OOC - League of Ultimate Villany

Yeah he takes major damage. The fun thing is to blast him with the R.L. when it's unlimited ammo. Whoo boy that is how I like my guns, loud and even bigger damage
Me and that Hydra owned so
much zombie ass. It was scary.
XD I love unlimited. Got the
Heart of Africa from kicking
Wesker's ass so hard on Extreme
mode. That is the damned hardest
part of that game. One hit from
Jill and you are out for the count.
I only play it on the PS3 when I go visit a friend of mine.
Co-Op is just so much fun, but then my weapon of choice is the Dragonuv (I know I spelled it wrong I prefer it my way). Shoot them zombies dead from a distance.
CO-OP is so amazing.
I love that horde massacre
game. Where you have to
survive in certain settings
with different characters
while finding the time thingies.
Fuck that Hell one. I hated
that flaming bastard in a black
speedo. XD

You have super more cool points
now that you have played that
game and love it. I loved them all.
Resident Evil is my favorite thing
I own Resident Evil for my PS2 and PC, finished it four times and now heading to play it again once I get it back. Resi is like the ultimate game, they should just make it a FPS game and I'll play it forever.
I AGREE! Me and my bestie Aimee,
we play it together all the time. It's
our favorite game ever. So I am glad
there is more supporters out there. :3

Why is there no Resident Evil thread
here? I am not happeh. XD
Welllllll....yeah why isnt there one?
Start one Dizzy!
Let's kill some zombies Left 4 Dead style.
Cause no one would join. XD That's
why. I am too new for people to
be interested. But I would love
to make a new one. Especially
if you are all for it. :3

I have a character made for the
Villain one we are in.. and I made
my first post, you think it's okay
to post it?
I did it anyways. If I was
not suppose too, I can
totally delete it. :3 I just
wanted to play some bad
ass Russian woman. XD

Correct me if I am wrong,
but Baby is going to be fun
to play with, da?

Samsam is coming up next.
I needed to do her first, but
I had this fresh and ready in
my mind.

Also I think the timing was right so no problem there.

Also I'm all game for killing zombies.
-wags finger back and forth-
You cannot destroy the Mistress
of all Evil. She does not like that.
How can she murder more innocent
Mayor's daughters while raping them
if you have Mr. I have a huge thing on
my Head and am able to Walk Still, come
rip off her clothes and skin and throw them
at church walls?

That's anti-productive sir.

In that case I promise to stop at ripping your clothes off oh Mistress of all that is Evil.

No destruction, just nekkid Dizzy.

Very productive.
-raises finger to argue-
I got nothing. That works
for me. As long as I get
to stay alive. I find no trouble
with that sound reasoning.
My logic is undeniable.

Of course you get to stay alive dear Dizzy. My life would somehow be less rich and enjoyable if you weren't

However as tantalizing as the situation is I'm far more interested in the person beneath the skin than the skin itself
Vickie ftw. XD I always say that
line. It pisses my friend off.....
I need to be the woman's voice
that says serious stuff. I can change
my squeaky voice to smooth as wine.
One of my weird, awkward abilities...
Not sure why I just revealed that. XD

Orly!? Yeah buddy... -looks at nails all hot like-
I tend to excite feelings in others they
themselves cannot possibly understand.....

<3 Aww, that's sweet. ^^ Not too many of
yer kind out there in the wilderness.
I love Cars! Great movie. You are now officially my Super Best Friend.

What do you mean not too many of my kind? There's tons of books about us. We're called serial killers :D
That's where that came from. Wanted to say the quote seemed familiar :)

"Is that a little pinstripe I see?" :D

That was one of the best parts of the movie and of course...

"Stupid old racing car, turn right to go left, I turned right and guess what...I went RIGHT!"
S.B.F.F'S HELL YES! -high fives-
I love Cars. Such a great movie.

I love those lines too Death! LOL
God. My night sucked, but it's getting
better. Thanks guys. ^^

LMFAO! Tim! Stop! My sides hurt so bad.
Serial Killers... XD Well let me rephrase
that. If you are the kind of SERIAL KILLER
that doesn't eat me before I am dead.
So classy. :3
Still don't know what you guys have against serials. I like serials. Keeps my little world organized. No need to kill serials, checkout lines at the shops would just get longer without them.
Lucky for me I hate shopping. XP
I think we need to have a large
arena where millionaire Texans
and other millionaire folk can pay
money to shoot hard time convicts
with high powered sniper rifles. And
that money, that HUGE sum of money
gets put back into the economy. There.
Just found out a way to put Manson out
of his misery and stimulate the economy.
I am full of win.
I have a hankering for a futuristic
Western role-play. Where cowboys
ride neato motorcycles, have awesome
thermal weaponry and some even are
made of cybernetic parts. But wear
cowboy hats and dusty jackets in a
world much like Earth that is overrun
by a mechanical race of cybernetic beings
called S.I.N (Systematically Intelligent Nucleotoids)
....What? I didn't say anything.... >.>
Oh Death. Please. It would be an honor
to see your experienced hand of Death
unleash that fury on a few assess unworthy
of existence. :3
Why oh why do you always have these great ideas but no wish to start a thread Dizzy, so unfair.

As for my hand, steady when it comes to shooting dead that what I came to kill.