OOC: Star Wars - Episode VIII: The New Threat

Originally posted by Arc da Rat
Here is the Tech Commentaries web site ... This follows the Movies & Books ...

Then there is the RPG D6 & D20 version ... This is the paper, pencil & dice version of SW ...

Here is the referance page for the ship I based the Spotted Owl on ... Shroud Not to be mixed up w/ the ship that Luke had used ... There is no pix of the ship btw ...

wow that's useful, I'm going to go with the D20 version if you don't mind, but I'll be modifying some stuff I think.
What's up all?

Can we have a few more posts in the RP? I need the story to move along a bit before I can post.
Originally posted by Orlanth
What's up all?

Can we have a few more posts in the RP? I need the story to move along a bit before I can post.

don't look at me I'm waiting for other people (Paen or QC)

besides I'm still trying to make more weapons.

Oh yes any suggestions on alternative hangar bay configs? Also suggestions on any new types of weapons you want. I'm adding direct interface, because I think that implants should be allowed. Is that okay?
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Donsehan said:
don't look at me I'm waiting for other people (Paen or QC)
Same here.

Why do you want to change the Ties?

I never did really like the Defenders.
Originally posted by Orlanth
Same here.

Why do you want to change the Ties?

I never did really like the Defenders.

Tie Defenders are like Interceptors, specs on them are a little slower than interceptors, carry 1 tractor beam, A chute with 6-8 concussion missiles or torpedoes, 4 lasers, 3 Ion Cannons oh yeah forgot, also have hyperdrive and shields.

They can replace the elite units, and Interceptors will replace the normal units. Tie fighters suck in atmposphere a fact that Interceptors actually designed better for.

Also if you didn't see the edit, I"m looking for suggestions on extra hangar bay configs, weapons and are cybernetics allowed? I'll be upgrading interface things, so that a pilot could potentially be hooked into their ship, and not have to touch much for manuevering.
Donsehan said:
Tie Defenders are like Interceptors, specs on them are a little slower than interceptors, carry 1 tractor beam, A chute with 6-8 concussion missiles or torpedoes, 4 lasers, 3 Ion Cannons oh yeah forgot, also have hyperdrive and shields.

They can replace the elite units, and Interceptors will replace the normal units. Tie fighters suck in atmposphere a fact that Interceptors actually designed better for.

Also if you didn't see the edit, I"m looking for suggestions on extra hangar bay configs, weapons and are cybernetics allowed? I'll be upgrading interface things, so that a pilot could potentially be hooked into their ship, and not have to touch much for manuevering.
Interesting about Defenders, I like it.

Hanger bay configs? Can you give an example?

Cybernetics? Never really did like them.
Originally posted by Orlanth
Interesting about Defenders, I like it.

Hanger bay configs? Can you give an example?

Cybernetics? Never really did like them.

lol, That's actually straight from Rogue Squadron: Isards Revenge. Oh I forgot, Tie Defenders also are better in that their "missile tube" is interchangeable. In the SW universe almost all tubes are either for Torpedoes or missiles only. The Tie defender design can load either. Tie Defenders also are faster than Tie Fighters, shields are weaker than X-Wings though, otherwise that would be broken.

I simply wanted to get rid of Tie fighters because they're not very manueverable in the air. Interceptors because of their shape are better in atmosphere and also are faster, have 4 lasers instead of 2. So I wanted to change the Imperial navy in that the normal fighter would be a Tie Interceptor and the elite pilots would use Defenders (the pilots who used to use interceptors)

Hanger Bay Configs, like chutes vs. a door. Most hangar bays stack fighters and put them in rows, allowing for more storage but slow launch.

I came up wit ha number of ideas, one would be a hangar that opens on a whole face of a ship, this alows for all ships inside to launch at once.

