OOC: Battletech (MechWarrior), any one interested?

As a mercenary unit think we can develop a pretty good story.

I'd like to say I haven't read any of the books, and haven't played the actual mechwarrior pen and paper game, so out of the mech is new ground for me, but I expected we'd go there and do some of that.

So I'm good.

I forgot about the honor thing with the clans, but that is a very good point. They shouldn't gang up on a player, go into melee combat, or hit some one while they or knocked down. (Unless they decide this is an exicution and not a battle.) Also I don't think they use mercs, and I think it wise to keep that in mind.
Hey I love rping....taking the whole crew to a bar....hanging out on the jump ship between systems. Climb out of the mech and start rping.

More and more I think about it I would like to be a platoon leader or maybe a helicopter pilot. Even have a platoon of time warped tanks that I have retro fitted with lazers and modern shells.

I suggest people start posting character ideas so we have a idea of what we have in this unit. Including npcs with you is important too..........I would think that people would like to leave the handling of repairing gear and stuff like that falls to npcs. But if someone wants to roleplay being a tech that is cool too....

"Without Knowledge, Skill cannot be focused. Without Skill, Strength cannot be brought to bear and without Strength, Knowledge may not be applied." --Alexander the Great's Chief Physican

"Fear is the true opiate of combat."

"To a real warrior, power percieved may be power achieved."

to our new unit gentlemen (and ladies if I have missed any)......a toast.

"Vive la mort, vive la guerre, vive le sacre mercenaire" ("Long live death, long live war, long live the cursed mercenary") -- Mercenary marching cadence and toast.
I've played:
MechWarror - on Super Nintendo
MechWarrior 2 - On PC
MechWarrior 3 - On PC
MechWarrior 4 Vengeance - On PC
MechWarrior 4 Black Knight - On PC
MechWarrior 4 Mercenaries - On PC
MechAssualt - On X-Box
MechAssualt 2 Lone Wolf - On X-Box

Books I've read:
Battletech Operation Exelcuber
Battletech Measuer of a Hero
Battletech Call of Duty

I think we should mostly have mostly light mechs, medium mechs, few heavies, and a couple assualts mechs. Roles, well sniping with LRMs and Light Gauss Rifles and PPCs, Large Lasers. Brawlers (Short and up close) auto-cannons, SRMs, Flamers, Small and Medium Lasers. And such like influtraters and such.

I'dlike to see other things beside mechs, like VTOLs, Tanks, Aerofighters, Infentrie (Battle Armour (Elemantals are Clan))
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Infantry has two problems as I see it.

Unarmored infantry, you need alot of them to be effective. Who wants to roll 28 characters for a platoon and keep track of them, especially when 10 random grunts get mown down by a mech?

Armored infantry, they can survive a bit better on the battlefield, but only the richest mercenaries can afford them and battle armour would give an infantry man a huge (insurmountable) advantage in non-mech fights. Like, everyone else is grabbing pool cues and cracking their knuckles, and Joe the InfantryMan is clicking off the safety of his Support Laser that can clear the bar in one sweep.

Also, if you divide the group into mechs/aerofighters/dropship crew, you run into divisions where there's always going to be an odd man out. (You're preparing your drop run... Pilots, you need to defend the drop zone. Mechwarriors, you are trapped in the drop ship and can do nothing till your pilots succeed!)

I would recommend something like this...

1 'Mech Company of mercenaries, capped at 3050 technology.

All members have to do double duty. I.E., there's no infantry support team, so when you need to send in infantry to search for something, the Mechwarriors get out and do it.

If we don't have enough players to fill a company, the NPC pilots remain with the 'Mechs to guard the horses.

Scouts, dropship, technicians, jumpship, etc., are all Game Master played Quest Giving npcs.
MrWolf said:
Infantry has two problems as I see it.

Unarmored infantry, you need alot of them to be effective. Who wants to roll 28 characters for a platoon and keep track of them, especially when 10 random grunts get mown down by a mech?

Armored infantry, they can survive a bit better on the battlefield, but only the richest mercenaries can afford them and battle armour would give an infantry man a huge (insurmountable) advantage in non-mech fights. Like, everyone else is grabbing pool cues and cracking their knuckles, and Joe the InfantryMan is clicking off the safety of his Support Laser that can clear the bar in one sweep.

