OOC: Loa Blood

Thats about enough now I jsut need to wait fro some one else to reply.
Polite you clearly deserve your repuation as a writer. Great post with the detective.
Fallowing orders here, my friedn told me to tail you she liked it as well.
No she is udner age..... I think.... she may be 18 now. Coarse the age of consent out here is 16 so it might be leagle even if she is seventeen..... I am now one confused cats.
Swampy, I'm waiting my next Faith post on yours to see if they debreif or search.

I'm going to Email JC and see if she'll come back. Mary without Kell...just doesn't seem right.
Sorry guys. I'm usually online Wednesday to Friday, now.

Maka, great to have you with us. Total bonus points for using Ash in your first post. And Micheal looks like he'll be a facinating guy.

Cats, bold move having Nia turn herself in to the police. I'm assuming she went without a struggle, but I will edit if she resists, or doesn't drink coffee, or whatever.

All of you, I encourage you to run into other characters whenever possible. Nikki, Micheal, and Ghost are all downtown when the helicopters crash into the street (again). They might notice each other, or even approach each other.

Siren, whenever you're ready, jump to the next day and make your raid on the Sejealan street market (again, assuming that Nikki follows her orders, but you can do it in any way you want).

Succubus, I miss JC too. But Kell is out of town a lot with his Coda work right now. Post Mary preparing for her show with Amy, and we'll find a way to link some other characters in with her. Let's say Micheal sees a poster for the show and is so moved by the painting that he has to go and meet the artist.

Amon, I'm kind of at a loss for how to respond to what Ghost is doing. You created a group of criminals opperating under the streets, and gave them a sniper rifle (I don't know what a gang of street-level rapist/robbers was planning to do with it) so that Ghost could take it, which makes him better at killing these guys from the sewers. Remember that writing in a new weapon for yourself is just like giving yourself a power-up, and you should ask me first.

Anyway, if Ghost stayed parked at that one manhole long enough, no one would use it any more, and the police will be investigating the area. What's Ghost been doing with the 13 dead bodies again? And remember that he has been living on the streets, scrounging for food for weeks now. He is dirty, smelly, and unshaven, in addition to being covered with weapons and having a clawed metal arm. So people would notice him, and the police will track him down.

If he gets away with what he's doing, then what?

What direction do you want to take the character in? I suggest that you link him up with some other character, and think about what he wants. If he wants to fight crime, there are better ways to do it, and worse criminals (like the Killer Bees or the Crusher) he could be hunting.
ok im prob too late to make a character,and im nto sure of the whole story but ill try.Mind if this Character can be used?

True name:Luke,last:unknown(too lazy 2 think of one you know?)
nick name:symphony
powers:can control sound in a Very small area,maybe about 2by2 feet or so from his body.Also able to magnify other sound waves,though it tires him to use "harsh" noises more then "soft" noises.A "harsh" noise would be something like nails-on a blackboard,explosions etc.Mostly he can use it to quiet his movements and can do that for a moderate amount of time before the stress hurts him.Otherewise he's normal,except for ectraordinarily long and slim fingers.
eyes:bright green
story:known to sell high-tech sound equipment to shady types and normal citizens alike,he luvs music in almost all its forms.His Gift came to him in the form of a long-term associate who had run into some trouble with others and thought Symphony as a dangerous threat,as he knew information on him.
Using a syringe he(im not sure how the blood could be used,is it injected or pills or what?)injecte dSymphony,knowing that it would most liekly kill him.Instead he survived and gained his Gift.he has had his revenge and currently is working in the undergrowth of the city.

OK how was that?if its bad or somehtings wrong tell em and ill fix it
Cool power, DarkThoughts, welcome to Loa Blood. Character looks great, except that using a syringe full of Loa Blood to kill someone would be like using a syringe full of molten gold. Sure, it would kill him, but there are cheaper ways, and anyone who could afford a syrige full wouldn't be fencing stereos anymore.

Do you mind if Luke was exposed in the Dracon island disaster a few months ago? He could either be living at the refugee camp, or have found an apartment in the city, and has recently set up shop selling hot sound systems.

The easiest way to link him in with the others would be to have him do a job for the Killer Bee gang, and meet Nikki. Although he could easily run into Ghost, who looks freaky, or Micheal, who stands out just because of the guys following him and the weirdness that follows him.