Cybernetics if allowed I'll have stuff for it. Non Cybernetics would be like headbands with eyepieces so pilots can have a better look at things. Gloves, instead of pilot yokes. Also for Jedi, there would be designs that require force, so the cockpit of a jedi fighter could be a simple seat and nothing else. The jedi basically activates all ship functions with the force, and the AI/targetting software could be controlled by force or by a touch screen. It could even be a matress type set up where there would be multiple screens to tell the jedi what's outside and the jedi doesn't even have a window to look through. Note: these are alternatives to traditional interfaces and can be supplemented to traditional interfaces replacing only parts of the controls, doesn't have to replace everything.

Although also From Isard's Revenge, I want to use the Yoke design they had for the Tie Defenders because it's a very good streamlined design. It uses a yoke with a wheel on it, and thumb controls fire weapons. Rotation of wheel does something I don't remember what, index finger buttons provide other functions and so on, it's very efficient, making the whole design in the X-Wing obsolete almost.

Cybernetics would be like jacks, or even special softwware that is bult into the pilot that allows for direct input from the ship. This is very dangerous because the pilot is hooked to the ship permanently. Which also means that Ion Cannons can potentially kill the pilot because of the fact that it's a direct interface. Instead of having information on a screen it can go directly into the brain, giving a pilot full awareness. Although this full awareness of all dimensions can be disconcerting and all pilots must be specially trained for it. Not all pilots that go through training may even survive it, because it's so much information, pilots could suffer severe brain damage. NOTE: this is only one of possible cybernetic configurations.

Oh yeah are there any cool weapons you want??

Oh yeah (this is in the last edit time) Lightsaber colors actually seem to have some sort of status inference in them, I was curious if we are using that or not.
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Not sure. Currently, Raine has a false leg (can't remember which one, but she lost it in battle with Darth Vaine in the last thread). All it really does is act like a leg, and hold a spare lightsaber (though I think she's still in need of having that adjustment made). Other than that, I don't think we've touchd down on it too much.

I was thinking, actually after reading (okay, skimming lol) your posts on ship-building and hangars, that we need something like that to be set into motion before this thread ends. Assuming we're all in agreeance that the actual battle against the Dracuurians will take place mostly in the next Episode, that is. We need to set things in motion for the Republic to head into some sort of secretive hiding, and for those in the Galaxy who agree to fight to begin building ships and preparing weapons.

Just something that occurred to me.

And as for waiting, I figure by now, I may as well wait for Paen to come back and post for Tynan. I have no particular thoughts or actions for Raine there. She was just idle.

Where else do you need me to post?

Oh, and Orlanth, any ideas of what you might need Balle and Caiben to do?

Originally posted by Quiet_Cool

Not sure. Currently, Raine has a false leg (can't remember which one, but she lost it in battle with Darth Vaine in the last thread). All it really does is act like a leg, and hold a spare lightsaber (though I think she's still in need of having that adjustment made). Other than that, I don't think we've touchd down on it too much.

I was thinking, actually after reading (okay, skimming lol) your posts on ship-building and hangars, that we need something like that to be set into motion before this thread ends. Assuming we're all in agreeance that the actual battle against the Dracuurians will take place mostly in the next Episode, that is. We need to set things in motion for the Republic to head into some sort of secretive hiding, and for those in the Galaxy who agree to fight to begin building ships and preparing weapons.

Just something that occurred to me.

And as for waiting, I figure by now, I may as well wait for Paen to come back and post for Tynan. I have no particular thoughts or actions for Raine there. She was just idle.

Where else do you need me to post?

Oh, and Orlanth, any ideas of what you might need Balle and Caiben to do?


well I've got the basics for most things, lemme check my list, Shield Generators, Generators, Armor, Weapons, Counter Measures, Interface, Engines (mostly about hyperspace drives, and not totally complete).

Cybernetics, I know there are prosthetics (Lukes hand), but I meant more like internal things, eyes, comps, built in sensor arrays and such. Jacks obviously it's really your discretion. Although I must say what I came up with as examples of cybernetic interfaces and Jedi non-traditional interfaces is quite interesting.

