Mass Effect: Chronicles (OOC)

My Character`s Start Up Area

I`ve got an idea for where my guy will be when we start the IC.

My character will be on the planet that your guys are headed towards. Vincent has been there for awhile and is unhappy with the enemy (Blue Suns or some other group) who have recently set up there to get to the prothean technology before your characters can. Vincent wanted solitude and the enemy tried to kill Vincent. For a while now Vincet has been picking them off bit by bit. When your character arrive, my guy will be somewhere off, attacking a group of the enemy.

Well the problem with starting on the planet is the planet we're going to is beyond rough and hostile. How would Vincent have gotten there? It is on the edge of the Terminus System, almost to Geth Space. On top of that, it is only safe to be on the surface for non-native (and some native) creatures in the planet's terminator.

The terminator is the "twilight zone" between the day and night side. The temperature in the constantly moving safe-zone is only just above freezing. Averaging 2 °C (35 °F). On top of that, the planet makes a full day's rotation in 2.5 hours. So that terminator zone moves really fast.

If that isn't enough, it has a slightly thin atmosphere. Not so thin that it can't be breathed, but thin enough that it would have an effect of having to breathe 3/4 the amount of oxygen humans normally need. Consider being on surface of this planet the equivalent of being almost 9,000ft above sea level.

And on top of all that, the terminator zone is where all the animals live. There are no specifics on what is living there, but here is an excerpt from the article on the planet.

Mass Effect Wiki said:
More dangerous are the omnivorous predator species that devour the arthropods. Most animal life on Neidus has limited vision but a finely developed thermal sense.

Given the frigid nature of the planet, the arthropods would likely be very big. "An arthropod is an invertebrate animal having an exoskeleton (external skeleton), a segmented body, and jointed appendages."

Examples of arthropods are crabs ; scorpions ; centipedes ; trilobites. So imagine how nasty an animal would be to hunt, kill, and eat a giant scorpion. We're talking Fallout series deathclaw kind of nasty.

Now, with all these problems, whoever the guys that might be there before us are, their base of operations would probably be their ship in orbit. The planet is just not suitable for a lasting base camp.

My idea for the actual ruins are that they would be subterranean and the geothermal vents on the planet would keep them warm. That might actually be the entire goal of the prothean technology there. To harvest and/or experiment with geothermal power.

The other thing behind the ruins, is there would be no reason for us to mount an expedition if they'd been discovered and looted. Atina's brother had found the ruins when Alec was working for him, but he never published or announced their discovery. Now Alec and the other people on that team would know about them, but Alec is the only surviving member of that group. So (while I'm sure someone else would have found out about these ruins eventually) the remote and dangerous location would make them hard to get to and hard to loot. I might go so far as to say the geothermal vents mask basic scans looking for the ruins.

That brings me to the last thing I wanted to talk about. This sort of venture seems too much for average mercs to bother with. Blue Suns and Blood Pack probably wouldn't be able to deal with it, but I think Eclipse could do it. They are more organized, better equipped, and make use of wider varieties of skills. Your thoughts?
Ok.. I didn`t know what the planet was. I didn`t see a post that named the planet or described it in detail. I thought it was a jungle and forest planet. Also considering the mercs, the ruins wouldn`t have been pilliaged and looted, I thought it would be where they had just arrived a few days ago, like 3 or 4, and had just resently found the ruins, only an hour, before your characters arrived.
Sorry Avellan, that wasn't for you,
that was for Professor Nid. >.>
Well I had posted a link to the planet in one of my posts. I hadn't gotten to an actual description yet because I didn't think it was important right now. I was going to get to it later tonight or tomorrow, but at least now I have a good description of it up.

Don't feel bad, Avellan, *I am willing to bet that I either didn't remember to put the link in, or I didn't highlight it enough to make it stand out.* So let's chalk this up as one of my mistakes. *All bets are off! I did not remember to make the link stand out at all. I didn't even remember to put the damn planet name so you could look it up yourself.*

So, for the record the it is the planet Neidus in the Kriseroi System of the Pylos Nebula.

I have a decent map of the ME systems, but it is pretty damn big. As in 2760x2760 pixels. So I will do a link to the image instead of trying to IMG code it.


To put it in perspective, the Phoenix Massing, where the Geth Heretic Station is/will be, is right next to the Pylos Nebula.
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Wow, big planet. Ok, how about I make it where my character is in the underground tunnels. His ship crashed on the planet, luckly in the safe area, and he barly made it to safety in the underground tunnels. Unable to get to his ship safely and unable to contact f help, he has been stuck on the planet. He`s been there for awhile all by himself until your characters arrive.

Also, when will we begin the IC?
@ Avellan13

Well as long as you can make your backstory support Vincent having his own ship, being in that area at all, and being able to survive that hostile area for however long he's been there it will work.

