OOC: Loa Blood

DT, are you still with us? Even without Cats, Loki can make his way to Bridges to find Leos (which is where the implant is currently directing him).

JC, your plan is cool, but I was thinking Kell is still with Coda. They lied to Mary, and told her he was dead, so they could keep him to do dangerous (and illegal) experiments on. Kell could still be brought to Bridges working for Coda, or he could have left them after the experiment went awry. Note that if Coda did the experimenting on Kell, than he has got serious blackmail material on them, and they would want him dead.

Either scenario is cool. Go ahead and post. Oh, yeah, and he doesn't have to be in Bridges. We've got a lot of highly mobile characters now, so you could go check out what the rest of the world looks like, and the story will follow. See the first OOC post if you need to be reminded of the other countries.
Of course ST,give me a post for Loki that i cna make a psot of pls?im waiting for the rihgt moment for Symphony to pop in there,and my antment are jus kinda hanging arouind waitin for soemthing else to happen
Loki's last appearance was in the second last post on page 48.

Roza and Symphony have been working for GAIA, travelling the globe on various humanitarian missions, from playing benefit concerts in wealthy Aralia, to calming angry anti-Gifted mobs in rural Argo, and improving morale in starving Svetlan villages, still waiting for promised GAIA aid. They travel a lot, but frequently work out of the large GAIA bases in Reva, and the antarctic headquarters.

So Symphony could be anywhere, including Bridges but not limited to there. What do you want him to be doing?

I'm sorry about the antmen. Abraxas just backed out, so I'll be running Monolith as an NPC. Post the antmen reacting to the black stone giant morphing out of the wall into the center of their hive.
i did didnt i?
and Symphony im waiting for Roza to get a bit further.....
Loki i know i posted for him,didint know i shoulda gone somehwere else>_>
SwampThing said:
JC, your plan is cool, but I was thinking Kell is still with Coda. They lied to Mary, and told her he was dead, so they could keep him to do dangerous (and illegal) experiments on. Kell could still be brought to Bridges working for Coda, or he could have left them after the experiment went awry. Note that if Coda did the experimenting on Kell, than he has got serious blackmail material on them, and they would want him dead.

Oooh. Okay. That would actually make things a lot more interesting. Let's see...

...Kell accepted the dangerous experiments out of a desperate desire to grow stronger and, admittedly, a mild case of the death wish. One of the experiments went awry, he lost his memory of all the crazy stuff CODA did. In that case, it might make more sense if he just kind of wandered off/fled in a daze/disappeared, and now CODA isn't completely sure if he's meaningless or planning something. Meanwhile, the kid, lost in a new city, is only motivated by small flashes of memory. I like that... adds a bit of a sense of urgency, since NPCs may shadow Kell at first, and if he shows signs of remembering anything or going to familiar places, he might get into trouble.

Heeheehee. I'm excited to get back to doing a new and improved Kell... I'll get started soon, then...! ^_^
Jacobo_Curious said:
Hahahah, awesome.

So let's see if I can align everything for myself: Kell rebuilt the city for as long as he could stand it, he went missing and CODA decided he must be dead (as Kell doesn't remember what happened, I suppose I can hold off on what specifically caught his attention), he got caught up in something else and tried to get stronger with the help of the scientist guy I mentioned before, mistake happened, and now he's stumbled his way into Bridges as a slightly more subdued person. Or at least spacey...

As soon as everything's sorted out, I'll be ready to post.

Here's a bit of sticky wickett....

If Kell doesn't remember Mary...
Mary doesn't remember Kell...

Get the drift?
And now, for a little Faith....

I'm thinking Price moved on, after a suitable bit of mourning of course, so that Faith could hook up with another PC instead of an NPC...That is if there's anyone who thinks they can keep up with her antics...

Oh, she'll be a little "not quite herself" after her stint in the desert, but her core perssonality hasn't changed and will resurface as she recovers. An older, wiser, ball buster with a heart of gold. ;)
& maybe in a few weeks I'll be better able to write.

things have been a lot crazy around here, so bear with me a bit guys.

