OOC: Loa Blood

Off handedly, the last thing I recall Nia doing was swearing vengence on the crusher, so if he is out and about she definitly would be trying to hunt him down. Other wise she'd be trying to find a way to get by the force field. Either meathod writes her out for now.
Welcomee Screech. Here's the updated setting information I've been promising. This will serve as a refresher for old players, and let new ones know what the hell we're talking about. Feel free to post a character concept (superpowered, high-tech or normal), and we'll figure out a way to fit you in.

The story so far:

Part 1: Following the Dracon Island disaster, Gifted begin gathering in Bay City. The high-tech Killer Bee bike gang steals a shipment of precious Loa Blood, sparking a bloody gang war with rival Cold Blood ninjas. The Cuckoo frees the inmates from Bay City's insane asylum. The asylum breakout is stopped by a group of Gifted heroes including Monolith, Ghost, and Nikki Hall, but notorious arsonist Kate Beckett escapes.

Part 2: Kate Beckett burns a church of the Wheel, and the Gifted heroes rally to protect the innocents and capture the mad arsonist. Kell Claudas and Monolith begin working for Coda Corporation, protecting Bay City from the two warring gangs. Nikki Hall, fakes her own death, and becomes the Queen Bee of the Killer Bees. The Drowned Woman appears to warn Bay City of the Crusher, "first of the great beasts". The Crusher goes on a murderous rampage, destroying much of Bay City in battles with Monolith. During the final battle, Monolith is aided by young new Gifted heroes Symphony and Nia. The Crusher rapes Nia, but is finally beaten by Monolith, who falls into a catatonic state. Dr. Dugan, head of GAIA science, returns the Crusher to Dracon Island and seals all the monsters under a prototype force field.

Part 3: Bay City has been destroyed by the Crusher. Refugees flood into Bridges, city of sin, under control of the Cold Blood gangster Madame Hass. Nikki and Symphony both infiltrate Hass' organization. Nikki as Queen Killer Bee, and Symphony working for GAIA. Nia has twin babies, and gives them up for adoption. Her son Leos grows quickly into a strong boy, and is sold into Hass' Gifted fighting circuit. Her girl Valous is kidnapped by Loki, and then by an Amun Island monster. Leos is trained as a Gifted fighter by the Cold Blood, but is finally rescued by Symphony and Dr. Dugan. Meanwhile, the Crusher has proven himself the mightiest monster on Dracon Island, commanding the loyalty of many of the others, and has escaped the force field.



Argo: Eastern continent. Largest, most powerful country. Bay City is on the south-west coast, near Dracon Island. Bridges is in the south, near the land-bridge to Svetla. Home of the Coda Corporation. Argons have coal-black skin with flecks of gold.

Aralia: Part of the Argon supercontinent. High technology. Many Aralian immigrants to Argo have formed the Killer Bee gang. Aralians have silver hair.

Amun: Large island continent with marsupials, ancient belief in animalistic gods, and Loa experiments on humans. Amunet have brown skin and hair.

Sejeala: Northwest of Argo (near Valin). Seat of the Wheel religion. Ancient colonial power, now mostly obsolete. Famous for its martial arts, and its Cold Blood ninja gang. Sejealans are pale with dark hair.

Svetla: Southern continent with a land bridge to Argo. Made up of many small poor desert countries. Svetlanders have blood-red skin. Weavers are nomadic people who came to Svetla from the northern countries like Sejeala and Aralia. They have pale skin and red hair, and are known for their mysticism.

Phrygia: Western supercontinent. Northern Phrygia is made up of many small countries, all recently united under the control of Emperor Savanti Romero. Southern Phrygia is poor, and mostly tribal jungle. Most Phrygians have gold skin and black hair.

Locrir: Part of the North Phrygian continent. Long known for it's art and culture, Locrir is now the seat of power of Emperor Savanti Romero.

Marrow Island: Small, out of the way island, taken over by Argo.

Petang: Small North Phrygian nation, part of the Locrian Empire.

Reva: Part of the North Phyrygian continent, but independent from the Locrian Empire. Wealthy, high tech.

Valin: Northwest of Argo (near Sejeala). Famous for its martial arts.

Dracon Island: Off the coast of Argo, monarchic nation doing Loa research for the Argon Coda Corporation. Industrial accident left Dracon uninhabitable, a wasteland of mutant monsters, sealed under a force-field dome. Most surviving Draconians have emmigrated to Argo.