Just keep in mind that any area with geothermal heat would be a haven for creatures that want to stay warm. Even underground, the temperature would still fluctuate. He would also have to handle what he would eat and drink the entire time.

I will leave it to you to decide how he handles it. Even if he isn't trained in survival skills, he should be able to manage enough to get by. Until he runs out of thermal clips to shoot stuff. But that would make our arrival more dramatic and helpful.


I am incredibly sorry, pimpmar. I could have sword I had put Dante's profile up already. I don't know how I thought that since I even wrote in my own posts who I had put up. I am just very annoyed with myself.

I'll just make sure I ask before I put Dante and Exodus up. Are they finalized? They look pretty finalized and we sorted out the issue with the ship's turret, but I will just ask again before I get the profiles up.

Right now the only profiles that aren't up are for Shadow and Dante. When you guys are ready for them to go up, just make a new post with a final version. This will prevent any mistakes on my part with the transfer to the IC.

In regards to the IC, Dizzy and I are going to get started soon. It will begin with Atina and Alec meeting for the first time to set up this mission. You are not required to wait until I or Dizzyfish come looking for your character to post. You are free to make IC posts about whatever your character is doing before we come looking for them.

Just remember that the profile is finalized as soon as your first IC post is made.

The year is 2176. The news everyone is talking about is the Skyllian Blitz. 2 months ago batarian-funded pirates launched a massive assault on the Alliance colony of Elysium. A young commander named John Shepard who was on shore leave at Elysium rallied the defenses and is given all the credit for keeping the colony standing until the Alliance Navy arrived.

Less talked about news is the new commission for the John Grissom Academy the Alliance is going to build over Elysium. It is going to further the advancement of human biotic research. How people are reacting to that news depends on how they view humans.

People who keep an ear to galactic politics know of unrest over slavery practices in the Terminus System of Anhur.
Name: Donterral "Dante" Alaniyum
Age: 44 Standard Galactic Years
Species: Turian
Gender: Male
Height: 2 meters
Weight: 260 pounds

Defining features: Donterral's military grade armor is so old, it's considered rustic. It's beaten, dented, and scorched. The Black chassis with the Red undertone may have at one point been a mark of pride, but now it looked as though the armor was bleeding. His face is crisscrossed with scars, one running straight down his left eye. Powerfully built, he's rarely seen without his armor.
Birthplace: Palaven, the Turian Home World

Primary skill set: Electronics, Engineering, Pistol Combat.
Secondary skill set: Rifle combat, Assault Training, First Aid
Tertiary Skill set: Piloting, and a whole life-time's expierence.

Backround: Donterral was born on the Turian Homeworld, to a prestigious Military family. He quickly ranked up through the military for his sound judgement, incredible reflexes, and sheer brutality.

He was assigned the role Shipmaster several weeks prior to the Relay 314 Incident. In command of his own vessel, he was present for the first encounter with Humanity. It was he who was reluctant to fire, and his lack of discipline that let the final human ship limp out alive. In a bad spot with the Admiraltiy, he voluntereed to lay siege to the Human World from orbit. It was here, during the merciless orbital bombardment, that he grew disgusted with his own kind. He was glad when the Human fleet reacted in force, and even happier to have his vessel disabled.

Assumed dead by the Turian Fleet, he fled around the Galaxy, looking for jobs anyway he could. He won a Stryker IV pistol in a gambler's game, and stole a hot-rod ship from one of the most powerful mercenary's in the galaxy. His ship, the Exodus, is the real reason he still lives. Between it's Military-grade armament, shielding, or drag racing speed, it is his pride and joy. Now, he makes a living piloting or smuggling, whichever pays more.

He picked up the name Dante from a human literature form he read during a stay on the Lunar space station. Unduly racist towards humans, he was promptly evicted. But, the name stuck.

Finalized and ready.

Dante and his ship are up in the IC profile section. Please let me know if I made any mistakes.

@LeoHawk35 this is the finalized version of Shadow? So on top of being a better infiltrator than a really strong character from the games, he has the skills and abilities that rival another really strong character from the games, became more famous than that guy would in a shorter amount of time; has technology we've never seen in this series in the form of a complete holographic cloaking device that turns him in to a completely different species; has the outright strongest sniper rifle ever presented by the games, two of the strongest handguns, and of course a ridiculously powerful assault rifle; all of which he upgraded with prothean technology.

