OOC: Casting call for Cafe Nightshade

I don't mind

If someone could email what I need to know, etc, and that everyone realizes that a ghost writer who can't spell will always pale to the orginal..............

And if no one else objects.
Well hey - welcome back Violent C!

I'm glad that this thread is getting picked up again - it was one of my favourites!

Polite, I'd be very pleased to have you take over Kass, she's a pretty cool chicka and it would be nice to keep her in the action, even though I can't be. :) (You can see a pic and brief character description of her on the first page of this thread - but don't feel you need to stick with it or anything, give her your own flare ;)).

OK Lauren, I'm taking you up on your offer - I expect to see you here bright and early tomorrow morning to help me mark these damn essays :D
OMG you're fussy!

So I am a little late, big deal! I can't believe you flew home again just because I am not here at exactly 35 after! :p :D
What about my fussy? I thought you liked it, my warm, wet and tight fussy.

Anyway, you were twelve hours late, and no matter how much I adore you and how much I love all the teasing, I'm not going to wait for twelve hours for you to cum... :p :D
Not for nothing, but ZircoNN with two N's , Benjamin is actually a Vampire. Remember he was in a casket when you all first met him? Anyway, welcome to the thread Polite. Hop on in, using Kass might not be a bad idea, that way you are already around her somewhere, though I did like your intro to the succubbus character.

Un Huh!

Sorry about this guys, and gals,

But I'm going on HIATUS till after the Christmas Season is over. Taking a partial break from the boards. Please feel free to move Tony around.

Have a good Christmas ahead.

*Smacks his chops as he sees a sacrificial lamb for the demon* hehehehe, just kidding Z. Sort of.