Anyway, you read "Looking for something new?"? That's the best introduction to the world. Just post yourself in the city doing stuff, and w'll find a way to connect you to the other characters.
yeah thats where i read everything first lol
and yes i suppose that would be better then a syringe ur right,bleh i was tryign to amke it up in my head sorry.
Nice start, DarkThoughts. Yeah, people still drive cars, trucks and motorcycles, and that's what they call them. Vehicles no longer use gasoline, they use Coda fuel-cells derived from the Loa blood, but other than that they work just like the vehicles we know. If you want to make up names for specific cars, go ahead, but it's probably better if you describe things by type: sports car, sedan, all terrain vehicle, etc.

So, who does Symphony work with? Does anyone know about his Gift?
SwampThing said:
Sorry guys. I'm usually online Wednesday to Friday, now.
.....................edited by cats......................

Swamp, I jsut have to say I'm impressed thats alot of time you put in this. From what I have seen so far it definitly seems that this thread is good and I think no small part of it comes from you. (I'm to lazy to do that with any thread I've made.)

Any how DarkThought mind if I call you DT1, it's eassier to say and all.
Thanks, Cats.

So Nia was resced from Dracon Island by GAIA workers, who brought all the refugees to Bay City. They didn't know that Nia wasn't from Dracon. So she doesn't have any appropriate paprs or anything. Here's where she can easily escape the authorities, and become a fugitive, or try to work with them. Can she contact her family? Does she have anyone else she can call?
ST i was thinking that they would send Nikki after Ghost for messing with there business and she would than try and stop him. The rifle is a dud, but Ghost wont know that until he tries to use it. It was only ment to be a trick. i have a plan, its just dont know where to go with it. been thinking, but nothing is comming, ever since Aya left, been thinking of what to do with him, and nothing is comming to me other than him being a Vigalante, and him finding another partner in the business. but other than that dont know.
Succubus, I miss JC too. But Kell is out of town a lot with his Coda work right now. Post Mary preparing for her show with Amy, and we'll find a way to link some other characters in with her. Let's say Micheal sees a poster for the show and is so moved by the painting that he has to go and meet the artist.

JC's been posting on the SRP and read but didn't answer my PM. So, I'm going to stage a disagreement between them if it's OK with you, which she can fix when she comes back if she likes.

It fits in with Kell's nature, and since Amy was JC's also, she can join him living closer to where he's working and now things are awkward between the three of them.

Awaiting your approval, which, from the looks of things, will be Friday. See you then!
thx ST,my char. makes custom speakers and the like for mostly Very Wealthy people,so that the sound comes out almost or maybe better then if the music beiing played was live.Thus,he of course attracted the notice of crime syndacites and gangs and etc.
He also helped out someone in a place of city authority(not sure who and why yet,please bear with me i have semi-ADD),and this allows him to deal with a number of the more..unlawful people in the city without being brought in for questioning or the like..
uhhh what else too say..mhmm uhh gnngh?

(please excuse all the typos,im using an ergonomically designed keyboard and the buttons are in the wrong PLaces>_<)
Alright DT, you don't have a contact in the city bureaucracy yet. That's the sort of advantage you should have to earn during play. And anyway, now ou don't have to worry about coming up with the backstory. But if that's the direction you want to take the character in, then that gives us a place to start.
alright sounds good to me*shruggles*
thx i relaly like your idea for this thread,i hope i do good!^_^
Okay; couple of things.

Unless ST or PS would prefer it otherwise, Michael's in the same cafe Faith is, in an effort to try and have him start entering the loop.

And white-noise rock is this world's rap equivalent :)
lol thx 4 clarifying that 4 me^_^

uhh just soem character notes 4 my char.
my guys not a "bad guy" in the sense,or bettere yet hes a "bad guy" who tries to acxt otu fo type..umm.not goodmat describing this bleh.
also his powers work much better with a sound wave already created,i.e.,if a bell rings it is easier for him to magnify its ring then just create the bell rings itself.
That's great, Maka.

Symphony's base is closer to the dockside district, where the Crusher is rampaging. The Cafe is close to the policestation, which is closer to the downtown core.
yay im getting an idea how things are working!^_^
lol sorry i was jus a little bit confuzzled on the layout and where every 1 is^^