That is what your character sounds like. I am doing my best to be polite but I am going to come right out and say it. I do not like your character. At all. Nothing about this character is original, thought out, or would make sense with anything about what the group is shaping up to be. Yes, every character has certain things that make them stronger and more unique than an average person would be in this universe. But they also have some sort of cohesiveness to why they have that strength, and that strength is not their character's main feature. Now I know that the defense for this character's "bad-ass awesomtude" is that "he's a Geth." Well there was a reason I didn't put geth on the list of species for character creation. This exact reason. I did not think anyone could make an independent Geth character without it being 1) A Legion knock off. 2) Ridiculously overpowered.

I will put aside every personal issue I have with "Shadow" because if everyone else likes him, I can't stop you from playing him. What I can take issue with are things that will have serious impact on the game. You have an overpowered character. He would be considered overpowered even in ME2 where all the characters are the best of the best.

I am doing my best to be diplomatic and handle the organizational tasks without taking total control over things. Everyone's opinion here counts, and everyone's ideas matter. If I start looking like I am being unfair or controlling or mean to anyone you guys just need to say so. I can not be expected to stay polite and make friendly suggestions for everything.
I hate to be a dick, but you're being a dick as well.

I understand completely where you're coming from, I won't deny it. But YOU were the one who said I needed a disguise. I did the best I could without making it seem like a damn cardboard box. As for the really think the Geth would send him out without the best equipment? The pistols are powerful, yes, but not uncommon. The Pulse Rifle is mainly effective against shields, not so much armor and all that. That, and it's a GETH Pulse Rifle. "GETH" being the keyword. And the Widow? I suppose I can't explain that one.

I put in the thing about the Prothean technology because YOU said he needed something unique. I chose the Prothean tech idea. I didn't want to do the upgrades because even I thought it was ridiculous. I don't like it, and I hate it when people tell me what to do with my own characters. I put in several things I didn't want nor like because YOU told me to.

And I would personally like to say "fuck you" for that comment there. I put quite a bit of thought into this character and I did my best to make it work. You say he isn't original? I would like you to go ahead and name me something that I could have gotten every single idea in this character from. I'll be amazed if you can.

The group is unique. A independent mobile platform is unique. It fits just fine.

My defense would not have been "he's a Geth." It would be "YOU told me to do it." Most of the now present defects can be traced back to YOU.

Try and see where I'm coming from here.
>.> Can we just all take a
step back and put our mental
penises back into out metaphorical
pants, pause and then reflect?
I'm keeping my penis in my pants. I'm also going to jump over to the IC thread, watch me go!

You are right, I am being a dick about this. I appreciate that you didn't just post "Fuck you" and leave. So, I apologize for approaching that so badly, and I do see where you are coming from. I could say all sorts of things, but honestly there is no excuse for me being that rude and mean. If you're still willing to work things out, I am too. I realize now that a lot of my suggestions probably made more sense to me in my head than they did in whatever 1 or 2 sentences I wrote for you.

LeoHawk35 said:
I did the best I could without making it seem like a damn cardboard box.

You're right, I did say you needed a disguise and hiding a Geth framework would be hard without holographic technology. Going off of the design sketches I've seen for Legion and the other Geth, the main problem is the humped form of the neck and head. Similar to how a krogan's head just sort of juts out. An idea that comes to mind for that is that Shadow would, when he needed to be out in public, disguise himself in some form of body armor. The armor might not be useful as armor to anyone else, but it would provide another shell he could hide with. Now that I am trying to think about how to make a disguise work, I understand how difficult it was for you to think of something.

LeoHawk35 said:
I would like you to go ahead and name me something that I could have gotten every single idea in this character from. I'll be amazed if you can.

I could in fact do that for everyone's character, especially my own. Just by the fact of seeing or reading about the thousands and thousands of things that have been done in fiction since people started using fiction. I had no right to go off on you like that or insult your character's originality. I especially shouldn't insult a character's originality before it has even had a chance to be used in the actual RP. That was not fair of me and I am very sorry for that.

LeoHawk35 said:
As for the really think the Geth would send him out without the best equipment? The pistols are powerful, yes, but not uncommon.

I am not even sure what my issue is with the weapons or why I brought it up. This isn't a dice and rules RP. We aren't going to spend the whole damn time fighting hordes of enemies so our weapons aren't as big of a deal as long as there is a reason for us having them. Obviously, like you said, the Geth Pulse rifle would just be standard issue for him. The hand cannons are common enough that he could have just taken them off any number of mercs or thugs. The Widow, while very powerful, is something he would likely have put a lot of effort in to getting since he is actually capable of firing it well.

So, if I haven't said it enough, I am sorry for being such a dick. I have been making you jump through hoops for your character, and now I'm bitching because the way you jumped isn't good enough for me. I am sorry. There was no excuse for my behavior, and I am glad you are being as sensible as anyone could be about this whole mess. If you can forgive me for being a dick, I will be more than happy to just keep things moving so you can get your character in the game and play him the way you want to play him.
For clarification, Dante's reputation is as follows, just so we have a way to slide him in.