Still Question stands on changing Interceptors to Defenders and Tie Fighters to Interceptors.

Also question about the colors, do they still have indications of status within the Jedi order? or do we assume the order just didn't know about them?
Here's the Preliminary stuff, incomplete

NOTE: So it's not complete, there might be title's it's also vague, because I don't have full specs. I also need to know more about our universe. It's in the order that I came up with it in.

Shield Generators

There are a number of shield generator designs

Imperial Star Destroyers Favor two large Spherical generators which are devided into port and starboard generators.

The Victory Class Star Destroyer produced as a heavier version, had even heavier shields using the same design these shield generators actually require more energy, but produce more almost a 45 percent increase in shield capacity, sadly energy drain on ships systems was about 30% more.

Imperial Mark II Star destroyers (Impstar Duece) use the same basic design as the shield generators on Victory Class star destroyers. Only there’s a slight design difference, it uses a starboard up and down as well as a port up and down. Using 4 shield generators instead of two, with some design advances that would allow them each to use less energy and work more efficiently. A single shield generator off of an Imp. Duece performs it’s job just as admirably as their Victory class counterparts, with less power drain, still a 15% increase of power drain per generator on top of the original design.

Mon Calamari ships use similar designs only they tend to have their shield generators delocalized. Consequently the power drain is lower and they perform just as admirably as Shields on Victory Class Star Destroyers, but the faults of this design is that because it’s delocalized every generator is smaller and consequently if a mass attack at one generator were to be organized, it could conceivably short them. Not all Mon Calamari ships use this delocalized design, many of them produced still used the old system of having port and starboard generators although very few can distinguish where they are.

Snubfighter shields tend to be forward and aft, Seinar Fleet Systems never produced anything with shields until recently, which they basically massed produced shields they took apart from Incom (forgot what they’re whole name is). Seinar Fleet systems put them on their Tie Defenders.

A recent development in the past 10 years was the delocalized shield generator. It is embedded into the frame of the very ship with little tiny generators that actually depending on ship size, manage spaces ranging from 5 square feet to 15 square meters. It’s not put on most capital ships because it doesn’t work too well. It also requires rewiring of the whole ship, and has special software installed that is managed by an AI program that comes with the software. The AI actually talks to the onboard droid (if there is one) and is embedded into the ship brain, taking control of shields away from the pilots. It redirects energy from generator to generator depending on which one needs it the most, basing it’s choice on sensor data, because it’s a wired system it can’t be interfered with jamming signals. Because it redirects energy around, it will lower parts that don’t need it, consequently it uses energy much more efficiently and can increase the shield performance of some snubfighters by over 50% depending on how good sensor data is. There is a manual override, which is directed through the controls of the ship, but the generators will work with a marked decrease in performance. It is all electrical so ion cannons actually can rip this whole system apart. This is a new development by Incom, and is very hard to do on the black market because it’s embedded in the frame and requires an entire overhaul. Incom does produce their fighters with this, at a higher price, but in many cases it’s worth it. It’s fairly new technology so Incom charges double for a starfighter with this kind of shielding.


All ships carry generators for their engines and such.

Large ships like Imp. Star Destroyers carry large generators, in general about 20. Some Star Destroyers have more or less depending how commanders decide to customize their vessels.

With the Victory Class, because it had more weaponry and also required more energy for the shields had a brand new generator. Typically half the generators, are normal fuel based, and half of it is non-fuel based and based on Fission generators. The design is smaller and more effective, but shielding is required. The reactors don’t have cooling systems because they have IR (infra red) sensitive lining that translates all IR energy into power for the ship. Consequently, heating a Victory Class Star Destroyer is harder than heating an Imp Star. (10 normal, 10 fission) These fission generators can produce up to 100% more energy, but at these levels the lining may start to fail due to the fact that the matieral starts can’t withstand that high a temperature.