Also, if you divide the group into mechs/aerofighters/dropship crew, you run into divisions where there's always going to be an odd man out. (You're preparing your drop run... Pilots, you need to defend the drop zone. Mechwarriors, you are trapped in the drop ship and can do nothing till your pilots succeed!)

I would recommend something like this...

1 'Mech Company of mercenaries, capped at 3050 technology.

All members have to do double duty. I.E., there's no infantry support team, so when you need to send in infantry to search for something, the Mechwarriors get out and do it.

If we don't have enough players to fill a company, the NPC pilots remain with the 'Mechs to guard the horses.

Scouts, dropship, technicians, jumpship, etc., are all Game Master played Quest Giving npcs.
I don't want this to be just about Mechs, Iwant it to be a roll playwhich is like the books.

We all can RP more then 1 charcte if we want, making upthe numbers.

Infantry will be NPCs.
Well Mr. Wolf I think is suggesting something similar to the actual mechwarrior pen and paper game, not to be confused with battle tech.

I really have no idea whats in those books. Except for the infumous "I am Jade Falcon!" move. Good ole jump jets.

As for mech tech limit, I'm going to do what I can. I have the basic mechs Such as the first version of the Atlas, from well before 3050, then I have 3055-3058, and Maxium tech. So I'm going to go threw 3055 stuff and find some aplicable light mechs.
This includes a hefty amount of 3058 stuff, I apologise.

Nexus NXSI-A-------------------------
Jump capable
25 tons
2 med pulse lasers
medium laser
2 small lasers

Raptor rtx1-0-------------------------
not jump capable
3 Lrm5s
2 machine guns
2med lasers
2 small lasers

3 large lasers
2 small lasers

3 srm6s
1 small laser

2 other raptors are availible at request

taratula ZPH-1A-------------------- This is a quad mech
Jump capable
1 srm2
2 med lasers

Hammer hmr-3s --------------------------------------
no jump
30 tons
2 Lrm 5s
1 medium laser

2 Lrm 5s
3 medium lasers
This one has less ammo 48 shots while the first has 96

Okay I think this is a enough wasted space. It took a bit of time but I've settled on this guy, assumeing I get aproval

Scarabus SCB-9A
no jump
30 tons
2 small lasers
2 medium lasers
1 hatchet
1 tag (Artilry guidance.)
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Found my mech....


120 Meters
150,000 Tons
Air Speed:
Special Weapons:
Eye beam laser cannons
MegaBuster mouth ray
Paralazyer missles fired from shoulder and hip ports
NT-1 Artificial Diamond armor plating absorbs power from beam weapons fired at it
Plasma Grenade weapon amplifes stored plasma energy and fires it at attacker
Shock anchor/G-crusher electrical harpoons located in forearm ports
Emits Rays From Chest And Eyes
Fires Missiles From Fingers, Knees And Toes
Generates Force Field Around Itself

LOL..........just kinding guys. I wouldn't my two characters. Maybe an military intelligence guy and a mech pilot. Can do a jet jockey if necessary....but love combat choppers.
Oddly enough, I have the Godzilla Compendium and three of the MechaGodzilla movies. (Excluding the New one, I'm really wondering when Godzilla movies became so bad.)
I'm not sure which 'Mech I'll use. By theway tthe start weonlyhave IS wepons and IS 'Mechs. We get Clan stuff when we salvage or steal it.

'Mechs I'm thinking of using would be: Hunchback, Marauder, Highlander, or Atlas.

BTW, there is a new animated movie for Batletech being done. It'll go straigtjh to DVD in 2006. Story based on WiZzKiDs stuff basedin 3152 or somethin.

I'll post a pilot latter today. or plan to any ways.
My Pilot

I used the basic Mechwarrior 3rd Edition to whip up this pilot, which I'd like to play pending approval.

Name: Faisal ibn Kateb
Callsign: Wolf
Age: 24
Affilliation: Draconis Combine
Rank 2: Hohei

Born into a relatively minor Azami samurai family on Dieron in the Draconis Combine, Faisal was raised as a member of the 'sword' nobility, despite prejuicide against the Arkabians by the Japanese majority of the Combine. He inherited his uncle's Wolf Trap at age 9 and proudly looked forward to a career as a 'Mechwarrior.

