OOC: Loa Blood

Whoa. I thought Mary was cute. I didn't realize she was beautiful!

Then again, Kell probably hasn't realized either. Stupid boys.
course, he's seen her in what?

Stolen sweat suit, no make-up


Paint splattered

Early morning pre fire breakfast

She's never dolled up around him.
Hey all! This thread seems well cool. Are you still taking characters? If you are heres mine.

Name: Dalriada
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Race: Locrian, unmutated.
Appearance: 5' 9", light build with dark brown hair and light golden skin.

Background: Dalriada is an archaeologist and was part of one of the first teams sent to the Loa site in the Antarctic. While he managed to avoid exposure, he saw the terrible effects it had on others, including some of his friends and colleagues. He is now committed to stopping the use and distribution of Loa blood in any way he can, legally or illegally. He has immersed himself in the criminal world through a cousin in a Phrygian terrorist organisation procuring many weapons on the black-market and finding leads on smuggled Loa blood, which he attempts to destroy or contain. He has recently come to Bay City in the aftermath of the Dracon Island incident.

If you guys could write me in in any way I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
well, we don't have a armored suit hero/villian yet. Talk to Swampy, you may be our first battlesuit guy we face.

& he is a bit young to be a arceologist. might want to add 10-12 years
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I echo that with the experince you want him to have he'd have to be mid 30's - Training in his feild would take him to early 20's, security level to the point being allowed at the site, late 20's, then his current activies...

and don't forget that Locrir is currently under the thumb of an evil tyrant!
Mary Type Paintings....

Hongyin Shen's


Ellen Dick



The Drowned Woman

Thanks for the advice everyone. Heres the new proposal:
He's 25 years old and worked on a more recent Loa dig in a minor position. Locrir is being horribly ruled by a tyrant, but he may have gone to a neighbouring Phyrgian country. Does the Coda corporation operate in Locrir? If so he could have joined it there, as part of the team of a big important scientist/archaeologist.
Dunno if I'd go for the idea of a power suit, more like fiendish plans and super hi-tech weaponry. Maybe he even has some kind of stealth suit? Not perfect of course, but enough to make it fun. Or stolen prototype weapons incorporating Loa blood. Ooooh......
Hey, ST, what kind of new weapons have been created thanks to Loa Blood? How has that worked, anyway?

Our archeologist friend will probably need to know.

And I need to post. Give me a bit. ^_^;;
Hahaha! Oh, man, Polite. I actually didn't see that coming.

Kell's just going to hope you didn't notice. ^_^
Young men, when dreaming about young girls in water, nakid, at least get a semi, don't you know.
Geez, I just read your post.

You're never gonna get a girl telling them you love them like a sister!
Psshh. Kell's not trying to get her, anyway. At least he doesn't think he's trying to. They've been friends for a while, remember. It's like one of those things where you hang out with people from the age of 3 on and then you realize you're a teenager and they're pretty cute.

And as if I'm supposed to know how to get girls! :D
Yeah... I'm hoping he'll come back soon. I'm waiting on him in another thread, too...

But we can still do our thing for a while while we wait, right? I don't think we need him at the moment. At the gallery, probably -- and Morgoth needs to come back to finish the fight scene...

Faith is going to buy a motorcyle and Mary a car. If we are all taking the act on the road we need ways to be ON the road.
I wouldn't worry too much. Maybe he's just not feeling good and decided to take a break? I do that sometimes.

We can wait for him...
ok guys, here is the plan according to one stressed-out mailman.
I haven't heard from Swampy in a week, as all of us have, & I don't want to have this thread die, so I am proposing GM'ng it until he gets back
(I seem to have the most experience playing/running a superhero RPG next to Swampy)
what I propose is to keep the main storyline going.
Kell has his teenage gifted angst going
Faith her search for her sister
Monolith and Crusher have a very serious round #2 in the works
the Bees now have a crapload of Loa Blood, so they will be planning some nefarious scheme
anyway, all I will do is ocasionally step in & GM things if necessary (keeping away from the cuckoo plot, because I don't have a clue what Swampy had in mind with that), & we all get back to writing & enjoying our characters

Is this ok with everyone???
Sound off on the OCC if it is.
Well, I'm fine with continuing what Kell's doing. But, it's Mary's turn to post... even though the only thing she's doing right now is bathing, I guess. ^_^ So I could just post as Kell again. Amy will be coming over to check out the paintings whenever you're ready, PS.

Additionally, Polite, do you think you could handle the gallery visit without ST's intervention? I don't know much about what you have planned for Mary, and I'm sure it would be easier if ST were here, but do you think it would be possible to just go ahead with it without our GM?
Kell can post again, as bathing isn't post worthy.

Faith is going to watch the video next, no Swampy needed.

I'd like to go ahead and get the ball rolling on the gallery, but not post the opening til he's back. It's a plot pivot and he needs to be here.