Mexico sues U.S. gun manufacturers; SCOTUS likely to block it


Literotica Guru
Oct 13, 2024

resident Trump says that Mexicans are invading the United States, but at the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday, Mexico is arguing that American gun manufacturers are aiding and abetting an illegal invasion of guns from the United States into Mexico.

Mexico is suing Smith & Wesson and other gunmakers for damages, claiming that they are turning a blind eye to hundreds of thousands of high powered weapons made in the U.S that are illegally trafficked into in the hands of Mexican cartels.

Twenty five years ago, gun manufacturers found themselves facing lawsuits from cities, states, and counties over gun violence. The manufacturers raced to Congress for protection, and Congress obliged with a law giving them broad immunity from liability. But there were exceptions in the law. For instance, the parents of children killed in Newtown, Conn., won $73 million from the maker of the Bushmaster rifle used in the massacre. The families used a marketing exception in the law and argued that the company's marketing tactics targeted vulnerable young men an encouraged illegal behavior.

While 90% of gun dealers act legally in their gun sales, 5% do not, according to lawyer Jonathan Lowy, co-counsel for Mexico and president of Global Action on Gun Violence.

"Those bad actors sell to obvious cartel traffickers in bulk sales and repeated sales where the traffickers come into the store repeatedly over weeks and months, buying large amounts of AK-47s, AR-15s, sniper rifles that can shoot down helicopters, often paying in cash," he says. "Manufacturers know who those dealers are, how they're supplying the cartels, and yet they continue to choose to sell their guns through those dealers, and allowing those sales practices."

"That's a flawed argument," counters Lawrence Keane, counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the trade association for the firearms industry.

"Every sale to a consumer by a licensed retailer is approved by the federal government. Every transactions requires a federally mandated background check," he says, adding that Mexico is arguing that a "lawful distribution system that's approved under federal law…is aiding and abetting cartels."

"If that was all that was required," he adds, "Budweiser would be responsible for drunk driving accidents all across the United States, and apparently including Mexico."

Mexico notes that it is a country where guns are supposed to be difficult to get. There is just one store in the whole country where guns can be bought legally, yet the nation is awash in illegal guns sold most often to the cartels. Mexico maintains that gushing pipeline of what it calls "crime guns" comes from the United States where manufacturers know which dealers are the bad actors.

"You can't hide behind the middleman and pretend like you don't know what's happening," says Lowy, Mexico's co-counsel .

Keane of the gun manufacturers trade association has a very different view.

"This case by Mexico is an attempt to have regulation through litigation and it's particularly offensive, candidly, when it is done by a foreign sovereign who comes into the U.S. court and then seeks not just $10 billion in damages" but also seeks to dictate how products can be sold and to whom. "That's invasion of U.S. sovereignty," he says.

A decision in the case is expected by summer.
Write your Congresscritter and demand repeal of the statute bolded above, granting the gun makers immunity.

Mexico is suing Smith & Wesson and other gunmakers for damages, claiming that they are turning a blind eye to hundreds of thousands of high powered weapons made in the U.S that are illegally trafficked into in the hands of Mexican cartels.

It's almost like they want a secure border.

How MAGA of them.
Mexico needs to fix their corrupt government first. The problem with them is they’ve normalized corruption to the point where it has filtered down to all segments of society. My Mex/Am significant other has an old saying handed down form her grandmother…“El que no tranza no avanza,” “The one that does not cheat, does not succeed,”

This is just another publicity stunt with no real downside for them.
No doubt about it. Most of those fully automatic military rifles, 50 caliber machine guns, belt fed machine guns, grenades, and shoulder-fired and rifle-grenade launchers that the Mexican cartels are armed with are American made and acquired via straw purchases at Walmart, Cabellas, and gun shows.
No doubt about it. The Trump administration said it would stop the flow of weapons from US manufacturers to cartels, but has done nothing because those companies make “campaign contributions” (bribes).
No doubt about it. The Trump administration said it would stop the flow of weapons from US manufacturers to cartels, but has done nothing because those companies make “campaign contributions” (bribes).
Another moron runs their mouth. The manufacturer's have nothing to do with selling to the cartel's. The greater proportion of those firearms have been stolen and are used to trade for drugs. And here's where it gets interesting. In order for those transactions to take place it requires that the cartels engage in two-way smuggling. They have to smuggle the drugs into the US and then they have to smuggle the firearms back into Mexico. Currently the border is pretty well sealed up and that means that if the drugs are being smuggled in, the firearms aren't being smuggled out. See how that works shit for brains?
The illegal invasion of guns is the cartels smuggling them into Mexico so they can continue to control the country.

