Newbies, this one's for you!

*shocked gasp* I was talking about the water you got on me, get you're filthy mind out of the gutter at once! I will not have you thinking such lewd and erotic things about me!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Honestly, what do you think this is, a porn board or something?! :confused: :mad:
yes mistress, err, i mean, no mistress, uh...yes mistress... oh hell, i'm sorry, please forigive me!

*snuggles against crysedes legs and nuzzles her, giving a wink to Arc then peering up at crysede*
Awwwwwww *patting Spectral's head* How can I stay mad at you when you're such a cute minion!

But I think you must still have some ice cubes down your pants or something, 'cause I can feel something hard rubbing against my calf...
*ceases his very minute grinding movements*

no mistress, just happy to see you. very happy. thrilled in fact
LOL I'm sensing voyeuristic intentions there Arc! ;)

Sorry to disappoint, but I've got to get to bed, the suns going to be coming up in less than an hour....stupid sun, why's it always come up so bloody early in the morning!

its not the suns fault, just stop the rotation of the earth! stupid axis anyway!

i need sleep too, work is coming up soon and i need a nap!
Khadgar said:
uh, the thing about explorer isn't true. that only happens if your BIOS, or NetBIOS ports are dectectable, or open. i have mine set on Stealth. (thats in CMOS for those that want to know) so when they search for control and hole into it, it reals as this computer doesn't have a central core, it shouldn't be working. "oh, okay, lets try another one then" plus i have a hardware and siftware firewall running. so. no probs for me! lol

i donno about the stuff for AIM though.
I hate to break this too you Khad, but unless your firewall prevents you from viewing webpages you aren't protected, I interrogated Mr. smartypants-computer-know-it-all further and was able to gather that the specific problem with explorer is that it is utterly vulnerable to malicious webpage content (spyware, viruses and the like - nothing to do with port vulnerabilities). Apparently, after some study, it has been independently concluded that the only way to render explorer secure is to not run it on networked computers (ie, no internet). So if you ain't got spyware and/or viruses, you've just been lucky in what websites you've visited.
I've got a spyware removal program : )
Works great!
Except that without the spyware, some programs don't run correctly lol. Like KaZaa for instance. Bummer d00d!
Really I've been using Kazaa, maybe that's whats fucking my explorer up. What program do you have spec and how do you get around the probs?
I don't remember what the programs name was. It's on my home computer and I'm at work right now. My friend sent it to me. How have I gotten around it? I don't use Kazaa any more lol. It won't run. I could fix it though, the program backs up everything before it deletes them, so you can restore stuff. I just haven't been that broken up about it haha. I'll see what it is when i get home later.

Do you keep your windows updated, and download new versions of explorer?

My old system, sometimes I couldn't even check my e-mail without the window just closing. Or getting freakin blue screen errors. I never did find out the problem. I formatted my drive, reinstalled windows a couple times, nothing worked. It was a bastard! Am soooo happy to have my new system.

I know, I know, this is a perfect argument for why crysede runs linux. Sigh...
ROFL! Too fuckin funny.
Can always count on you for a great delivery.
(Wish girls would/could say that about me!)
Yeah that's what I'm using now. Works great but I'm still having my explorer problems. It doesn't go to blue, it just stops and a box pops up that says, been an error send a report? And I send a report. I keep updated all the time.
meh, i'm not worried Crys lol i have two firewalls always running

Kazza has spyware hmm? i was hoping it didn't....

. o O (uh oh.... now the pirate has a trail....)
Khadgar said:
meh, i'm not worried Crys lol i have two firewalls always running
Um, what part of firewalls won't protect you unless set up so you can't view webpages did you not understand there Khad? :D :p hehehe
I had Norton's Firewall & Antivirus programs on my computer. But for some reason the Firewall program made it harder for me to do anything & kept crashing my system. So I uninstalled it.

Yeah ... If they did ... they would be very disapointed in what they find.

