OOC / Casting Call: Xavier Institute For Higher Learning

Darn it! I'm missing out on the action! And all I'm doing is awaiting character autherisation....
GentLi said:
"Singing telegram for a Mr. Alex Summers!" Jamie cheerily sang into the intercom.He'd called ahead, of course. Hopefully he wouldn't be taking them by surprise. And hopefully they'd appreciate his upbeat antics at a time like this.

yeah right <<
It could happen! If not, Jamie's hoping they'll simply accept him despite the fact that he's not currently contemplating killing anyone, as everyone else seems to be.

Ankara, hope this doesn't confuse you. Go ahead in town and another Jamie'll be there... Heck, I jumped the gun! Looks like you're not quit done at the mansion yet, and Jamie's pulling up... oi... Maybe we can just be kind enough to glaze over this? Pretend Kitty's left by the time Jamie arrives? Use a side door? Somethin'?

Sorry. I guess the coast wasn't quite clear yet. :D
lol...i'm the only one who hasn't posted Wizard leaving...he hasn't left yet, but i suppose i'll have to roll with it and have him gone
lol...i'm the only one who hasn't posted Wizard leaving...he hasn't left yet, but i suppose i'll have to roll with it and have him gone
wtf? it's not letting me post this post?

never mind <<
Dragonrazor, What, your parked in the driveway? I'm suprised Storm hasen't had your car flipped for the statue thing.

I think we all got the impression you were gone because you weren't posting for him.

Gentli, thats ok, I'll just go to town and find out that your closed then I'll meet up with you here. I have somethings that I want to pick up in town anyway (cackle cackle) so it won't be a wasted trip. :p
Just a reminder to everyone.

1) There should be no Storylines starting on the main thread. The main thread is for day to day life, danger room trainings and any romances / breakups that happen. Storylines will start on their own thread, cross over to the main thread until an X-men team is chosen to go, then posting will return to the SL thread.

2) All SLs have to go through Shaq and I. Gentli has already gotten the OK for his and he will be setting it up in another thread here soon.

3) If two characters are going away from the Mansion for an extended period of time, Please start a Closed thread for you and the other player so that you are not bogging down the main thread. (IE the Closed thread between Gambit and Rogue)
dragonrazor, you said your character left a note that said you would be back, I think everyone assumed that because of that you were going somewhere.
he is, but i hadn't posted that he had actually left yet...oh well, too late now
Screech said:
Darn it! I'm missing out on the action! And all I'm doing is awaiting character autherisation....

Don't worry Screech, you can still get some action. :D ;)
Screech, I gave my your character my ok so you can post him up and start posting on the thread.
Real Name: Thad Reznor

Code Name: Heavy Metal

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 145 lbs.

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Hazel

Age: 18

Mutant Power(s): Able to change his skin to mimic the property of any metal he touches.

Thad came to Xavier's School from a small town in Pennsylvania alittle over a year ago. He soon found his nitch and a group of friends to hang out with. He has more control of his powers than some of the others, however he is still trying to get control of how long he can hold the transformation. Last time he lost control of his power, to everyone's delight, he was stuck being copper for a week.

Thad loves music and is in the process of making a chamber that sent soundwaves through the room and he could change the sound based on the movements of his body and what metal his skin was. Forge is helping him when Forge isn't busy with more pressing matters.
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Ankara said:
Gentli, thats ok, I'll just go to town and find out that your closed then I'll meet up with you here. I have somethings that I want to pick up in town anyway (cackle cackle) so it won't be a wasted trip. :p

GentLi said:
Go ahead into town and another Jamie'll be there...

He's open for business, really! There's a dupe stationed at the agency. The Jamie I've written for is the Core, from NY and the X-F.I. HQ. You can say Jamie was out to lunch or something, but I'd prefer for Kitty to do here at the X-F.I. rather than the Jamie at the mansion.

For the record, there's always plenty of Multiple Man to go around. If any of you need if somewhere, or can't find anyone else to play with, just let me know. I'll do my best to fit it into Jamie's schedule.
Sorry for the post delay everyone!

I'm working on some stuff for school and I have a full workload today.

Post should be up sometime tonight, sorry for the slowdown!
Alright! Then here she is! (Yup, it's a girl this time)

Name: Amanda Shaw
Codename: none
Nickname: Stripes
Age: 23
Build: Athletic
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Mutancy: Feline features, fur, tail, claws, enhanced athletiacism and co-ordination

Background: Amanda grew up in Dallas, Texas, in a warm and loving family. For the most part, that is. She lived a happy life, getting to do all the things a shy young girl can do, up until she his puberty. That is when she started to notice she had more hair - way more hair than normal that was covering her entire body! Add on top of that a small tail starting to grow, and her incisors getting longer and sharper, and she figured that she wasn't like most othe girls her age.

She had heard about Xaveir's Institute on the news every so often, and her parents had scoffed at it, saying that "freaks should be rounded up and locked away" and similar comments. So, doing the bravest thing she had ever done in her life, she grabbes some food and clothes, and left home late one night for the institute.

Only being young, she had no form of transportation save her own two feet, and had to learn how to steal food just to stay alive. Unfortunatly, she wasn't very good with geography, and it took her the best part of a year to reach Westchester where she was taken in.

Several years have passed and, although Amanda has learned much at the Institute, she is still a very shy and reserved girl, tending to keep to herself. Normally, she would immerse herself in studies, but every so often she will go to the Danger Room and really show off what she can do
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Lol. Dead puppies, Cruel Intentions 2... :)

Shaq that's ok if you are busy. We'll drag you along and continue developing our characters until you are ready.
Ok Gentli, I'll edit my post.

there's always plenty of Multiple Man to go around. If any of you need if somewhere, or can't find anyone else to play with, just let me know.

hehe, i'll keep that in mind. :cathappy:
I don't know if we actually want Xavier, Jean, and Scott to be let go. For one it was a good way to get some of the really powerful mutants out of the way and with those three back they would be the ones in charge. Just my thoughts; I don't know how Shaq feels about it but I'm sure he got them out of the way for a reason. :kiss:
i thought so too...why not make use of the wireless interface a battle android is capable of :p now i guess we wait for people to post