OOC: Loa Blood

I may not be able to respond to everything going on in here tonight (yay!) but I wanted to respond to Morgoth.

I like the idea, he does seem a little powerful. He's got a lot of different unrelated powers. Strength and stamina go together, so do genius and telepathy, but those two groups have nothing to do with each other, and matter agitation doesn't relate to either.

This is okay, if he's going to be a rampaging beast, incapable of working with a team or sticking with a plan. A monster, not a person.

If you want him to be capable of reason and working with a team, tone down the powers.

Go with a central image or theme. For instance, Monolith has great strength and toughness from his stony body. I wouldn't let him have aura sense, because it was unrelated to the stone body concept.

What do you mean by Genius? Matter Agitation? Levitation?
Does anyone remember what page the coloring of the nationalites was on? I can't seem to find it on my skim through....
Hahaha! ^_^

Woo, Mary's giving relationship advice. She really does act a lot more mature than both Kell and Amy -- I am starting to wonder myself just how old she is. You've got me curious, PS!
How old is she?
Billy boy Billy boy
How old is she?
Charming Billy?

She's nine times 11
Divided by heavy
Oh, she's a young thing
and cannot leave her mother

My bad. I guess I forgot to fully flesh-out the details. By genius, I simply meant he was cunning, and at times, his old mind snaps back into place. By Matter Agitation, I meant that with concentration, he can heat matter, including gases, to the point where they ignite. This is done by contact only, but he is able to ignite the air in front of him and ignite the air behind that, thereby using said power to create a stream of fire. As for levitation, I meant that he can fly at a limited speed. To reassure all, he will not be joining with anyone. He's rogue, through and through. And finally, if I may, I would like to turn him into a truly memorable monster. How about this last, final power. Whenever he kills anyone, he absorbs their genes for a limited time. For normal people, it means nothing and for only a few seconds. For gifted, it means he inherits their powers for various levels of time, ranging from minutes to years. Someone once said, "With great power comes great responsibility". Therefore, I will only use this gene integration sparingly, if it's allowed by all of you. Remember, this is just a suggestion.
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Wow. Imagine someone like The Crusher plus Kell's create-and-destroy abilities, and a higher power level at that. That's scary. It'd make fighting him require a high level of planning.

I kinda like it. ^_^

I'm not sure how ST feels about your guy starting to kill people right away. I guess, since your guy burns the bodies, people aren't going to notice right away, but the whole car-through-the-window thing is going to have "Mad Gifted!?" on every newspaper in the city.

Which may be good. I'm not sure if the "are they heroes or villains?" path has been explored much yet.

But ST might have some plans, at least for the very soon-to-come future, so you might want to confer with him. I think he wants this thread to be loose, but I won't speak for him or anything -- it's just, as a villain, you're more free from the GM's grip than the heroes, so you might want to know what he's planning for the future.
I know you haven't been able to read the rest of the thread very througly but generally the way it's gone is:

At frist exposure you gain a power and suffer a time of adjustment (sometimes perm madness or some type of derangement).

At second exposure either your frist power become stronger, or you gain another power along the same lines as the first.

Only a few of the current PC's have been exposed more than once.

Usually the power is something that was dregged up out of the person's subcon...what the man with toasters with hands could have been thinking I don't know (time for breakfast? or maybe he was a prep cook and thought he couldn't get the toast out fast enough? I dunno)

The prob with your PC as he stands is that he's got a lot of gifts all over the place, and I think Swampy is asking you to pare it down a bit. Being super strong like he is he and Monolith could have a city leveling duel! Beleive me, people would remember that!

Unless..........he's been attacking the Coda clean up and getting splashed with Loa Blood..........that would be a logical explentaion.....
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Well, but PS, I think maybe he should have a lot of gifts all over the place. I mean, he's a villain and he's insane, so he'll work alone. We, on the other hand, have the advantage of numbers, so we can team up on him.

Thus, in order to make it a fairer fight, he'll have to be strong enough to easily take out one of us alone.

Since he's not going to be rational enough to make any allies, he'll have to be both strong physically, psychokinetically, and instinctually, you know? Go-it-alone style.

Of course, no one with his power level could ever be a hero. But he sounds like a fine villain to me, as long as he stays that way, and as long as we still have a chance. ^_^
"Sic him, Kell!" Mary will yell from where she hides under the table and Faith will be trying to get an interview! ;)
Yeah, right. It looks like Kell's specialty in that fight would be regenerating himself each time he gets his face pulped. >_<

He does need more practice, though. If he learns to form or project his powers into something else, that'll make him a lot more useful. Being able to make little slivers of metal out of nowhere... casting balls of regeneration very short distances to heal allies... spraying motes of light and dust into the eyes of enemies... the possibilities are endless! That's why his abilities are cool. But undeveloped. So he can't actually DO any of that stuff.

