OOC: Loa Blood

Abraxas Winterlight said:
Oh, Polite, once again I am humbled by your skill with words and honored to be writing with you, and everyone else in the thread.

& Morgoth, when our characters meet, it's gonna be FUN!

I can't wait.

As for who The Crusher is, I was planning to reveal bits and pieces of him throughout the writing. As for visible changes, he is beginning to undergo those. He managed to contain them so far, but now the mutation is out of control. Swamp, it's cool. Whatever you say man.
I liked the spontaeneous transformation. Nicely done, Morgoth. If you don't want to say who Dan Michaels was, and the details of the Crusher's thought process, than PM me with them I just want you and I to be clear on where he's coming from.

If you don't want to talk about Dan's past and the Crusher's thought process here, please PM me about them. I just want you and I to know where he's coming from. And clean out your PM box!

Lady Siren, of course Nikki doesn't think she's a villain. But a whole country does. For crimes she did commit. And now she's working with villains. So is she one? It's all in the eye of the beholder.

Anyway, you can finish her death scene if nobody interupts you.

JC, I meant no offense at your suggesting I might want to keep a tighter reign on Morgoth than on the rest of you (and I do, not because he's a villain, but because he's more powerful).

I hope you, and everyone, realize that I am always happy with everything that goes on in here. If I ever come across otherwise, I am only teasing.

I like you people!
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JC I hope you forgive me for taking over Amy for the little bit, but things where poppin' and so I scooted us along. I've convently lost her in the crowd so you can take her back over.
hey Swampy, I'm working my tail off & don't have a lot of time, so to keep things running you got power of attorney to use Monolith as you see fit.
Take the wheel whenever you need to.
Monolith having martial arts training would have been exactly the sort of thing to mention back when we were discussing his background and skills, and you didn't. So he shouldn't have any. It's not fair to add advantages in mid play when they come up.

But . . . I'll let you get away with it because you made it a Weaver Martial Art, and I think that's cool. Besides, he's a cop, he spent a while with monks, it makes sense. And most of his training would no longer be applicable in his huge body.

Anyway, sorry you can't be around more, extra so because you're working. Sorry man.

I'll have to get a job myself in the next month or two, and then this place will probably slow down a lot.

He did mention that he had studied with monks while recovering in his orginal post, but then changed it. I just went looking for it, and he had edit that post and I thought "Was I crazy?" but then saw in my follow up post on Locrir I had written:

And AB added with the temple (the monks of Tai-Pal)

I don't know why he removed it, tho. But he had mentioned that he had studied Weaver martical arts with the monks.
I was seeing it more as Judo than Tai-Kwan-Do

fine strikes are definately out, plus any high kicks or very swift moves, but using your opponents momentum against them should still work for him.

& Swampy, PM me what way you want this to go.
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PoliteSuccubus said:
JC I hope you forgive me for taking over Amy for the little bit, but things where poppin' and so I scooted us along. I've convently lost her in the crowd so you can take her back over.

It was fine. In fact, I appreciate it, so she wasn't left behind. ^_^

And good idea, ST, tying Amy in with Hotaru. That should make things intriguing.
All Abraxas had said before was that the monks taught Monolith inner peace, and to accept his transformation. The Weavers' were only introduced a few pages ago. But, as I said, it's all cool.

Morgoth, I'm glad we all know out of character how the Crusher's Matter Agitation works, but in character, no one would, not even him. It looks like fire, it acts like fire, just say he shoots fire. It's easier to visualize and closer to what the people around him would be seeing.
Woo! Super Kell saves the day!

He is improving pretty fast, unfortunately. Now that I have his second dualism in place, however, I can wait a long long time before he learns any new categories of abilities.

After all, not only is there a lot to learn for creating and destroying matter still (need a boat? gimme the blueprint, two hours, and lots of caffeine and energy drinks!), but all sorts of crap can happen with creating and destroying energy (throwing lightning bolts! stopping cars from falling off of cliffs! FLYING!).

I'm pumped. Kell's spreading his wings. I just have to make sure they don't bump against the walls, or worse, get in anyone else's way, if you know what I mean.

So, if you think he gets too powerful, ST, tell me.

Though I think his reaction to his power surge was a nice touch. ^_^
*claps wildly*

Brava, JC!

Bravo, Kell!

And now I wait with baited breath for Nikki's death scene....

Someone pass the popcorn~
It's cool for now JC. But he still shouldn't have much control with the energy manipulation, only when he's really adrenalized. I love the kinetic energy stuff he's doing, but it's very different than the disintegrator / healer that was Kell's concept. We'd specifically said he wouldn't be much good in a fight, remember? I didn't want anyone to double up on powers, and Ghost is the super-fast martial-artist guy.

Anyway, your post was fun, especially the puking. So it's all good.