Acid Lad: Leader of a group of Dracon Island Monsters, with a plan to destroy all the remaining Loa Blood.
Chapel: Anton Chapel is an old gangster who heads the Killer Bee gang in Argo. Nikki's boss.
Crusher: Metallic, winged, fire-breathing monster. A terrifying force of destruction.
Cuckoo: A mysterious anarchist movement behind several Loa-related disasters, including the Bay City Asylum breakout. Is the Cuckoo a person, a group, a monster, or something else?
Damien Dufry: Prince-in-exile of Dracon Island, winged telepath, and Nikki Hall's lover. Missing, last seen with his sister Merrick, plotting to kill their father the King.
Drowned Woman: A figure from Phrygian legend, who moves through space and time. She first appeared to warn Bay City of the Crusher, and was last seen showing the Crusher his various alternate futures. Unpredictable and very powerful.
Dugan: Dr. Bobby Dugan is head of the GAIA science division, inventor of the force field, self-professed smartest man in the world, and a drunken slob.
Faith Honai: Freelance reporter from Locrir, last seen on the trail of the Cuckoo.
Ghost: Psychotic vigilante with super-speed and weapons. Last seen hunting criminals in the ruins of Bay City.
Hass: Gangster leader of the Cold Blood ninja clan in Bridges.
Hope Honai: Faith's sister, and Monolith's ex-fiance. Scientist held prisoner in a Locrian research camp, her hands replaced with cybernetics to handle Loa Blood for research.
Kate Beckett: Ex-nun turned arsonist, and only known expert on the Cuckoo. Last seen in a Bay City mental hospital.
Kell Claudas: Teenager with creation and destruction powers. Last seen working for Coda.
Komodo: Hass' bodyguard, Cold Blood ninja.
Leos: Crusher and Nia's son, super strong, tough and regenerative. Trained to fight by the Cold Blood, now being raised by Dr. Dugan and GAIA.
Loki: Has a Loa artifact implanted in his head, which controls technology, and ordered him to kidnap Valous from her foster parents. Last seen in Aralia.
Mark: Killer Bee agent, code-named Stinger. Nikki Hall's partner in crime.
Mary Monroe: Age-shifting amnesiac painter with an ancient, forgotten connection to the Loa.
Merrick: Princess-in-exile of Dracon Island, Damien's sister, and a Weaver mystic.
Monolith: First superhero, ex-cop turned into man of stone. Worked for Coda, but disappeared after defeating the Crusher.
Nia: Regenerative martial artist raped by the Crusher. Mother of Leos and Valous. Last seen associating with Cold Blood ninjas and gangsters in Bridges.
Nikki Hall: Telekinetic wanted for murder of the Prince of Aralia. Nikki has been a super-hero and a fugitive. After faking her own death in Bay City, Nikki became the criminal Queen Bee. She is romantically involved with her partner Mark, although she is still in love with Damien. Last seen heading Killer Bee operations in Bridges, and infiltrating Hass' rival Cold Blood gang.
Otto: Gangster working for Hass' Cold Blood, friends with Nia.
Olu: Pilot and secret agent, working for Dr. Dugan and GAIA.
Red Lion: Mysterious giant flying lion sometimes appears to save people from large-scale disasters.
Savanti Romero: Self-proclaimed Emperor of Phrygia, this Locrian dictator has taken over the entire Phrygian continent, and is conducting secret Loa research.
Symphony: Former thief turned artist/secret agent with a variety of sonic powers. Last seen working for Dr. Dugan and GAIA.
Valous: Crusher and Nia's daughter. Infant body with advanced mind, and astral projection powers.


The Wheel: Major world religion. Has come into question since the discovery of Loa disproves the Wheel's version of history, humanity and God.

GAIA: The Global Administrative Intelligence Authority. An international agency that tries (with little success) to keep global peace. GAIA operates the Loa digging station in the Antarctic, and distributes Loa Blood to it's member nations for study.

Coda Corporation: Argon-based research and technology company. Responsible for much of the country's Loa research, and for the Dracon Island disaster.

Cold Blood: A Sejealan ninja clan that opperates world-wide. They steal Loa Blood because they worship the Loa as gods.

Killer Bees: High tech Aralian gang serving the Chapel family. They steal Loa Blood to sell for profit.
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ST, you rock.