Funny. Kell's so well-rounded he's almost useless. ^_^
JC you have PM re: Kell's powers.

Swampy, you have PM re: Song. If you don't like it, PM me some key words, and I'll write something else.
Oh, man, it's everything I ever dreamed it would be. Just slower moving.

So well-rounded as to be useless . . . sounds like my characters.

Ha! I laughed really hard at Felicia getting reincarnated as a Locrian waffle. And what's this "french" toast Amy was talking about? :)

Morgoth! Yikes, I would have liked to talk about your character a little more before you jumped in. It's cool, I like your writing, and I'm interested in the effect he'll have on the story.

No power-absorbtion for now. He has enough going on already.

Here's the big one: He should be obviously deformed. As in covered in fur and spikes and extra eyeballs (or whatever, up to you. black scales, maybe?), unable to blend in or pass for human. This is part of what balances his power level, which is much higher than the other PCs.

If you throw a car through the window of a shop, it makes a lot of noise. People in the pub next door are not going to be quietly sitting and drinking.

Does he think of himself as the Crusher? Does he yell this when he's trashing stuff, or what? So far, very few Gifted have names like that.

Please define his insanity, if not publicly, at least to yourself. He believes he's searching for something, and takes out his confusion in random acts of violence. What causes his moments of clarity? Is it a split personality?

Who was Dan Michaels before? What did he do?

As for randomly killing people, go hard. That's exactly what I wanted a Dracon Island Monster in here to do. If you're going to kill anyone with a name, or an important position (Mayor, Chief of Police, etc.) end your post as you are poised, about to kill them, until I get a look at it. Everyone will be surprised at who you get to kill, and how much you get to destroy. Bring Bay City to the ground if you want to.

There will be consequences to your actions. As in the military will come in to kill you. The Crusher is very tough, enough to shrug off police bullets, but a couple of well-placed missiles would kill him.

JC, what makes you think I would reveal my plans to anyone, just because they're a villain? For that matter, isn't Ghost a villain? And what about Nikki? Everyone's just people making choices, even the Crusher.
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I've been trying to watch that...

Saying chit's instead of bucks
Locriran waffle instead of belgium
Fries instead of french fries
Offering Monolith a bit-peice instead of a quarter for the phone....
Let's give Swampy a big hand of applause for keeping this all straight in his head, I know I couldn't!


You thought it was hard to keep straight before! I just introduced at least 3 new subplots. That's what we needed. More subplots.

So that's the concert. Of course, you can all take your time getting there, act in between the main concert events described, and add more details. Like what your characters are wearing.

The Crusher arrives only after those events.

Nikki and Mark will have their fight on the roof after those events as well. But they may have to compete with the Crusher for news coverage.

And thanks to Polite Succubus for the "River Eyes" song.

Monolith and Kell should find each other near the mansion, and position themselves. Do they approach the soldiers directly?
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Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! lol.

As if there wasn't enough to do! Ok, here I go, diving in!
Oh, Polite, once again I am humbled by your skill with words and honored to be writing with you, and everyone else in the thread.

& Morgoth, when our characters meet, it's gonna be FUN!
Nikki isn't really a villian though she is not a good guy either. I'm going for tortured activist. She has had to much happen to her in a short time span she is ready to snap. Yet she still has a kind soul buried beneath all her chaotic feelings.
SwampThing said:

Ha! I laughed really hard at Felicia getting reincarnated as a Locrian waffle. And what's this "french" toast Amy was talking about? :)

Oh. Oops.

I'll, uh, fix that in a sec.

JC, what makes you think I would reveal my plans to anyone, just because they're a villain? For that matter, isn't Ghost a villain? And what about Nikki? Everyone's just people making choices, even the Crusher.

Reveal your plans? Did I say that?

Sorry. I wasn't trying to imply anything about what you specifically wanted. I know I like to keep my villains closer at hand than my heroes. That's all. If my assumption was incorrect, or if I came out wrong (which is likely), I apologize. I wasn't trying to presume anything.

Anyway, following my own suggestion of talking to the GM before blowing shit up, I have a PM I want to send you about plans I might have for the future for Kell. ^_^

I'll type it up in a bit.
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