Yep. Back in action! I'm glad Screech and Irish jumped right on in. Since we're starting a new Part, with some new characters, maybe everybody could give a description of their character in one of their story posts.
Siren and Screech, feel free to begin Nikki's meeting with Sparks, and I'll have Mark join you.
Monolith, Crusher, and Valous could now show up anywhere in the world. Of course, the more players interact with each other, the less work for me!
More coming soon! And I'll be posting more regularly after the holidays.
Valous can now reach any where in the world? Damn thats an upgrade. Perhaps she'll bother the crusher for help escapeing ofcoarse when he reliazes she comes and goes as she pleases and can't be touchd pysicaly he'd probably assume it is just a side of his personality trying to convince him to dress in drag.
In other news college is huanting me and now I have a paper do on the firs day of class in the next semster.
Well, just because she can manifest anywhere in the world, doesn't mean she knows where the Crusher is. Also, since she's never had any education except with a blankie and a mobile, she doesn't know anything about the world, any countries, extc. (I assume she speaks Argon, because that's the language loki and her foster parents spoke, but she might not even know any language, and rely on telepathy).
I figure Valous would hop around randomly at first, testing the limits of her power, finding her way around the world. Eventually, she'll pick up her psychic bond with Leos and be able to find him. Her bonds with Nia and the Crusher should be weaker, and they won't be as easy to find (unless the Crusher goes on a massive public rampage, getting world-wide attention).
Monolith, Crusher, and Valous can all travel anywhere in the world, but it shouldn't be easy, and is not very fast. The Crusher has to fly around the world. Monolith travels through the earth. Valous takes time to shift her consciousness and reform somewhere else. Its easier for her to maintain her astral form in one place for a while.
Come to think of it, Nikki has teleported, but uncontrolably, so she can get anywhere in the world too, should't rely on it. She an also astral project, so she could run into Valous is astral form. Nikki's astral form is weaker than Valous' because it is less developed than her other powers.
I never knew about those powers. The things I am learniing about other peoples characters. As for the crusher, I was mostly pokeing fun at the delusions the character has because its nice to make fun of the mentaly challenged.
Hnestly I don't recall if she had telepathy or talked. So you raise a good issue. Let me know which you prefer. As for the bond with Leos and family. Well if she does eventuly sense the bound she won't understand it for a while. A very long while so, that will be fun to experiment with their is even a chance Leos or the crusher wouldfigure it out first. Although Nia with the write set of conditions would be the most likely to figure out actully knowing she had two human apearing children and the names of them.
I am also still debateing bringing Jei into the story line, but plans for that have been pused way back.
Nia is in a booth at the back of the Gator's Arms hotel bar. Sparks is in a car outside.
Nikki is in her flying base, south of Bridges, trying to make contact with Monolith, who is ttrying to reach the Svetlan sea. Monolith is being followed by Coda, and GAIA.
Is Leos along with Dr. Dugan? Morgoth, are you out there?
Valous and Fenris are in a small canyon leading away from the Pyramid, into the desert. The Sphinx guards and their airship are about to start bombing the canyon. Valous and Fenris can take the bombs, or hide from them, but will be forced together by the bombing.
Good question Irish. As I understand it, Valous has an invisible, intangible, completely astral form, and also a visible, physical manifestation. After she escapesd from the Pyramid, she solidified into this visible physical form, not completely by her own control. So Fenris can see her. She looks like a pale-skinned, violet-haired teenaged girl.
Cats, anything to add?
(Maybe the Crusher already got a job recycling cans. That's where Nia should look first. Good thinking.)
Haha! Nice one Cats! I'd forgotten that Valous was originally adopted by a couple in Argopolis (an architect and a fashion designer). I'm glad you and Nia remembered.
You posted a reminder when the thread started back up. But yeah, thats what Nia has been eluding too.
As for he physical manifestation. She has to be visible to talk or, well be seen, and a limtation of the original character is that she returned to her body when damaged. Which is currently a problem I'll have to find a way around, because that would make the chaacter very much stuck.
Screech, I've already posted Sparks following Nia to the Cold Blood neighborhood, and into the crowded Gator's Arms bar. If you got there by asking around instead of following her, that's cool, but either way you are outside the bar. Do you want to follow her in, or wait for her to leave?
Cats, is Nia going to look up Valous tonight? Will she take Otto, tell him she's going, or just slip out once he's drunk enough?