As for creating a boat, I had always thought Kell's healing creation power allowed him to reconstruct destroyed matter, but he needs pieces that "remember" being whole. So he could create a boat out of the wreckage of a boat, but not out of thin air. If he could do that, he could create gold bars, poison gas, anything. And creating anything he wants is very different from the original "balance hands" concept. He should be able to handle addition or subtraction, but not transformation, or shaping.

So, yeah, I think he's getting to powerful, or you're getting ahead of yourself. Stick with the powers he has (disintegrating and healing) instead of bringing in new ones, and if you want him to improve, have him disintegrating things faster.
Well, Kell's concept was just creation and destruction. He just started with matter, and he's feeling out energy.

The things in parenthesis were jokes, by the way. I should've made that more clear. ^_^

He's not going to be flying. :p

I'm just hoping no more than those three ninjas come. Because, at this point, he's going to be totally useless for the rest of the day. Were I trying to guard Kell, it would've been unwise to bring on the adrenaline rush of power (and thus temporary enhanced mastery of powers) -- but I thought it made sense at that point, because he was trying to protect somebody important and he didn't want to let anyone die, again.

But, I agree with you, and I know Kell isn't supposed to be good in combat -- so I won't pull that stunt off continuously. Don't worry. I don't want Kell to become super-powerful... and I want to make sure I don't do that by mistake.
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Sorry, I know you were pumped. I hate to turn down good ideas. It's just that we're only a week into the story, and I want people to be developing new abilities every few months, or years, not every few days. Which is why I'm eager to skip some time, and catch the world up to everyone's rapidly escalating power levels.

So Kell can create and destroy matter and energy. Are you happy with redefing "creation" as "enhancing"? In character, Kell and everyone else can still call it creation, 'cause "creation and destruction" sounds better. But he shouldn't be able to create anything (matter or energy) that wasn't already there.
Well, actually, that's the point of why there are always dust motes around him when he uses his matter "creation" or "destroying" power -- which I probably should've mentioned earlier. (Didn't I? Way back when?) When he "creates" stuff, he's always drawing from what's already around him. The dust motes represent that the matter is drawn from tiny particles in the air and built into something already there.

In that scene, he absorbed the speed of his enemies and used the potential energy to aid himself. But he wouldn't normally be able to do that without an emotional surge like that.

I guess pure energy attacks out of "nothing" would have to be, I dunno, his own body heat. I haven't really thought about it. Which is why he hasn't done anything like that yet, like shocked people with electricity or anything yet. ^_^

See? I really do have reasons for what I do. I swear.
Yeah, that's how I understood the dust motes. Just making sure we're both clear on how it works.

Anyway, great post. I'm glad Kell saved the day.

Sorry new powers always make me jumpy.
Oh dear....

So this wouldn't be the time to reveal that Faith can type 120 wpm?


*tee hee*

I'm not writing any more Faith or Mary until Nikki, Ghost, Dem et al get caught up, but I did want to include Dan's labeling her mail slot.
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Don't be sorry. I'm glad you care enough to poke me whenever you think I'm being too strong.

The whole time/speed-of-learning thing is going to be a problem, though, isn't it...

I don't know if I like the idea of skipping ahead time, because a lot of stuff can happen, but if we do keep going day-by-day, it's only natural that people acquire new abilities at an unrealistic speed... unless attacks come less frequently.

Hey! And Kell hasn't saved the day yet! Aren't there more ninjas? And since the Admiral is the last suspect that the ninjas haven't killed for, uh, whatever he's suspect for, maybe he'll try to make a break for it! Or stab Kell in the back! Gasp!

What is the Admiral suspect for, again? Tipping off the shipment to the Killer Bees?
Creepy, Pooh.

So it's Friday night. I'd like things to be pretty quiet for the next couple of days (in character). Everyone needs a few days to chill out after all these diasters and attacks. So just post generally what your characters do for the weekend.

Crusher should lay low for now, exhausted by his metamorphosis.

Monolith, and anyone else actively searching for the Crusher, don't find him yet.

Damien shouldn't get a chance to see his father yet.

Ghost still needs to worry about where he's staying, what he's eating, and how he's avoiding the cops.

After people have posted their weekend activities, I'll get us ready for Monday's Loa Blood shipment.
Oh, and let me take this opprtunity to remind those getting orders from Coda (or any NPC) that they don't have to follow those orders. They're orders from Coda, not from me.
I have been reading a lot of books about killers and rapists and stalkers and such. I'm a Stephen King fan, so that has seeped through as well. I thought so long as he's evil, he might as well be crazy and obsessed at the same time.
Otherwise, it won't be any fun...
Hee hee...

Just wait until he starts wearing your underwear.
He's going to look very silly in a size 4 thong....:p

And I based my Lit story "Night Nurse" off of "Misery".;)