That's a pretty comprehensive summary, and I think I'll be referring to it entirely too much.
I'm on only briefly tonight. But that sumary is really good.
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Wow! Quite a bit to read through there, but I think I got a character in mind. I do hope this is good enough

Name: Joe Rabone
Alias: Sparks
Age: 22
Race: Argon
Occupation: Ex-smuggler turned gunrunner turned mercenary
Abilities: bio-electricity field generation (weak)
Gear: Combat armour, two revolvers, jump-pack (experimental)

History: Joe was born and raised in the city of Bay City. He didn't stay there for long, however, as he grew increasingly disenchanted with the hoarding of technology in Aralia, even though it was part of the same continent. He soom found his way into the criminal underworld as a smuggler of goods, and found that he was quite good at dodging boarder partols and law officers. It was one one of those jobs, however, that he managed to aquire a small sample of Loa Blood for the black market. Curious as to what exactly this substance could be used for, he tested a small amount on himself. He was severely ill for several days after, but survived the experience with the new ability to generate a low-level elecrical field around himself.

With the unfolding events on Dracon Island, Joe moved from tech goods to arms smuggling. Unfortunatly, although his wares were always in high demand, he was not in the business long before Crusher's rampage through Bay City. Being one of those who survived the attck, Joe scraped together a few bits and pieces of aquired technology and weaponry, and took the name Sparks.

Cool concept, Screech. The electrical power sounds low-key but versatile, and the smuggler/mercenary background makes him easy to work into the story.
Ah! You have sparked my memory, I do remember now the events leading to her control of the killer bees, Let me know what thoughts you have of her current situation and I should be able to adapt :)
Siren, when we last saw Nikki, she had infiltrated Hass' Cold Blood opperation in Bridges, and discovered that Hass was amassing ancient artifacts to create some kind of occult super-weapon (although as anyone with an Aralian education will tell you, magic does not exist). Also, Nikki had just located Nia, the mystery girl Chapel is looking for because GAIA is looking for her. I'm mostly finished with Bridges, and eager to get characters exploring the rest of the world. But here's some possibilities.

- Nikki is still opperating in Bridges, working her way closer to Nia through Nia's connection to the Cold Blood, and keeping an eye on Hass' plans. If there's two PCs still in Bridges, then it could still be an interesting place, and Hass and Komodo do have some plans up their green sleeves ...

-Nikki has moved on, having established a Killer Bee presence in Bridges, and weakened Hass' control of the city. She could be working anywhere, or travelieng a lot. She could even have some sort of mobile base. The Killer Bees sell a lot of stolen Loa Blood to Amun, so Nikki would have good reason to visit there, or Reva.

-Nikki has followed Nia to Phrygia (assuming Nia left Bridges, which I'll get to in a moment), or followed the Crusher kid to Reva.

Do you still want her partnered with Mark for now, or more of a free agent?
Where are we?

Things are coming together. Sorry for the slow start, but I want to figure out where the characters are first, so that I can plot how best to bring them together.

Valous is being held prisoner in Amun. Rereading the last few IC pages, I notice that her kidnappers were obviously from Amun, so there's no need to keep that a secret from the players. Characters still don't know where she is.

Leos and Dr. Dugan could be anywhere, since GAIA has embassies all over the world, and Dugan has a flying mobile lab. But I figure they're in Reva, because Dugan mentioned a big GAIA headquarters there, and its an interesting country we haven't been to yet, close to Sejeala, Valin, and Locrir, all interesting countries we haven't been to yet.

Monolith has left Argo for Phrygia. Once the Crusher and the Antmen were defeated, he returned to his homeland, to try to save his ex-fiance Hope from Emperor Romero's research camp. For now, Monolith will be an NPC, mostly moving underground, causing earthquakes to disrupt the Empiral Army's control of the continent.

Crusher goes looking for Monolith as soon as he's free from the Dracon Island force field. So he's following the earthquakes across Phrygia, and the two of them are having huge battles with the Empirial army, which will mostly be "off camera".

Nia might go to Phrygia following the Crusher. But even with Otto's help, she has to travel the old-fashioned way, probably making her way north across Argo, into Sejeala, across the sea into Reva, then on into Locrir.

Sparks could begin anywhere, working for anyone, since his smuggler/mercenary background make him highly mobile and ready to change sides any time. But it would probably be best to start him off in Amun or Reva, working for any faction of those two corrupt governments. Unless Nikki and Nia are still in Bridges ....
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I'd agree with your assesment of Spark's startup, ST. I'd just like to add that I think he'd be more likley to be working with the Killer Bees than the Cold Bloods, but being the flexable type that he is, he doesn't turn down attractive work.
Hmm I think I want her on the move, I like the idea of a mobile base. However I would like her to still have people watching Nia discreetly from a distance. I think Mark and her should still be partners at least for now, but she is very independant hiding any weakness (ie emotions) In essence she as become truly cold at least towards the world.
How much time has gone by between the last part and this one? Also can you tell me what has happened to Valous as a prisoner, is she getting 3 square meals, had her brain removed, been in chains built for a midget, etc.

