didn't lock was weapons data from prothean weapons that he was able to use to improve his current weaponry. Simple things, really, but still useful. One such was giving his weapons a better useage of thermal clips (are we using thermal clips?).

He had also been programmed to be a better Infiltrator than Legion had been. Thus, he was also programmed to not seek out social encounters. When he is approached, his responses are brief and simple. When he speaks long sentences, his sentence structure is very complex. He thinks of himself as multiple people, considering the amalgam of programs, 1188 to be exact, that make up his personality. He uses the term "we" instead of "I" when talking about himself.

He does not show emotion. He kills without remorse. He does not wish to kill, but does what is necessary. He has been taking on contracts in order to keep up his self repair bills and keep his weapons loaded. He has never been seen, nor has anyone heard his voice in his time on Omega, and so the populace of Omega have given him the nickname "Shadow." His infamy rivals that of Archangel's(or it would, if “Archangel” existed), even in his short time there. He has recently left Omega in order to satisfy a curiosity, but he is on his way back currently. He uses a specialized Infiltrator Sniper Rifle as well as a highly customized Geth pulse rifle.

Other: There will most likely be bugs in his programming and little things here and there that I will be throwing in. His disguise is a sort of re-purposed cloaking shield. But instead of a cloak, it changes his outside appearance to be that of a male Turian.
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Name: Atina'Evna nar Io
Age: Twenty
Species: Quarian
Gender: XX Chromosome
Height:Five feet-two inches
Weight:One-hundred and twenty pounds without the suit. One-hundred and thirty with the suit.

Defining Features: Like most Qurians, Atina will live her entire life inside of a protective suit, which serves as not only her lifeline but her main wardrobe. The suit's coloring is in much lighter shades, mostly white with minute shades of gray, contrasting the usual preference of dimmed color schemes. Her head piece consists of a mild crimson face shield, a light purple head-wrap with a unique and intricate geometrical design and two very distinct ribbons now dangle about her head. Around her mid section, a loose fitting wrap, that hangs just below her knees.
Birthplace: Amongst the Migrant Fleet, aboard a family ship called: "Io."

Primary Skill Set:Engineering, eidetic memory and a memory bank full of documented history from many races.
Secondary Skill Set:Hacking, Decryption, First Aid and some Medicine.
Tertiary Skill Set:Weapon and armor knowledge, cooking.

Background: At the young age of six, Atina and her older brother Khail lost both of their parents after a microscopic breach in their shared environment allowed a virus to take them both in a matter of a few days after infection. Khail took the role of sole provider and parent for the younger of the two. Atina attended school for Engineering, near the top of her class. Graduating after Khail returned home from his Pilgrimage. Shortly after his return, he was found guilty of treason by the Admiralty Board against the Migrant Fleet, for tampering and operating live Geth specimens he picked up on his travels. Atina was again left behind to finish her schooling and began her own Pilgrimage two years after her older sibling's banishment. To further her brother's studies and continue research on the Geth with no intentions of returning to the Migrant Fleet, she has been on her Pilgrimage for but a single month.

Other: Going to be rewritten currently.
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LeoHawk35 said:
I will assume that we can have the team searching on Omega for their final squadmate? Maybe that's where they get their contract and hear the rumors about Shadow or something like that.

We have not decided where things will start. But I'm not exactly inclined to start everything on Omega. If the group is looking for honest and reliable help for a job, why would they go to Omega? Also, I'm not sure that hearing rumors about a mysterious assassin that no one knows anything about would mean anything to them. They aren't on a mission to save the galaxy. They aren't looking for an expensive and mysterious assassin.

This isn't like the games where we are putting together a team of the best of the best to beat an unbeatable foe. I just don't know why anyone in a group would put extra effort in to looking for a highly trained assassin on Omega. Could Shadow have already left to look for something?

If not, does anyone have a good idea to put us on Omega? I can't think of one right now, but I will give it some thought and something might come to me.

Avellan13 said:
I've got two ideas and you can pick one that you think would fit best Nidhogg.

1.) Vincent is already at a prothean ruin that the other characters are headed for. They question him and get suspicious. However a rival group, like the Blue Suns or other merch group, interrupts them and we team up to take down a common enemy.

2.) Vincent is a friend to one of the other PC`s (Either Kaito Foley, Alec Kaiser, or Katina`Evna nar Io). They call him for help and he accepts.

You know. I actually don't know which one would fit better. They're both good ways to get your guy involved.

Option 1 would certainly provide a more unique way for your guy to get introduced. It will also give other characters some stuff to work with. Being more suspicious of your character or possibly being more impressed by seeing him fight as their first impression of him.

Option 2 is also a good way to go. It would certainly get you in the IC thread earlier than the first option. You would have a bit of rapport with another character, and some methods on how to work with that character. In combat or just in general situations.

I don't think I can make a decision on which is better right now. Would you be ok with just holding on to those ideas for a bit? We can work it out when we have more information about all the characters. I'm not sure having him be a friend of Alec would work, but another character could work.

We'll just see what everyone else says.
Well, I want Kaito to be like Zaeed. (Who I happened to like!)

So, if I was hired by the same person that hired the group to find the relic, as muscle to protect the dig and the team. So, I could meet you at the dig site or would you rather we travel together to the first dig site?
Name: Donterral "Dante" Alaniyum
Age: 44 Standard Galactic Years
Species: Turian
Gender: Male
Height: 2 meters
Weight: 260 pounds

Defining features: Donterral's military grade armor is so old, it's considered rustic. It's beaten, dented, and scorched. The Black chassis with the Red undertone may have at one point been a mark of pride, but now it looked as though the armor was bleeding. His face is crisscrossed with scars, one running straight down his left eye. Powerfully built, he's rarely seen without his armor.
Birthplace: Palaven, the Turian Home World

Primary skill set: Electronics, Engineering, Pistol Combat.
Secondary skill set: Rifle combat, Assault Training, First Aid
Tertiary Skill set: Piloting, and a whole life-time's expierence.