( I gave Swampy some ammo to write me out for a bit)
In Review:

Mary Monroe
I haven't finished looking everything over yet, but I thought I'd give you a look at my purposed person...

Mary "Can't be anything but myself" Monroe
Race: Human
Place of Birth/Age: Unknown

Power: Mary can, via her will, shift her shape to any age between 10 and 80. Her basic features remain the same, delicate bone structure, jade green eyes, honey-gold hair (except as it silvers towards older age).

Her basic mass stays the same at about 85 lbs, however, and it takes generally five mintues to shift and clothing/items are not included. So someone thinking her ten who tried to pick her up would be surprized how heavy she was, while someone who tried to pick her up at middle age would be surprized at how light with her middle age pudge.

Flaw: Mary can't remember her past. She has no idea where she is from, how she got where she is, how she came in contact with the blood. The name she wears is one given her when placed in foster care after being found "wandering" as a ten year old in the streets.

Since then she's been supporting herself in a few odd ways...Under one name she is 70 and collects soical security, under another she rents a small efficency to keep her personal items (she is an artist and poet, but can't show it at the foster care), and as a Mary she lives at a very nice foster care. In another city she was doing the same thing, but fell in love with another foster child (a teenager) and approached him as a teen also. He seemed to fall for her also, but when he discovered her secret began to think of ways to use her skill to get money such as robbing banks under her middle aged persona. The more she resisted the more violent he became against her until the point she killed him, put in a change of address for her middle aged self and moved to another city where she was found, as her child self, wandering the streets and put into foster care.

She stills badly about him, and longs in her heart of hearts for someone to call her own who will accept her as she is.

Character play can be on many levels: Depending on what face she meets people in the story she can be childlike, mature, teenagerish, or a Granny type. She's very good at working the system and getting information since she can interview people while in different personas (and generally people don't tell a teenager what they would tell a peer, or a older person).

She cannot die via ageing, since she has complete control over that, and she is highly disease/posion resistant due to the fact that her state of flux burns out toxons, viruses, and mutant cells (such as cancer).

Faith Honai
Race: Born in Locrir, Mother Revan
Occupation: College Student, Journalism
Age: 20
Height: 5 8
Weight 130

Coloring: Untamable black curly hair and green eyes, very slender and fit due to kickboxing classes. (A suggestion by one of her professors who said "A young pretty investagative reporter better be able to take care of herself.")

Faith is new to the current city that hold Price (& et al) on the force. She's a student, but she wants to become a GREAT reporter. Her plans were somewhat upset when, while here on a student visa, (incert dictators name here) invaded and her funds from home were cut off. Not to mention reporters are typically NOT Dictator's best friends. She activly works to free Locrir.

Faith has a few skills that make her job easier such as some lock picking skills, photography, speaks the common langs of the Phrygia contient and ASL (or equivlant) as one of her 5 siblings is deaf.

Faith is from Locrir and has a large upper middle class family who aren't entirely behind her career choice. But from the time she was very young she's wanted to know why things happen, the hidden forces that move the world, and tell others about them.

Now, basically stranded, she struggles to do the best she can on her own, truly, for the frist time in her life.
Polite said:
Here's a bit of sticky wickett....

If Kell doesn't remember Mary...
Mary doesn't remember Kell...

Get the drift?

Kell's recovering, is the thing. His memories are not so much gone as addled, and things that left the greatest impression on him will attract him. I'm thinking he might actually make his way to Bay City, looking for his uncle's apartment, his old high school, Amy's house, the busted church from way back in the day, and Donny's, most of which are probably completely destroyed. Maybe he can bug the antmen a little.

Really, my motivation is I want to get myself established in the new world again. We don't necessarily have to meet up right away. I'm confident in something fortuitous at some point... ^_^

(post number 4000!)
I'm just waiting to hear from our fearless leader before I post...