Impstar Dueces require even more energy, considering that they have 4 shield generators and even more weaponry than even a Victory Class. An even newer generator which was based off a Fission/fusion design. It uses Fission to start the fusion process and it goes on forever, leaving the ship with power at all times. These reactors actually cost a lot more, because the fission reaction would shoot out and create the fusion reaction within the same reactor. It uses 20 of these reactors and creates 40% more energy than the normal fission generators. This design is actually harder to produce because it requires the same lining with shielding timing so that the fusion reaction will start. The power generators for Impstar Dueces are 20 fission, 20 fission/fusion generators.

The dreaded Super Star Destroyer, Executor was first built with fission generators (60) but later that design was thrown out and replaced with 80 fission/fusion generators.

Mon Calamari people have managed to build generators of their own, they actually mirror Seinar fleet systems generators for their capital ships, except that Mon Calamari people use fusion generators only, and use repulsors to start the reaction instead, the power for the repulsors actually is started by the shipyard when they first activate the ship, it has continuous energy only requiring maintenance to replenish the molecules required for the reaction, which can be done by taking water, and changing it, using energy from the generators themselves.

On smaller ships, Seinar fleet systems used highly efficient solar panels which they equiped on all their tie designs. Seinar Fleet systems, realizing that their ships were at a disadvantage to Incom’s shields, started to develop alternatives. They managed to make their highly efficient system of Solar cells a paint job. They created the paint on Solar cell, which they could put over anything.

Incom on the other hand, used fuel, they had the generators directly connected to the engines so that the fuel would power the engines and any extra energy would be used to power the other systems. Incom later found that while this was simple, and easy to produce, it was not feasible for long range.

For larger ships, Incom designed small fusion generators that were designed off of the first fusion bomb. They used IR sensitive lining and basically made tiny fusion bombs and these fusion bombs would be loaded into their generator and fed in one at a time to create enough energy to keep the ship running. These bombs are easily obtainable and this type of generator is much easier to produce, uses less energy to start, and maintain.

Incom made smaller versions of their original fusion design and outfitted them on subfighters. They produced enough energy and also at certain times, a pilot could get a boost of power by simply having the injection system force 3 or 4 bombs at a time. Creating a huge boost in energy which could power weapons, shields or engines. Downside of this design was that it would mean that some rash fighter pilots would eject their extra bombs and were able to take out larger ships at the cost of not being able to go anywhere.

Incom first found that their tiny fusion generators were good, but pilots would push it too far, consequently commiting suicide, by having the generator flash vaporize everything around it or short weaponry because too much energy was pumped through or even get stuck without being able to make a hyperspace jump. Incom, a number of years later created a hybrid system where they used hydrogen and flourine or other atoms. It was more versatile and created energy more efficiently. Also they designed scoops to scoop up molecules or atoms so that a snubfighter could concievably refuel by jumping into nebulae or going through atmosphere.

Armor: Ever since the advent of energy shields armor was neglected and there were very few innovations in armor.

Pre-Clone Wars armor was very interesting. There was a time where starships had no shields armor consequently was the main way to protect a ship. Starship armor was consequently developed to be very conductive. Chemical Engineers working with Theoretical Chemists built a molecule that they believed would be very stable, able to withstand high pressures, drastic temperature changes and most importantly, conducted energy like nothing they had ever seen before. For a long time all starships were outfitted with this armor, that was mass produced, space travel, was expensive in those days and most ships were small, the only large ships were passenger ships. It is said that even lightsabers cannot cut this metal for the energy from a lightsaber is dissipated so fast that it never hits this metal as a blade of energy but as light. Sadly though, in many places at this day and age, this armor is lost, for it is no longer needed. Some places in the outer rim there are legends of . Noone knows how to build it anymore, and noone knows what it was that they cooked up.

Imperial Star destroyers use new starfighter armor, which is thick bulkheads that are built around the frame and are actually heavier armored than their Victory counterparts.