True Credentials:
Made the infamous Terminus' smuggling run succesfully. Twice.

Has a warrant for his arrest in over 40 systems.

Top 20 wanted by C-SEC

Smuggled goods into quarantined world past C-SEC blockade, without ever jumping to FTL.

Exaggerated credentials:

Personally took on 4 C-SEC frigates at once, and survived (it was really 2, with an additional one in-bound, took heavy damage before fleeing).

Killed a SPECTRE (complete lie.)

Fastest draw in the Galaxy (debatable. He's won his fair share of duels).

That's about all I have for now. :)
How about MeanBlackjack`s character and mine have met before. MeanBlackjack`s guy was the resistance fighter who saved Vincent`s life when Vincent was a baby during the invasion of Shinxi? My guy doesn`t really remember him, considering he was a baby at the time.
Sorry that Dizzyfish and I have dominated the IC thread right now, but we're going to go find Dante in the next few posts. Once Alec gets to a terminal, he will send an extranet message to one of the people he goes to when looking for work. The man doesn't ever have jobs of his own, but often knows other people who do. It isn't a very sophisticated contact system. More of a "Do you know anyone who might know anyone?"

So if Kaito has any connections for jobs similar to that, he can hear about a job opportunity that will lead him to Alec and Atina. Getting Dante and his ship is priority, so he will be the first stop. If you have any ideas for how you'd like to get Kaito in the mission, MeanBlackjack, just let us all know.

On that topic, I loved how you handled the first post, MeanBlackjack. We were all a little confused about the first version of it, but your second shot was just great. I wasn't sure if Kaito would have any issues about his age. I was also worried that if you did bring up his age, it would dominate his personality. But just that first post gave the right amount of concerns over his age. Like he wasn't always concerned about it, but that it was something that bugged him in the back of his head and might get more bothersome in the future.

I'm enjoying how everyone is handling the beginning of this thread, actually. Pimpmar's posts handled that little action sequence incredibly well. Avellan's rough time on the planet will give us more to work with when we find his guy. Also I liked the way you wrote our perspective of the distress call. I'm also glad you didn't just leave it at the distress call and we the players get to see Vincent's struggles. I already mentioned how much I like MeanBlackjack's post. And I don't need to talk about how much I like Dizzyfish's posts because it is no secret that I love everything Dizzy does.

Just wanted to express how much I am enjoying just reading your guys' posts, so I know I will love it even more when I get to interact with your characters. The first part of any RP thread is generally the roughest and rockiest, but I think everything is going well. Again, I apologize that Dizzy and I have sort of dominated things at the beginning, but we have to start somewhere. Now that the groundwork has been laid, we will be focusing on getting the group together so we can all start having a grand old time together.

If anyone has any friends they think would like to get in on this game point them here, as this early stage in the RP is the easiest way to get a character in. Of course we could probably work a character in at any time.

The last thing I would like to do is direct a comment towards LeoHawk35. I got your PM, and I appreciate the apology. However as your behavior was not a private affair, making a private and secretive apology has no real impact on me. When I make a douchebag of myself in front of other people (which I do often enough), I make sure I apologize where they can all see it. I also don't go back and delete or edit any post that makes me look stupid or rude. I own up to it, apologize for it, and leave the post up as a reminder to myself not to repeat my mistakes. If anyone disagrees with me they are free to say so and we will discuss it. But as for my opinion on the matter I will be blunt.

I do not want to have any association with you, LeoHawk35. Not in any RP thread, or any discussion of any sort. It is not because of my feelings on your characters, the way you write or anything about you other than what I have said in this post. I have no intention of arguing with you and I won't bother you in any thread you are in now or in the future.
Right, onto sunnier times then I suppose.

I was thinking about how to get Kaito to Neidus. What if I bump off Aukerman in the next post I make and just as you're scanning for hired help he puts his services up? Realising we're on the same planet, they meet and find a ship together?
If it works out to be convenient for us to meet Kaito before we look for a ship that will be fine. It will be up to Atina to do negotiations, but Alec's suggestion will be not to settle on a price until they see how much they have to put towards the ship and pilot. Alec will likely get a good impression of Kaito as Alec respects people with experience.
Well, I'm currently writing up my latest RP reply and I've got it so that he's not bounty hunting any more and is doing lighter work as a hired gun.

Not to mention all those lovely blood credits he's been earning :)
He's got to start scraping all the credits he can together. That bionic hip replacement ain't gonna be cheap.
[oldman]Well, if you young'uns insist on using all these new fangled star ships and your grenade launchers. Back in his day he made people explode with his mind and he likes it fine that way! Now get off his lawn![/oldman]