OOC: Chanel 285 Lit News

OK Ineed Some Comerciles And Ineed Some One to play Barbra Walters
Talon, your mail box if full.

Remember to clear out all three folders of your mailbox, I find so many people forget or don't know about them.

There's a drop down menu for "Inbox", "Messages Sent" which keeps a copy of your sent messages, and "Message Tracking" which tells you when and if someone read your PM.

Your mailbox holds 100 PMs TOTAL from the three folders, so even if you clean out your Inbox, the other two folders might be full.

Otherwise I would have PMed you and said "Thank you." ;)
There My pm folders are cleaded. Oh i still need some one to play Barbra walters
*Comes in dressed as Barbra bush.* Okay I'm ready for the interveiw.
Yipes! Missed the Casting Call

Nicholaa Yasdanshrie-Montoya-Corrona is me and as usual the multicultural little fox missed casting call. But I'm here now *tries to placate the powers that be*:rose: :)
Hmm... need anything else? I've got a nifty spam commercial I could throw up there.
Oh no!

We're not done are we?!? I love the Lit News!!! Always good for a laugh. And such an interesting spin off thread in SRP too!
Why for did the credits roll?
We anit done Its just the first episode is over openeing credits will roll again soon no warries
That was one episode! But I started in..... I have no clue and then Luxemberg, and then back.... Do I get frequent flyer miles?

And who plays Cats Furry in the SRP thread?
yep one episoda And as for the Srp You get to play on it when I send you a invite if i send you one
Now guys play nice! And get that mask out of here- it belongs on SRP not here! LOL:p
*Takes mask off* I don't think I'll ever be able to were this again. Hey if people call in and vote me off, whats going to be your phrase? The thread has spoken, you are the weakest poster, so long and thanks for all the fish? Really you must have a catch phrase in mind. Yeah I know I'm not actully going any where.

I think we should reincarnate you as a lunch special! Whatcha think- tie the kitty boy up, kill him and have an animator (zombie raiser) reanimate him as a zombie-reporter??
LOL I know I know WAY too much Laurell K. Hamilton the last few days.:rolleyes:
Well I have died about three times thus far, and the average cat has nine lives, I am made out of several milion such cats..... Um unless I'm hit by a car while crossing the street it dose't seem do able to me.
Well its ofical now The week end news Bombd big time And the reqular news well it was Canceild with the disaperance of the Fuzzz Well guys be whatching for the new OOC Post For the next Incarnation Of the Lit News