Victory Class Star Destroyers were lighter armored, carried more weaponry and had more energy because the Victory Class Star Destroyers created by Seinar Fleet Systems were intended for making a Victory. They travel faster, turn faster and even roll faster than Imperial Class Star Destroyers. Even though they have a 30% drop in armor, the amount of energy that a Victory Class Star Destroyer has, more than makes up for that.

Imperial Mark II Star Destroyers also known as Impstar Dueces are armored more heavily, than the Imperial Class, by almost 60% making them much slower than Victory Classes, but they can still travel just as fast in Hyperspace.

Mon Calamari ships are interesting, they don’t use ablative armor like old clone wars ships. In fact they are put together with such care that every piece fits perfectly, and if one watches Mon Calamari shipyards, it seems these ships are grown. Mon Calamari don’t use normal armor, preferring to coat their metals with nanites, they actually create a very ablative surface, that dissipate energy admirably, the downside to this is that any scratch on the surface mars not only the ship, but also it’s defensive abilities, consequently the Mon Calamari ships tend to depend on heavier shields, with lighter armor, making them much more agile than Imperial Capital ships.

Snubfighters really don’t have much in the way of armor, except for Tie Bombers which Seinar fleet systems simply put thick amounts of metal that would conduct IR really well, dissipating most of the energy hitting it, making Tie Bombers much more durable compared to their Tie Fighter Counterparts.

Seinar Fleet systems, realizing that their ships were at a disadvantage to Incom’s shields, started to develop alternatives. Using their Paint on Solar Cell they put could put it on armor therefore making the Tie’s that much more durable in general. Consequently developing armor that wouldn’t interfere with the Solar Cell technology, they created armor that was specifically designed to spread energy from lasers, which could then be absorbed by the Solar Cell technology. Bad thing about this was that they found ion cannons shorted their systems faster.


In the age of energy weapons, thye first developed lasers that could be used for cutting, later they found they could package light energy within a field, and shoot packets of lasers or even plasma.

Ion Cannons were one of the first developments after lasers, they were mainly used to shut down ships. There is also an upside, they eat through shields faster than lasers due, gobbling up lots of energy. Ion Cannons also will short a ships systems, so that one could concievably have a dead ship in space, and capture it later, or even in the case of the battle of Hoth, disable the bridge, effectively knocking out whole Capital Ships from battle.

Lasers, there were lots of adjustments, different colors for different factions, different energy output for more damage. Greatest inovation came in the different delivery systems.

Quad lasers they found were actually very good against Snubfighters, but became innacurate at certain distances and therefore are useless against capital ships. In general these are mounted on freighters and other medium sized ships that need protection, but there is also the Lancer Class frigate that mounts over two hundred of these, serving in the Imperial Navy as the snubfighter eater. (As seen on Millenium Falcon, requires gunners, but also can have droid brains or AI that can operate directly). There have been upgrades in interface design, that will be talked about later in the interface section.

Turbolaser, as seen on the Deathstars. These are the usual for Capital Ships, both Mon Calamari and Seinar Fleet Systems opted to make versions of these that fire Ion Cannon packets rather than laser packets. They are great in that they can take more energy, meaning that they can deal more damage, and tend to be calibrated for longer distances, and are mainly mounted on Capital Ships, Carrack Class Cruisers also have them though. Although the name tends to be a misnomer, the Turbo means fast firing rate, this is relative, because with the amount of energy delivered, a couple turbolaser packets could conceivably vaporize a snubfighter, like an unmodified X-Wing. They are good in that sense, but actually fire and track too slow for gunners to really be effective against snubfighters. They are truly turbolasers when it comes to other capital ships though. They also take up a lot of space, which is why Capital Ships don’t have smaller guns to take care of fighters.