You really are an idiot.
The cartels likely have a pipeline to Russia, and that's where AKs come from.

Not Made in USA . . . .
None of the cartel military-grade weapons come from Mexico’s corrupt military, corrupt militaries in Central and South American countries, or international weapons traffickers. They are all made by Smith & Wesson and are purchased at US gun shows. If we just close the “gun show loophole” the cartels will be forced to arm themselves with Daisy BB guns and slingshots.
None of the cartel military-grade weapons come from Mexico’s corrupt military, corrupt militaries in Central and South American countries, or international weapons traffickers. They are all made by Smith & Wesson and are purchased at US gun shows. If we just close the “gun show loophole” the cartels will be forced to arm themselves with Daisy BB guns and slingshots.
You forgot the *sarcasm* .
None of the cartel military-grade weapons come from Mexico’s corrupt military, corrupt militaries in Central and South American countries, or international weapons traffickers. They are all made by Smith & Wesson and are purchased at US gun shows. If we just close the “gun show loophole” the cartels will be forced to arm themselves with Daisy BB guns and slingshots.
Seeing as how you broached that subject. The AK's that are flooding into Mexico are coming out of Venezuela. You see back when Hugo took power, you all remember Hugo, right? Anyway he bought over 100K. AK's from Russia. Well, now Venezuela has a cash flow problem and a lot of excess AK's and the cartels have cash.

resident Trump says that Mexicans are invading the United States, but at the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday, Mexico is arguing that American gun manufacturers are aiding and abetting an illegal invasion of guns from the United States into Mexico.

Mexico is suing Smith & Wesson and other gunmakers for damages, claiming that they are turning a blind eye to hundreds of thousands of high powered weapons made in the U.S that are illegally trafficked into in the hands of Mexican cartels.

Twenty five years ago, gun manufacturers found themselves facing lawsuits from cities, states, and counties over gun violence. The manufacturers raced to Congress for protection, and Congress obliged with a law giving them broad immunity from liability. But there were exceptions in the law. For instance, the parents of children killed in Newtown, Conn., won $73 million from the maker of the Bushmaster rifle used in the massacre. The families used a marketing exception in the law and argued that the company's marketing tactics targeted vulnerable young men an encouraged illegal behavior.

While 90% of gun dealers act legally in their gun sales, 5% do not, according to lawyer Jonathan Lowy, co-counsel for Mexico and president of Global Action on Gun Violence.

"Those bad actors sell to obvious cartel traffickers in bulk sales and repeated sales where the traffickers come into the store repeatedly over weeks and months, buying large amounts of AK-47s, AR-15s, sniper rifles that can shoot down helicopters, often paying in cash," he says. "Manufacturers know who those dealers are, how they're supplying the cartels, and yet they continue to choose to sell their guns through those dealers, and allowing those sales practices."

"That's a flawed argument," counters Lawrence Keane, counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the trade association for the firearms industry.

"Every sale to a consumer by a licensed retailer is approved by the federal government. Every transactions requires a federally mandated background check," he says, adding that Mexico is arguing that a "lawful distribution system that's approved under federal law…is aiding and abetting cartels."

"If that was all that was required," he adds, "Budweiser would be responsible for drunk driving accidents all across the United States, and apparently including Mexico."

Mexico notes that it is a country where guns are supposed to be difficult to get. There is just one store in the whole country where guns can be bought legally, yet the nation is awash in illegal guns sold most often to the cartels. Mexico maintains that gushing pipeline of what it calls "crime guns" comes from the United States where manufacturers know which dealers are the bad actors.

"You can't hide behind the middleman and pretend like you don't know what's happening," says Lowy, Mexico's co-counsel .

Keane of the gun manufacturers trade association has a very different view.

"This case by Mexico is an attempt to have regulation through litigation and it's particularly offensive, candidly, when it is done by a foreign sovereign who comes into the U.S. court and then seeks not just $10 billion in damages" but also seeks to dictate how products can be sold and to whom. "That's invasion of U.S. sovereignty," he says.

A decision in the case is expected by summer.
What right does a foreign country have to sue us
Seeing as how you broached that subject. The AK's that are flooding into Mexico are coming out of Venezuela. You see back when Hugo took power, you all remember Hugo, right? Anyway he bought over 100K. AK's from Russia. Well, now Venezuela has a cash flow problem and a lot of excess AK's and the cartels have cash.

Wat could come up with some cash if they had FALs . . . .
MAGAs support US arms manufacturers selling to cartels.

Gullible MAGA sheep repeat all the right wing propaganda they are fed. Baaa sheep. Baa. 😆