OOC: Armageddon Gospel: Kingdom Come

Well, she doesn't have to be either heaven or hell powered...

...and I don't think she should really be both...

I mean, she surely could be able to throw balls of holy fire.

Not that it matters what is holy or unholy, probably, considering that everyone is just killing everyone.

And I don't quite get the whole hair/eyes thing.
Oh well the hole hair eyes thing and the heaven and hell thing is conected. I was planing on explaining that as I write. I'll further justify them as I write but here is the basic Idea.

Her actul natural magic was powered by neither heven or hell though so there are three forces and three eye and hair colors. First is hell which has the dark red hair and brown eyes, then heaven which is white hair and silver eyes, then the third one which will be explained latter is her natural hair and eye color, blode and blue.

Any more info will have to wait till the afctul thread. Still I'll weight for Wylds responce to celst before I post in the thread.
Sheesh, two knife fighters now, huh?

Well, punching daggers for you, but, same thing.

I'll see what Wise Warrior provides me with, I suppose. Glenn just doesn't have enough cash for real weapons at the moment. After all, who has money for rewards?
Hmm ... Don't worry Jacobo ... I have something a bit different up my sleeve ... after I work on another project ...
Hey a katar is an armor peairceing weapon it is nothing like a knife. Other then the entire stabing thing.

I plan to start with a flash back or two that will sum up Celst past and powers. Keep in mind she has plenty of power but little skill and that will most likely be a problem as things go on.
And the fact that it's exactly like a knife, only you punch with it. Doofus. ^_^

I'll probably get a pistol for Glenn at some point though, and get him into the art of Gunjutsu. ;)
Ahh the art of clickclickbang. Mexican judo is quite a talent right?

As for the katar being like a knife your quite wrong. Katars are normally longer and some can be very difrent from any knife. Most katars are useless for slashes but sense the blade is a very pointed triangle on most types it can pierce threw armor like it wasn't even there, slashes on the other hand do little damage even when there is no armor. If you halod the knife right though it can be very leathal with a slash.

But Celst dosen't have a normal katar. I'll give a discription in either my first or second post.
Well... well...

...that's not what the picture in 3rd edition D&D looked like!

Bah, anyway, I still claim martial arts knowledge superiority due to my better Jeet Kune Do and Bruce Lee knowledge, despite your impressive exposition on katars!


You know you'd like to. :kiss:
Um... no.

I tend to be pretty good with my knowlegde of weapons and how they work.

As for D&D, they often fall short just because there a game but the same is true with every game and story.

If you have seen Dioblo2 lords of distruction the assain has a better pick of Katars. Still the ones she has on the box are scissors katars and I have no clue what the hell the advantage of those would be. Prehaps you can use them to block like a sai or something.

Also in the live action jungle book they have a good picture of a Katar in the weapons room of the villain. Ofcorse that also was a scisors Katar.

Personally Celst will be useing a Katar thats like a mix of a Cetus and a normal Katar. I'm not shure if you know what a cetus is but it's like a slashing version of a Katar.

Name: Kanetago
Class: Angelic Being
Duty: Messenger of the Supreme Being

Eyes: Violet
Hair: Blonde
Age: Unknown

Bio: One of the pure souls of the heavens, Kanetago job is to watch the movements of the mortals & report any suspicious activity by the agents of Lucifer. In watching the lives of those beings, has developed protectiveness about them. When able, steps in to spare their lives from undue harm, where do you think those miracles come from? Not from the Supreme one or from the Arch-Beings mind you.

As the battle between the children of Lucifer & the Supreme one, escalated beyond the scope of anyone’s comprehension. Kanetago has decided leave the sidelines & step in to help save the mortals of Sol. Starting with the ones that have been watched for countless of generations & years.

Description: Average height for an angelic being 5’ 9”, wavy hair about shoulder length. No visible weapons of any kind & carries a walking staff. No flesh of animals has ever touched those lips, not a personal action done to cause another’s death nor has Kanetago strike another in anger. Knowledgeable in various forms of unarmed combat, healer & skilled in white majiks that have been discovered thru out the ages. Studied thru watching the lives of mortals the herbal arts & cooking.

Like most of the Angelic race, Kanetago has gossamer wings & an androgynous like appearance. It is very simple to change ones appearance to be mortal. Only those that have been touched, can make out there is more to Kanetago than there seems.

Note: I have tried not to say that my character is a she or a he, because of the androgyny. It would be up to the prerogative of the other characters on how they see Kanetago. (See Attachment for an idea on how my character looks like)
androgyny I've never herd of thsi word before. I take it you mean genderless.

Ihave a small question where do you find all of this art work? You seem to have a picture for most ocassions, and yet last I asked I got the impression you weren't an artist. So do you have a file wear you save pics that you like as you come across them or something along those lines?
Main Entry:androgynous
Etymology:Latin androgynus hermaphrodite, from Greek androgynos, from andr- + gyn* woman— more at QUEEN

1 : having the characteristics or nature of both male and female
2 a : neither specifically feminine nor masculine *the androgynous pronoun them* b : suitable to or for either sex *androgynous clothing*
3 : having traditional male and female roles obscured or reversed *an androgynous marriage*
–an-drog-y-ny \-n*\ noun
cats said:
I have a small question where do you find all of this art work? You seem to have a picture for most ocassions, and yet last I asked I got the impression you weren't an artist. So do you have a file wear you save pics that you like as you come across them or something along those lines?

Its called Search Engines ... you can fine the most interesting stuff with them ... I also have a sweet program that I can use if I can't save a pix out right (& a lil bit of graphic manipulation) ...

