OOC: Loa Blood

roza read my last post,i had symphony tell you your things are being shipped to a safer position didnt i?
Siren, Komodo should be able to beat Nikki in a fight without her armour or any backup. So, a couple of options.
-Nikki gets out of there now while the getting is good. Maybe she creates a diversion to escape.
-Nikki fights Komodo for a bit, realises she is outclassed and then escapes before it's too late.
-Nikki fights Komodo and gets captured.
-Nikki talks her way out ofthis one, maybe learns some more about what Komodo and Hass are up to.

Anyone, are you feeling lost? Need any directions or questions answered? We're kind of at the end of the Hass/performance story, and characters are free to go wherever they want. Symphony and Roza especially, should think about where they want to go, what their next move is. Are they staying in the city? Staying with GAIA? And did they see Komodo steal the gem during their performance?
never mind,accidently deleted it Roza,dont worry ill take care of your character!^_^
anyways...back after a long absence,forgive me im so sorry!
Crazy antmen. I really liked the air-cleansing type, DT. Now lets give Abrazas a chance to respond with Monolith. If he doesn't show up this week, then I'm going to bring in an NPC "hero" to deal with the antmen. After all, they shouldn't get to take over the country quite yet, and if someone doesn't contain them soon, then they will be everywhere. So, yeah, whether it's Monolith or an NPC, the antmen should take major loses next time.
So, the antman Queen gets away, but Monolith should be able to wipe out the colony beneath Bay City. That could take awhile, and could be really hard (they might nearly kill him), but he should be able to do it. The Queen can always create another colony next time.

As for everyone else, I'd like to take another leap forward in time, mostly so Leos and Valous can grow up a bit. So I'm talking about skipping ahead about a year.

Siren, Nikki can spend time working her way undercover into the Cold Blood, and have earned Hass and Komodo's trust.

DT, Loki should kidnap Valous, and then spend the next year on the run with the kid. Valous' power is exhausted from making initial contact with Loki, and otherwise she is just a normal baby.

Roza and Symphony should probably spend the year with GAIA, maybe on other, minor missions, or maybe just laying low, providing infoormation odn Hass, and taking a well-deserved break.

Leos learns to talk, and fight, and could now appear up to 10 years old.

Monolith and the antmen will catch up to us later.
have you forgotten my growth ability?

( yes, i'm gonna get hurt, but once the big guys are down the small ones should go down quick)
OH youd think that wouldnt you huh?
9 XXl guys are there,5 "tank" ants are,along wiht Hundreds of Xl guys plus easily qa thousand,mayber thousands of workes(L size)
hinks its easy now:p
um I am stuck I cant post unless.. I get a reply from Swamp... sniff sniff... where is swamp...!?!

*kneeling on the floor doing the anime cry .. tears spilling down teh cheeks...*

okay I am done jsut felt liek being overly dramatic.
comforts and pats Rozes gently*aww wpoor thing*sniffs nad starts anime crying too*
i cant post till abraxas or ST post too!:(
Sorry all, just started a new job. I'm still here, though and I'm glad you are too,

Roza, I hadn't noticed your last post, so thanks for pointing it out. I thought I was waiting for you!

DT, I still think I'm waiting for you. Symphony is with Dugan and Roza. Does he want to stay in Bridges or take another assignment from GAIA? Any preferences as to what sort of assignment? Anything to say to Roza to help her make her decision? And Loki is still poised outside Valous' bedroom window. Don't wait for Cats, Valous is an exhausted helpless baby. Is Loki going to kidnap her or what?

Siren, feel free to interupt my post if you don't let Komodo search you, don't want to meet Hass, or have something to say to her. If not, just skip straight to being with Mark afterward.

All the humanoid characters (so everybody except Monolith, the antmen, and the Crusher) should be getting ready to skip a year. If there's anything you want to do first, let me know. But get your character to a stable place to rest (their home, base, GAIA embassy, etc.) and post tell me what you would be doing for the year.

Hey! ST, AW! :D

*big hugs to all!* :heart: :heart: :kiss:

Well, the last few months of high school were a little rough, with random things going on and stuff, but with my foray into UC Berkeley beginning, I'm back on my dad's dialup and saying hello... :) Gonna try and post around in some places.

Well... I guess Polite is gone. I'm not going to try and get myself back into Kell, then -- I'd try if Mary was still kicking it somehow, but I don't think I'd be able to maintain him even then. I think I stopped feeling him the last time I tried to start him up. But he was pretty cool as pseudo-angsty heroes go. :D Fear the Balance Hands!

I might reread all the old posts anyway, just for kicks, though. ;)

I hope you guys have been doing well, ST, Abrax. I'll be around for a few weeks on this dialup, so keep in touch.

Hahah, I'm gonna try and get myself into PK again, cuz somehow the damn thing's survived, can you believe?

Anyway, peace out, you guys. ^_^
Hehehe, hi DT! I remember you! ^_^

I've never heard of puggles before, but it sounds really cute.
a puggle is a mixture of a pounce and a huggle...or maybe a huggle and a pounce?o_O
im nto sure really,alot people puggle me online and in like games and stuff...dunno^_^
*puggles the dark magician girlness again?:p*
Sorry for the long absence everyone. I've lost my home computer, and can't access the Lit from work, so I'll only be posting rarely for the next couple weeks, but hopefully I'll have a new computer soon. Until then, post what you can. Anything else your characters were up to over the year-long gap? Anything new they want to do now?

Roza, Symphony, and Loki can go just about anywhere. So tell me what kind of destination you have in mind (big city, wilderness, beaches, high culture, high tech, high crime, high power, etc.), and I'll steer you to the right world location.
Well if that is the case I showed up on the right day. Nia destination will be world domination. So if youd please push the botton on the elevator I'd thank you because, I am to tired to push it.