Enrolled in the Dieron District Military Cadet school in preparation for his eventually application to a military academy, Faisal ran into some trouble when a training accident resulted in an artillery strike being mistaken called down on a school guard post. However, no one was hurt and his family spent a significant endowment to smooth over the incident.

Enrolling at the Sun Zhang Mechwarrior Academy after his stint as a cadet, Faisal was only marginally successful in Basic Training, neglecting his courses on First Aid and Marksmanship to focus his energies on practicing his swordsmanship and martial arts. He managed to make it into the mechwarrior program, but due in part to his poor basic training and in part to prejuidice against the Azami he failed to make it into the Officer training program.

Instead, he took up a tour of duty in the Dieron Regulars, serving on the Federated Commonwealth border for two years. He was stationed to a lance commanded by a childhood rival and managed to resolve most of his personal difficulties with his superior.

Despite this, in his second tour of duty with the Regulars, Faisal ran into trouble when he became involved in a bar room brawl between several Azami troopers and a group of Japanese soldiers. One of the individuals he decked in the brawl was a local ISF agent, which resolted in him being demoted back to a Ho-hei.

Feeling that his career in the DCMS has reached a plateau, Faisal decided to become a Ronin, leaving behind the regular army. Taking his mech, he travelled to Outreach where he looks to join a mercenary company that will appreciate his worth.

Nobility - 11
Military School - 6
Sun Zhang Mechwarrior Academy - 6
AIT - Mechwarrior
Tour of Duty: Draconis Combine - 10
Tour of Duty: Draconis Combine - 10-1 =9

Wolf Trap -

45 Tons
Walk 6, Run 9
Heatsinks - 10
Armour - 7.5 (120)

LB 10 X AC, 20 shots
Medium Laser
Medium Laser
LRM 10, 12 shots
Don't worry I find lit slows down on the week ends.

I don't think we are actully playing mechwarrior or battle tech. We roleplay here so it's going to be much story like. So it's nice that you included a lot in the bio. Sadly I don't get alot of it.
I think we need to set the story in stone before we post bios.

This will be a role play storey based off Battletech. Meaning there will be a lot more hen 'Mech battles.

Ok, so we are a Merc unit, and who hired us?

Our mission is to help take over a Clan owned planet no matter the cost.

Our 'Merc unit needsa name and a rank/command strutre, and we need to work out which of us will be what.
Okay we are the dogs of war....

"Vive la mort, vive la guerre, vive le sacre mercenaire" ("Long live death, long live war, long live the cursed mercenary") -- Mercenary marching cadence and toast.

Who hired us: Perhaps a collection of commercial interests that include banks, corporations, and other groups that would love to exploit natural resources of the said planet. Probably not strategically important to involve any of the major powers so we are on are own.

Name: Well my vote is for the Cossacks but ......Steel Tigers....Odin's Disciples....
Well, if we're playing against the Clans, we'd most likely be working for one of the renegade anti-Clan factions.

Like, the Free Skye Movement might hire us to raid or assault the Tamar Pact worlds they lost to the Jade Falcons or Wolves.

Or the Black Dragon Society might hire us to raid Ghost Bear worlds.

Another good option might be working in the Chaos March. Conflict there often includes four or five factions on a single world with alot of emphasis on political battling.

As for Unit Name, I suggest we wait till we have some characters and then we decide that in character.
I agree with Mr Wolf, no offense to you Jagged, I just don't really like the name "Dogs of War."
Dogs of War are what youc all mercenaries.....not a unit name.
You know I ment to post a bio over a week ago ddn't I? Well needless to say that changed.

Okay command structure is good item to lay out quickly. I'm willing to do grunt up to second in command. I don't do so well with out some one to report to, or that seems to be the trend in online war games for me.

Okay name time. I'll try and throw a few out there.

Black carpenters, Desert Drakes, Solar Winds, Ronin Lords, Fallen Champoins, Alpha Rooks, Venture

Do these sound bad or is it just my imagintation?
I can be first in command if you all want

We need to work out what name of ranks to use.

Name: Steel Dragion Legion?
I need to look up Dragion to be sure but Steel Legion seems beter to me.
That being the case we should definitly leave Dragion out.