ooc: Blade of Yin, Shield of Yang (V2)

he asked a question Hy about verious clans. I'll probably make mine a demon good or not who knows, or make my own clan. You know me.

I will now refrain from going into my conclusions on the number circle.
I was agreeing to the algebra thing.

About the clans, basicly its your choice to create a clan of your liking (I.O.W. you create one.)
in that case

Name: Mary Ervin
Age: 23
Ninja Clan: Xin-Tse
Eyes: Grey
Hair: think...black hole
Build: 5'6", slender with a bubble butt and small titties

Bio: Mary is the middle child of three. An occult follower from an early age, she acquired a scroll of the old magic and has been translating what she thinks is a demon summoning ritual...
My guess is that your waiting for some more players, before we start.

I have no clue what my character is really like jsut yet so I'll wait on the clan and see how it develops. After all my info is ratehr vague.
Well, I'm thinking of putting it up right now, (I highly doubt that More will come. For some reason, not many people like my threads.)
hybirdx said:
Well, I'm thinking of putting it up right now, (I highly doubt that More will come. For some reason, not many people like my threads.)

it might be your AV...:nana:
yeah, it's your AV. Go with the cute dragon, to lure them into a false since of safety, then I can swoop in for the kill. Or you could dress up as bell dandy and go outside with a sign that says "Will accept players."

Put it up then, it's possible to attract plays as we go, I actually had that type of luck in 8 Tears.
cats said:
Put it up then, it's possible to attract plays as we go, I actually had that type of luck in 8 Tears.

yeah, if we can ever get organized and outta the damn tavern!!!:p
yeah I'm sorry I hadn't noticed. Well it took a while but I was determined to put soemthing in my first post, also got side tracked while I was looking for it.
Hmm... High School Blues an book... Possibly an good manga!
It's funny enough, has an entraping plot, and unique cast, all be it Lee and his curse would be a law suite. Other then that the bigest challange would be organizeing it into logical chapters like most animie has. We are more of a novel form as I see it. We already have two books complete.

The first one is about Eiji and Lee mostly, would need to be reworked some, and the second one add's Tetsuru and Yoshiro. Actully that one would have to be lengthened as well.

We are at what page 50 acording to the sight. When you actully print out a page how ever it's a bit longer. I printed out three pages from DBNW and the total of them was 51 pages in size 12 font. Each page was 15 to 20 pages long. So really we could have 1000 pages if it is maxed out, but I figure we are mroe around 700.
Well, thats true, But what if we made it an grafic novel? We'ed mostlikely have about 200 hundred chapters by now!
Fairly true but some chapters would have no fighting, in fact some books would have no fighting.

Besides I'm a horible artist, all though don't think the though hasn't crossed my mind in the past.

Really though I am so woudnering what we could do if we rewrote that first chapter with what we have now. We could eassily extend it anotehr 100 or 200 pages. For heavens sake you mention touji or a toji any how more then once. If he was on the trip what happened to him, also we have prebuilt chara's to kill off such as the ninja teacher Ravens chara, the magic teacher Sierns chara, the martial arts instructor G18's chara. We could do so much killing off certin people at certin parts, or haveing them turn back, get lost ect. We really should build up touji's part, I'm thinking you were plaing a part in there were Eiji and Touji fought originally but scraped the idea when Lee didn't have a rival.

My god the detail we went into. I really am going to reread this now. I'll fall in love all over again.
I'm surprized how much better we became at writing while we posted.
Who the hell are you jokeing with? My spelling has gone down since then.... okay maybe not.

Still I'm bumed my foreshadowing didn't work. Did the conection between Rikku, Lee, and Lea's origins really suprise you?
Here and there, yes.

But I'kll say this right here right now, foreshadowing is definetly not are strong points!
I don't know, it could be we know each otehr well enough now that only we pick up on each otehrs stlye enough to notice some things or prehaps we do enough to be picked up.

For example I noticed you had a hiddden conecion between Reese and Eiji before you revealed it. As for Milo, it'll be a long while before I understand whats up there, thats two complexe to notice even if I reread it.

My forshadowing is drawn out to great length. It starts one probably the six or seventh page, when Rikku first apears. It went untoiced however because she said "I owe him", and you probably didn't think about it long after all we know she was the cat he saved earleir that day. and only one two or trhee pages back did I reveal the idea. So thats atleast 40 some pages inbetween and over a years worth of roleplaying.
Hy you need to edit your last post. You said "High School Blues 2: dark shadows" that should be HSB 3 shouldn't it? or do think the tournament with Tetsuya init would still be the first book?
Okay Cats, I enjoy talking about Hsb, but thats a whole nother thead. we can talk more about it on the Hsb, ooc.

We have to focus on this one as well.
Yeah I was going to say something as to that effect but choose not to.

As for your question, Japan switched to the Euro didn't they? I know england didn't but Japan did right?
Oh come now this is an odvious joke! Euro as in Europe. The Curency they changed to with the exception of England. Why would japan use a curency made for all of europe?