Need a hug?

*huggles everyone*

Get a Hug , Give a Hug..:heart: to whomever may need it.

Especially if you've recently been ghosted by a new connection you really clicked with .. and they suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth deleting their profile whithout so much as a bye-bye.

Ah... fake profiles.....

Always need one , please

That’s the worst … πŸ€—

Big hugs for the ladies. Hope everyone is doing well

Hugs to all who need one.

Everyone should get a hug everytime they feel like. There should be a universal rule like this

I have not and will not turn down a free hug πŸ€—

A agree

I’m a hugger…not just of trees

Could use a good hug right about now.

Yes please πŸ˜•

I need one x

I never say no to a hug

Hugs for all of the sexy women here tonight. You are all so amazing

Love a hug, and you never know where it could take you! : )

As long as it isn’t a half assed one arm hug, sure.

Both arms open wide

Hugs are awesome

Today is definitely a day for hugs. Snuggling down hugs. πŸ₯°
Hugs to all, sorry I disappeared for awhile.