Newbies, this one's for you!

uh, the thing about explorer isn't true. that only happens if your BIOS, or NetBIOS ports are dectectable, or open. i have mine set on Stealth. (thats in CMOS for those that want to know) so when they search for control and hole into it, it reals as this computer doesn't have a central core, it shouldn't be working. "oh, okay, lets try another one then" plus i have a hardware and siftware firewall running. so. no probs for me! lol

i donno about the stuff for AIM though.
I went to dsl reports and it said my security is lousy so as soon as I get some cash, pay off my credit card, get some dental work done, get a new tat, mabye get a new stereo, then I'll be able to afford an upgrade.
Heyas, I've got MSN and ICQ (and mIRC) and recently picked up AIM for the express purpose of talking to one of you here. : )

The voice chat and meeting place would be cool idea.

As far as using my computer... eh. They can see what they want about what I do, big deal (hey, maybe they'll register with lit and we'll get more rp'rs?). As far as people getting into my computer.... hmm. If you guys aren't sittin behind a couple fire walls, let me ask... Why not?

*high five*


my mic came with a crappy ole NEC system. oddly enough, it works damned good. and... it came with the system! woohoo!
LOL ... I have nuthing on my computer. 40 GB & only 8 is used. Plus I still have my old 6.4 GB HD to store all my DLs.

I still have to change out the floppy drive cos its screwed. Just too lazy to do it.

BTW I only have ICQ & MSN for chating. Or we could meet in a chatroom.
You're both crazy! hehehe I have 150 GB (three hard drives ;)) and a bit over 50 free...
Hmm ... for some reason I have a Yahoo! acct for something & for the Life of me I don't know what it is ...

Heh heh ... crysede ... I only upgraded to the 40Gig just this fall ... My tech guy sez its mor that enough for me. cos I only have MS office & games in my puter.
LOL You can just stop eyeing my GB's Khad, they're all protected behind Gerion, my fire wall of doom!

What can I say, I like to run some big programs :D
which two lumps are you refering to ??? :confused:

*looks at Khadgar & Crysede*
Homer style: Mmmm........lumps... *gazing around at the girls*

Uh.... what? Sorry, was ummm doing some reading on a post... uh huh.

Yeah, thats them!

Your AV looks much better Arc! Good deal!
UH HUH .... RIGHT ... *gives SD the look*

TY ... I used the one Crysede did ...

then I screwed w/ the orginal w/ Adobe Photoshop & the colors came out lighter.

But the darn thing was 20.1KB ... 0.1KB too big so I had to reduce by 5%.

Lump? Lump?!

*dumps conveniently located pitcher of ice water down the front of Spectral's pants*

Hehehe, it'll take a while before you manage to get a lump again ;)
Thanks Arc, *glaring over at crysede with my eyes, but smiling with my mouth*

Aww heck, c'mere crysede! *bearhug*

Oops, gotta lil wetness on ya there.

*blotting myself with that oh so nicely supplied towel*
Hey yeah, nice av Arc! It's addicting to play with graphics isn't it! Though I'm sure my obsession is just a transference of my desire to play with other, currently unavailable, things ;)
Heh Heh ... I like the color but I am gonna lighten it just a lil so you can see the highlght in the hair ...

*scolds SD*

Bad SD ... shame on you ...