Nia swore vengeance on the Crusher or something to that effect, so she is more likely to fallow him there, if she knows he is there. She isn't a "common criminal" so Madam Hass could only employ her legally, other wise Nia would refuse and chances are that won't end well.
country: Amun
height: 6'
weight: 400
description: Fenris was mutated by a loa experiment. his whole body changed. he became taller and grew alot of muscle, but more importantly, he became like a wolf. He grew fur, fangs, a muzzle, and claws. His speed, strength, stamina, and toughness all increased. But his intelligence remained. In a fury, he killed the men who experimented on him and fled to the wilderness. along with his other mutatations. he now sports a 3 foot retractable blade on his right arm, which he uses for fighting.

is that any good?
Hahaha, sweet. Fenris is great, Irish. He's got lots of power (speed, strength, toughness, and the blade weapon), but his visible wolfman form will be a drawback to balance it. He's actually a lot like the Crusher, only less powerful (without the flight and firepower) and correspondingly less insane. And I'm really happy to have a character from Amun, created by their horrible experiments. I think that's actually the first character created by deliberate experimentation. Cool stuff. I'll have to think of a few other mutations who escaped with you.

You will be separated from the other characters at first, but Valous at least will be able to visit you in astral form.

Cats, I'm thinking about 2 years has passed, so Leos and Valous are about 3. Does that sound okay?

Valous is kept sedated, wrapped in bandages and hooked up to tubes and wires for the Amunet experiments. Essentially, her body has been shut down, but her mind is partly free. I like the idea that when Fenris escaped, he caused enough damage to the facility to allow Valous' astral form to escape as well, and only now is she able to go looking for her brother.

Nia was offered work as a teacher in one of Hass' dojos. The work is legal, but she knows that the students go on to become Cold Blood ninja, so I can see her not taking the job. Either way, she would have had to wait for the Crusher to reappear before making any moves, and would now be beginning her slow journey to Phrygia with Otto.

Screech and Siren, what about Nikki hiring Sparks to follow Nia? Sparks could have done a few other jobs for her in the past few years, and I can see her preferring to send a Gifted on this assignment rather than trusting it to her standard agents. Just a thought.

I think we're about ready for IC. I'll probably post an IC intro in the next few days. Thanks for the patience, and great ideas!
I look forward to the IC.

Well clearly Valous experienced terrible twos.
Nia would turn down the job then, but honestly I remember her going to the dojo with Otto but I don't think she ever witnessed something criminal. How ever 'd have to check the last few posts to be sure.

Okay so here is what I found. I went back to page 47 reading all of Nia's posts. She didn't officially know Otto and Hass were criminals, but she was about to start poking into that. So whether or not she found out what was going on is undeclared. Th last post I looked had this in it, "What we hold in highest regard, are sages, sensai, and teachers. The impart to all youth the wisdom of there own lives. if I can not teach my own youth, then I can not teach every one else's youth." So I am guessing she would keep on turning down offers to teach, sparing on the other hand she may be up for. That would help her train, and wouldn't officially be teaching. Furthermore if she found out this was a criminal operation, she could adopt a mentality along the lines, I am beating up criminals.
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That works for me swamp thing as long as Screech is ok with it. Definitly sounds like something Nikki would do
I am sooooo in!!!!!!

Monolith has left Argo for Phrygia. Once the Crusher and the Antmen were defeated, he returned to his homeland, to try to save his ex-fiance Hope from Emperor Romero's research camp. For now, Monolith will be an NPC, mostly moving underground, causing earthquakes to disrupt the Empiral Army's control of the continent.

thats one option but i was thinking that at the end of the antmen fight (it never got wrapped up) Monolith panicked & caused a 9.7 earthquake to happen & was swallowed up by the earth. Encased in a healing crystal coccoon for over a year, he has been buried underground, renewing his energies & moving slowly, ready to resurface where you need him.

& WB amigo!!!!
Are you trying to pick a fight? *puffs up fur, arches back, and sticks tail straight up.*
Spam belings solely in the domain of older comedy sketches! :D

or with chips
or with egs and chips
or with spam and chips
or with spam, spam and chips
or with spam, spam, spam, eggs and chips
or with... well, you get the idea.