Now the real fun begins.

I'm not trying to prove anything. MY position is that you use inflamatory words and phrases to try and gin up support for your position based on politics rather than reality.

YOU SAY Trump is corrupt for doing what every other charitable org out there does but you don't condemn those people. Why? TDS.

YOU SAY Trump is a con man but you don't scream the same words about Democrats who lied to us about Russia gate and Hunter's laptop and who used media censorship tactics to kill that information right before the election so the voters wouldn't know. Why? TDS.

And yet I'm the one you say is looking through tinted glasses and denying reality when I point all of that out.



Can WDS be far behind???
32 years ago, the Pubs left Dan Quayle on the bench. The Dems now put their Quayle in the starting lineup. Yes, this will be a fun election.
Made for the backwards simps in this thread.

View attachment 2368946
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">SAY THEIR NAMES: Taliyah Crochet and Rylan Oncale.<br><br>They were kiIIed because a Honduran national with no driver&#39;s license and 7x the legal blood alcohol limit was on our roads.<br><br>Now Taliyah and Rylan will never make it home. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) <a href=" ">July 23, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Learn to use the board that you've frequented for two decades, old guy.
Learn to use the board that you've frequented for two decades, old guy.

Yeah yeah yeah, and Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned. Focus on the squirrel, why doncha.....

The point is, Biden and Harris's hands are both dripping blood. But you know that. You're just being unserious.
Yeah yeah yeah, and Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned. Focus on the squirrel, why doncha.....

The point is, Biden and Harris's hands are both dripping blood.
Read dude's cherry pick and then your squirrel comment and then tell me which is more stupid.
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">SAY THEIR NAMES: Taliyah Crochet and Rylan Oncale.<br><br>They were kiIIed because a Honduran national with no driver&#39;s license and 7x the legal blood alcohol limit was on our roads.<br><br>Now Taliyah and Rylan will never make it home. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) <a href=" ">July 23, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Fucking hell Glamorilla, you've been on this board 20+ years and STILL don't know how the "quote" function works?

Here's a good primer on the Libs of Tik Tok content creator you're attempting to promote LINK /s

SMH, Glamorilla promoting Libs of Tik Tok.....what a world.
I find it interesting that you and the rest of the D's don't understand the one defining facet of tyrants - Besides making up rules on the fly, they also ignore their own rules when those rules become inconvenient. Basically it's all ad hoc and off the cuff where chaos usually wins.
Arpy, you have just described an old guy running for office. Look that up in an encyclopedia, and you will see it next to Donald Trump's smiling picture with two thumbs up!
I'm from California. BELIEVE ME, she is not fit to be President of a fan club let alone the United States.

Out of her own mouth she has shown that she's 2-faced when she admitted to smoking pot (when it was illegal to do so) while a DA and prosecuting people for doing the same. It's not the pot that's the issue, it's that she's willing to commit a crime for her own pleasure while convicting/incarcerating others who do the same. That's called lawlessness and it appears that it's part of her personal attributes and moral makeup.

She has also admitted that she kept people in prison past their release dates in order to keep prison labor output higher. Again, a morality issue.

Then there are her KNOWN affairs which she used to elevate herself into power. A morality issue once more.

These are things which are going to be revealed. I'm betting that by the Democratic convention you'll know a lot more about Kamala Harris than you do now and none of it will be pretty. It might even change your mind about voting for her.

Personally I think you'd be better off voting for RFK Jr. He's a nutball but at least he's a consistent nutball who can explain himself with words that don't make him sound like an imbecile.
I read this with concern... until you said RFK Jr. could "...explain himself with words that don't make him sound like an imbecile." That right there... told me you were not serious or truthful about any of the above.