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I have a new story up: Too Cold Not to Fuck.

Brother-sister I/T stroker to pander to the masses explore ways to increase my readership.

ETA: Oh wow! It's been up for less than an hour and already it has more than 500 views and 15 ratings. With at least one 1. Who does that? They're in I/T, but they hate the idea of a brother and sister having sex? Or maybe it's the lack of typos.
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My latest story is available now, "The West Texas Ladies Chess Club, Chapter 1.

What's a young woman in college to do when there hasn't been a "Mr Right" for far too long? Why, she can start a chess club. Lots of girls play chess. You can't hardly pull them away from the game. They've got clubs, and everything!

Hope you like it!

I have a new story up after many long months of absence. It's called 'Royal Escorts.' A case of mistaken identity leads to miscommunication, mischievousness, and passionate sex. It's not scary, even though it's Hollows Eve as of this posting. But it does have lots of dress-up, role-playing, and humor. So, if you enjoy light-hearted, fun, creative, funny, erotic stories, be sure to check it out. It already has a couple of praises under the comments.
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I have a new story up after many long months of absence. It's called 'Royal Escorts.' A case of mistaken identity leads to miscommunication, mischievousness, and passionate sex. It's not scary, even though it's Hollows Eve as of this posting. But it does have lots of dress-up, role-playing, and humor. So, if you enjoy light-hearted, creative, funny, erotic stories, be sure to check it out. It already has a couple of praises under the comments.
Listed. (gonna be a lot of reading this weekend)
Eric discovers a club where fathers gather to secretly watch live streaming of their daughter's one night stands. But to join he has to put his beloved Robyn in the pot and risk her being picked by the hired stud. Join Eric as he's torn apart by his porn addiction and desire to protect his daughter.
Eric discovers a club where fathers gather to secretly watch live streaming of their daughter's one night stands. But to join he has to put his beloved Robyn in the pot and risk her being picked by the hired stud. Join Eric as he's torn apart by his porn addiction and desire to protect his daughter.
Read, rated, and commented. Thoroughly enjoyed it!
A few days ago (Oct 28) my first story "Emily's changes" went up in the sci-fi/fantasy area ( I thank everyone who took the time to read it and especially those that rated it. Only one comment so far, if anyone would be willing to provide additional feedback this would be helpful. I am working on a second installment.

Thank you.
A few days ago (Oct 28) my first story "Emily's changes" went up in the sci-fi/fantasy area ( I thank everyone who took the time to read it and especially those that rated it. Only one comment so far, if anyone would be willing to provide additional feedback this would be helpful. I am working on a second installment.

Thank you.
Welcome Shifty! Will have a look soon.
I have an entry in the wasteland of Loving Wives called “Fire Woman”. Readers who want to see old crushes grown up and hooking up, jealous unsatisfied spouses, and happy swingers should check it out. Courtney Crowe’s comeuppance from my last story is also summarized, I would have detailed it more fully but I’m no good at detective stuff. :( There’s a hot MF hookup and MFF threesome in Fire Woman too, for readers who care about such things.

Hope readers enjoy!
Look forward to this one. Reminds me of the real life crush story I wrote about.

Did you request LW or did they put it there against your wishes?
Short, silly, first chapter about a bratty social media obsessed girl who unwittingly signs a friend and herself up for a non-con "sex" experience.

I'll do some warning tags in the way kids do these days. Am I cool yet?
#it's-all-smut #non-con-treated-way-too-lightly #who-writes-in-first-person-anyway #no-actual-sex #bad-french-accents
Ben's Big Mistake is up. NC/R written in the first-person present tense.

I included a warning that some readers might not like the surprise twist. Even so, I expect it to go down in flames.
The fun was in the dramatic tension in the first half. You should edit out this warning.
Maybe I will. The NC/R crowd seem remarkably tolerant of it so far - mostly good scores, except one 1 and one 2, by my count.

Thanks for the comment and the 5 stars, by the way! Much appreciated.