OOC: Portal to Adventure

I'm stil here!

I'm still here and wating for it to continue! im just kicking back on ym horse, eyeing the nw guy with my hand on my sword ^_~, plus if we can actualyl get moving Ilookf orward to another "dance" w/ Valencia! haha ^_^

Has "Defenders of the Faith" come out yet? I just found out it wasn't slated for release till mid-May; My local retailer accidentally broke a TSR laydown date for it, and that's how I got it so early.
Not to worry, it ain't dead

We are about to head out into the woods. Random encounters with wandering monsters will happen for a bit. Don't give up just yet!
Im not givin up don't worry! i just think a bunch of ppl did give up! What happened to our leaders?
This is to announce that I will no longer be in this thread. I am sorry to leave but I have been fighting with the thread and I feel I am pulling it down since I am supposed to be GMing it and I dont even know the lay of the land we are supposed to be in. The thread has lost interest for me (aside from the scenes with HotStuff).

I felt this idea was a good one but I should never have gone with a landscape I was unfamiliar with. It has caused me to not be able to GM as I should. That and personal reasons that I have discussed with Imoen have caused me to decide to leave the thread and turn it over to Neale who knows the lay of the land and can GM it better than I can.

I hope this goes better now and I wish Neale all the luck in the world.
Okay... here we go

I know for sure that Alaric and I are still in. Could everyone else who is in please post here? I'll modify the thread according to who is actually left.

Isolde, thank you for getting us started, and I dedicate the rest of this thread to you! *hugs*
Yo! Neale! I'm still in.

One Question, though; Have you gotten Defenders of the Faith yet, locally?
I'm still in..... I am just trying to figure out what the hell I am doing as I seem to be sitting by the roadside right now.
'nother, off-topic, question: What's up with these "dollies"? where do I find them, how do I modify them, and how can I attach one to my posts?
I'm still about, keeping an eye on the thread. Things have gotten a little hectic for me again at the present (why does real life have to intrude so? sigh...) but I will try and play on still.
Isolde dont go!

Isolde don't go! stay int he thread still !Neale can GM it yeah cause he knows it best, but u shoudl sitll stay in the game and be our Ass kicking chick! ^_^

oh yeha for those that dont realzie this yet I am sitl definatly in! lets get to kicking badguy butt! (im on a swear "fast" today ) ^_^

Give me another day, to see who else is still in, and we'll get rolling again. The first order of business will be to pick up your character. :)

The second order of business will be... to KILL SOMETHING!!!

Roll for initiative, monkey boy...
Hoody Hoo!
Okay...due to HotStuffs enthusiasim for me staying and a talk with Neale...Val will stay but I am not GMing anymore. I cant take the frustration of not knowing the terrain. Never again to I GM somethign I am not familiar with.

And thank you for the complement on my avatar HotStuff
I'm still here....but i have the same frustration with Isolde about not knowing anything!
Not to worry, everyone...

I've really thought about it, and it is unfair and unfun to be using so much stuff that many of you have no access to, or familiarity with... I'm taking the thread in directions that will not rely so heavily on D&D material. Granted, I'll still be ripping D&D stuff off, because I've spent LOTS of money on it, and intend to get some use out of it, by gum! BUT, I'll be more careful to include within the thread full descriptions of anything I use.

The reboot should commence within the next couple of days... anyone who hasn't posted, please, please do so. Especially our female players... it seems as though this will be a one-woman group (no, I'm not counting SpectreT's or my 'women'), unless some familiar faces come back...

Anyone out there who wants to join, now would be a great time! Virgins welcome, even! ;) Just send me an email, or post in this thread.
I had tossed around the idea of leaving this board entirely. Nothing personal to anyone or anything, just that I have alot going on at the moment and I have been stretching myself a little bit too thin. Mainly to the point that posting really just wasn't any fun anymore.


Things are panning out a bit better now, so I've changed my mind. At least about this thread. I really enjoyed it before and I don't really want to give up on it. Neale, you are more than welcome to take the reins. I don't have a problem at all with that, in fact you've had them for a while now. :)

If y'all still want me, consider me in.

Okay, you convinced me to come back, and I promise I'll post often. That is, if you all want me back.....;)

hey hey! its toku! been a while!!!!!!! ^_^ *missed kcikign ass in "Portal to Adeventure" * lol ^_^
Okay... Monday it is.

Monday it is. I'll be free most of the day, and will get a complete character listing of the surviving characters, as well as the first post of the new era. See you then!
Do we have to post evrythign about our chars again? cause I'm prolly gonan bebusy all day Tommorrow. *_*