Everyone can be an artist ... I just think there are people out there that can do a lot better job than I can. Yes I do draw, more like doodling, but I am still trying to improve my technic.

Since I did a major upgrade about a year ago ... I use my old 6GB drive for DL-ing. Right now I have about 500MB of pix, backgrounds & screensavers ...Wow thats about 3,500 files or there abouts.
Um.... well um.... damn.... thats a lot of pics. Well that explains it then. I just didn't picture you going around on a search engine looking for a pic to reprasent your chara.

Oh well it's a good hobby. I try to draw myself but I do not consider drawing my gift in art. Well my writeing tends to better then my dawing any how.
New A.G. Classes

Well...these aren't exactly new, they're just unintroduced.


If you see a Fiendslayer, you are likely to see a Banisher walking in their shadow. Much like Fiendslayers, Banishers are almost always religious zealots. Unlike Fiendslayers, Banishers posess vast amounts of magic, but no magic more powerful than the ability to weaken the spiritual energy of those around them.

The very presence of a Banisher vastly weakens, injures, and in rare cases, even destroys magical creatures. Banishers of enemy faiths are resistant to this magic-dampening aura, but not completely immune to it.

In battle, Banishers generally use a staff in close combat but prefer to use their powerful spells. Banishers, do not need to chant or spend a great amount of time preparing spells due to the divine (or demonic) nature of their powers. By directly channeling the vengeful power of their chosen deity, Banishers have access to near limitless power.

It is this that is a Banishers main weakness. In the same way that physical attacks drain the stamina of fighters, a Banishers magial attacks exact a physical toll on their bodies. Being the focal point for divine retribution is exhausting and even the strongest banishers lean heavily upon their staves.


Banishers almost always travel with a Fiendslayer in order to protect themselves against "lesser" dangers and to give themselves an edge against other Banishers. Most orders that train Banishers, also train Fiendslayers and most Banisher/Fiendslayer teams are not only from the same religious order, but also related in some way.

There are lone Banishers and these should be feared. When a Banisher loses their partner, it is for one of two reasons. Either the Fiendslayer has been killed or the Banisher has descended into a madness brought on by standing constantly in the path of God's wrath and the Fiendslayer has (wisely) abandoned them.

Weapons and Equipment

Banishers are almost always seen with a staff. The material of the staff varies depending on the order of the Banisher or the nature of the spells cast (nature spells are better focused through wood, while spells designed to directly assail the flesh are best focused through a staff made of bone). Banishers can store spells in their staves in the same way that spells repeatedly cast take less toll on their bodies (although spells of a differing nature take a greater toll in turn). After repeated casting, the staff "learns" the spell and it can be cast without injury on the part of the caster. Staves with this ability are affectionately referred to as having been "seasoned".

A Banisher's magical repitoire is almost exclusively offensive. Banishers, despite their vast magical ability rarely cast healing magic as it is so different in nature from most spells they cast. Rarely, a Banisher may cast a healing spell in order to save the life of their Fiendslayer but the pain involved is so great that few have successfully completed the spell. Once, a Banisher rast a ressurection spell to save their fallen Fiendslayer/spouse. The spell was successful, but the Banisher was destroyed in the process. This touching story has been recreated in the epic poem The Song of Corruna Dale
Well now that card is back I assume it's safe to post. So I'll be doing that right now.
Well my start ended up quite long. Prehaps I should of broken it into two posts but I didn't needless to say. I'll try to post a little shorter next time.
There's my intro. Hope it's okay.

Karde, are you sure it's a good idea to use such a powerful character in the beginning? If he's going to be a member of the party, won't he overpower us?

I just want to avoid a Deus Ex Machina character...
Since coming to Earth, he has taken the name of Johnny. He is a demon, an ancient one, who whispers. He does nothing more than that, just whispers.
He has no powerful magic to speak of, nothing more than a large scimiatar on his back, that of a dark metal, with ancient runes embedded within it. He wears no more weaponry, but doesn't need to.
He whispers.
As a demon, he is sent for chaos. Earth has been torn apart from the war, and now he continues this pursuit.
He had been lost from most of the armies, and now goes on alone, doing everything he can for the benefit of Lucifer.
cats said:
Um.... well um.... damn.... thats a lot of pics. Well that explains it then. I just didn't picture you going around on a search engine looking for a pic to reprasent your chara.

Oh well it's a good hobby. I try to draw myself but I do not consider drawing my gift in art. Well my writeing tends to better then my dawing any how.

Actually ~ I don't go looking for pix to represent my character ...
I just have them already prior to posting them ...

The Pix I use is of Hisui ~ Angel of the Wind from the CLAMP manga Wish. Oh ... & thats Kokuyo the son of Satan behind her.

I just luv CLAMP ...
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Hmmm, I know my character is a little powerful.

Actually, he's just there to kind of get the story rolling and to focus a little bit of the superstory into this RP. Naturally, a guy like that has drama following him and whoever teams up with him is going to end up knee-deep in it.

I'll most likely roleplay him out of the picture and replace him with the considerably weaker Relmin Lightfinger that I referenced in the bandit post (all these obscenely powerful characters and I go with a trigger-happy thief...lol).

For now however, Caleb is pretty well balanced. He's a Fiendslayer, but only by coincidence. He's got a honkin huge sword and a couple of pistols but aside from that, he's nothin' special aside from the badass reputation. Knowing what he becomes later on, I agree with you that he's a little overpowered but right now, he looks tougher than he really is.

Don't worry, he'll hit the showers long before he unbalances gameplay. Right now, he's just there to get his party in a whole mess of trouble
Hmmm, for now, I think you may be the only full-blooded human. But Angelic and demonic taint is so easy to come by around here...lol.