Name A Litster... (who) (that)


NAL That's on your fuck it list.

I'm gonna say AGG. Although I don't know if a fuck it list means "ah fuck it" or "yeah I'd fuck it". I'll let her decide.

I hate that I am saying this; @Lord Pmann . Lit is more fun (for me) when he's around

Why do you hate saying this? Is it not the general consensus of the Lit population? 😢

NAL who was surprisingly different than you expected them to be.
I'm gonna say AGG. Although I don't know if a fuck it list means "ah fuck it" or "yeah I'd fuck it". I'll let her decide.

Why do you hate saying this? Is it not the general consensus of the Lit population? 😢

NAL who was surprisingly different than you expected them to be.

NAL who is creative