Backround: Donterral was born on the Turian Homeworld, to a prestigious Military family. He quickly ranked up through the military for his sound judgement, incredible reflexes, and sheer brutality.

He was assigned the role Shipmaster several weeks prior to the Relay 314 Incident. In command of his own vessel, he was present for the first encounter with Humanity. It was he who was reluctant to fire, and his lack of discipline that let the final human ship limp out alive. In a bad spot with the Admiraltiy, he voluntereed to lay siege to the Human World from orbit. It was here, during the merciless orbital bombardment, that he grew disgusted with his own kind. He was glad when the Human fleet reacted in force, and even happier to have his vessel disabled.

Assumed dead by the Turian Fleet, he fled around the Galaxy, looking for jobs anyway he could. He won a Stryker IV pistol in a gambler's game, and stole a hot-rod ship from one of the most powerful mercenary's in the galaxy. His ship, the Exodus, is the real reason he still lives. Between it's Military-grade armament, shielding, or drag racing speed, it is his pride and joy. Now, he makes a living piloting or smuggling, whichever pays more.

He picked up the name Dante from a human literature form he read during a stay on the Lunar space station. Unduly racist towards humans, he was promptly evicted. But, the name stuck.
Hmm. I think we could do that. Maybe he heard of the prothean site and he recieved consensus to find anything of value and transmit data back to the Geth Collective.

Legion went to the derelict reaper to find out more on the virus for the Collective, so maybe Shadow would do something similar with the site. Or maybe he has already visited several sites before.

Oh! That gives me a good idea! I'll be updating Shadow's bio within the hour.
Well, I want Kaito to be like Zaeed. (Who I happened to like!)

So, if I was hired by the same person that hired the group to find the relic, as muscle to protect the dig and the team. So, I could meet you at the dig site or would you rather we travel together to the first dig site?

I like Zaeed's concept, but I guess he just didn't get used enough in my squad or enough of his own development for me to really like him. I might give him more of a chance on my next play-through.

Maybe we should settle on who the prothean experts will be, then work out who gets picked up where and when. Since we all have characters made, I can go ahead and write up the NPCs. The idea I have is that I will make 2 characters. We can treat them as NPCs, or people can actually use them as a secondary character. Obviously we all want to focus on our own characters, but we should be able to put some time in to these characters.

If no one wants to take either of the researchers as a secondary character, I will take one of them and leave the other to be a NPC anyone can write for. Also, if anyone has any ideas of their own for the Prothean researcher, just write up your idea. We don't have to use my ideas.

Just so we're all up to date, here is a list of the basic ideas for our characters so far.

  • NIDHOGG - Alec Kaiser - Human - Galactic Wanderer - Survival and Combat Specialist
  • PIMPMAR - Dante Alaniyum - Turian - Rogue Ship Captain - Gunslinger and Experienced Pilot
  • DIZZYFISH - Atina'Evna nar Io - Quarian - Pilgrimaging Scholar - Academic Knowledge along with Engineering and Computer Expertise
  • AVELLAN13 - Vincent Anatasio - Human - Alliance Supporter - Close Combat and Biotic Sentinel
  • LEOHAWK35 - Shadow - Geth - Idependant Mobile Platform - Stealth Infiltrator and Combat Sniper
  • MEANBLACKJACK - Kaito Foley - Human - Veteran Freelancer - Combat Strategist and Biotic Vanguard
Perfect, I like it.

Also I`ve noticed that Dizzyish is the only female PC here. Should we invite more women to participate
You guys can invite anyone you think would be a good person to RP with. More females would certainly be nice, but anyone who can bring something to our story would be more than welcome here.

Just so you know. I haven't posted anyone's character as an "official" profile in the IC section. So now is the time to make any tweaks and adjustments you want. Also, if you have a picture you want to use as a portrait, just post it here or PM it to me and I will make sure it goes with your profile.

I will make all photos for the profile 150x150 pixels. I can handle the cropping and resizing myself, but I will also make sure there is a link to the full sized image.

@ MeanBlackjack

A RL picture might look a little weird if all the others are drawn and CGI, so if you see a drawn Watanabe portrait that might fit better. If not, it isn't a big deal.
What? We cannot run a train
with Atina? I dare say sir! Ye'
of little faith! XD
I was thinking that Dante's ship, the Exodus, would be the ship that the group is travelling in, if we are all traveling together. Should I write out the specs for the ship?
Oh Dante's ship would most definitely be what we traveled in. It wouldn't be suitable for long stays on board, most likely. But it would get us around fast and safely, right?

We'll just have to do some cramping in to whatever bunks are on the ship, and bust out some camping gear if we're on a suitable planet.

So yes, it is your ship so go right ahead and design it. If there are any problems we'll point it out, but we have faith in you.

While nothing is saying we can't run a train or gangbang Atina...we just think that would provide an ever greater risk of infection. And she can't just keep the suit on...I mean there would be enough stuff flying on her that something on there is bound to get clogged. I don't think she'd enjoy explaining that maintenance problem to Quarian tech support.
"Ma'am, I am going to need you
to tell us again how that particular
piece was clogged..."

Atina: -sighs- First it was a sound
problem, now I am very sure you
are getting some sick kick out of

"No. My supervisor needs to hear
the story too, so we can collaborate
a way to fix the issue..."

Atina: Oh, I am very sure............