I was thinking of doing Faith's post as a sort of debreifing mode...
Thanks, DT! ^_^

I, myself, am a little out of it at the moment, I'm afraid. I'll read a few pages of Loa Blood, orient myself, and post within a week. Then I'll be back in the game fo sho. :)

Him, I thought ST is a girl? Um, well wouldn't be the first or last time I made a mistake like that.

Okay can some one brief me on what has happened since the last time I posted. I'm going to look for it but there is a good chance I won't find the last post directed at me. I apologize for my absence.


Okay I found the last post directed at Valous and I even found the one before that. So DT, once I figure out how to go about posting as that character I will.

ST, may I add mind reading those she has more experience with to her power list. To clarify this is the first step in mind reading as a permanent ability. Basically right now she needs a bit of a mental map to read some one else's thoughts. She must have an idea of what the person does, how they talk, and general behavior before it works. So at this time it would be limited to Loki, since he is the only one she sees often enough to begin to understand, and even then it is a new ability and she has no way of reading a machines mind so the second blank presence would add greatly to her confusion, after all who is he talking to? This would also be in addition to a bit more mental endurance with her powers. I recommend these two as representing her natural growth in powers as she gets older.

I still have no clue what Nia is up to.
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Cats, Nia should be in the second last post on page 48.

I'm into Valous reading minds, but not into her being more powerful than we discussed. So what will you give up for mind reading? I'd say you get mind reading and astral projection, but without the astral form having super-strength, just regular strength.

I wouldn't let the Crusher have telepathy and super-strength. I just see them as being too unrelated, and the idea is supposed to be that you have one power with a few different applications.

Sorry for my absence, I'll post more tomorrow.
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Swamp I have no intention of giving Valous super strength. I said more strength. Last I posted her she was barely able to do astral projection, and still unable to have any strength. What I am suggesting now is giving her endurance with her powers. She can make her alter self teen aged illusion stay in place for maybe an hour a day instead of 1 minute a day. This is just natural growth of the character, assuming she has been using her powers, she would natural develop the ability to use them more often and for longer times. Just as a running daily will build endurance.

Any how at this point I am rethinking the mind reading, placing that on now opens pathways that aren't in the direction she should be going at the moment. Although I may return to that direction after she has more focus into her current power arrangement. Right now her mind shouldn't have that sort of coordination. I apoligise for wasteing time.

Thank you for finding my last post, that should help me get going again.
Where oh where is my ST oh where oh where can he be... with his crazy ideas and unusal stories.. where oh were can he be..

hey SWAMP Im waiting on you :p
There you are DT. Symphony challenges Leos. Symphony must have been working his way into the fighting circuit for part of the last year. We can retro-post some of that if yut I like the surprise of he suddenly shows up in this trainyard fight club.

Cats, if you want Otto or Dani to be at the fight with you, than they are. Your call.

Faith can also show up in the trainyard any time. She was following the railroad into Bridges from the desert.

I'd really like to get all of you interacting with each other while your characters are in the same place.

Next, to set up Mary's entrance.
Hmm, perhaps if we built a gaint can of raid.... But how to get them with in range... I know! Will have the worlds largest picnic, Now only one thing can stop me! *Flips on weather channel.* Nuts wouldn't you know it, rain. DT your antmen get to live for now.

Still need to get Valous going again. Dt, I apoligise but I really am not sure how to post for her. Especailly since her powers don't work until she has had some time in her new location. Perhaps if Loki stops in a new city or home, I can start.
I'll get to your antmen DT. Sorry. They do loom over my head demanding attention.

Cats, Loki and Nia have been staying in the Aralian acrology for a while, probably a couple months. It's the longest they've stayed anywhere since he kidnapped her a year ago. So now would be a perfect time for her long-dormant powers to reappear. Sorry if I was harsh on the new power front (it's always been a touchy subject for me).