Laser Cannons are the normal for snubfighters, like on the X-Wing, Ties, or A-Wing. There are actually designs that have rotating cannons which the is A-Wing uses as standard. There have been innovations, some pilots like the idea of being able to put more energy into their shots, the X-Wing accomplishes this by being able use 4 low powered cannons and linking them. Although Laser Cannons actually now a days are equiped with better chambers and can take up to 400% normal energy input, depending on model. Also Laser Cannon calibrations can be adjusted by techs and units, for their own purposes, (ie changing the shot so it lines up at 500 meters instead of 15 say or 250).

Missiles, there are many that have been made, but the main missiles that dominate the current market are Concussion missiles. They’re called such, because they use sound and other energy to rock ships, and actually cause nearby people to get concussions. (note this is only speculation on why they’re called concussion missiles, I’ll take any input.)

There have been older designs, one such missile a higher end missile with a huge blast radius, called the Sound Eater (missile used by Slave I in Episode II), actually will suck in matter and energy right before detonation and then spew out the extra energy and throw it out in a huge explosion, looking like a star gone nova.

The last of this type of weapon is the Proton torpedo, it’s larger than a concussion missile and delivers a high payload. It has special software inside it, and it’s manueverability is a little slower. It

Sadly though, because Turbolasers actually aren’t that effective against other ships, Capital ships tend to carry at least a number of squadrons.

Fighter bays:

Hangar designs especially for Seinar Fleet systems is very efficient, able to pack many ties into a small space. Stacking them, and putting them in rows, this actually provides for slow launching. Basic and common design of most capital ships, standard type of hangar bay. Works with any type of craft, clamps are modified for types of craft, downside is that there’s only one hole for launching, large enough to launch 2 to 3 fighters at a time, but can be seriously damaged when hangar bay doors are open, causing the inability to retrieve fighters properly.

There are designs of hangers though that use a bay that simply drop fighters, or smaller ships from a face of the ship, this is not used on all ships as it is not very feasible, but some Mon Calamari ships, Interdictor Cruisers, and other Imperial Capital Ships use this design mainly because they are carriers rather than ship pounders, unlike their unmodified cousins. This type of Hangar actually will strip all the weapons off a face of the ship, and modifies drops armor integrity a little, but it allows a ship to launch all fighters in the same instant, can be put on any capital ship. Downside of this is that any ship outfitted with this is severly hampered in firepower, but the plethora of ships that can be launched all at once, makes up for that.

There are also odd designs where a face (or faces depending on what the Captain wants) of a Capital Ship is outfitted with Escape pod like chutes. Only these chutes are not for escape pods but for snubfighters. This is an alternative to having a face hangar bay, it launches just as fast. It uses an repulsors to catapult fighters out, so that the ship is not damaged, but retrieving fighters, is harder, and can’t be done during a battle without assistance. Luckily it comes with small tractor beams that are on the rim of the hatches, to guide ships back in, and the repulsors are used in reverse to push the ship back in. Once nestled in place, clamps come out and secure the ship, another hatch comes down and a ladder leads directly up from the cockpit to another deck. During combat though, the ladder is actually hidden and the pilots can simply jump into the cockpit, repulsors are used to slow the descent so the pilots don’t get battered. Downside of this design, takes up a number of decks on a ship, and structural damage on that side could destroy the chutes, also making retrieval impossible. Downside, is that you can’t really repair ships that are in bay, although some improvements have been made and a modification in the chutes allows for droid arms in the chute to repair the ship (not quite as effective as techs though). Any Capital Ship can be outfitted with this, but pirates tend to like this the most, because they can launch fast, and they never expect to die anyway, because they’re too cocky.

There’s also another design which uses two long chutes accros the length of a capital ship. These actually are protected very well, hidden under lots of armor and have extra shield generators just to protect these chutes. They look like large torpedo launchers and actually fighters are lined into it. A ship like an Imperial Star Destroyer, thus could carry about 20 ties per chute. These are spaced about one fighter apart, and can be launched quite fast for this type of design. Not as fast as the face side chute, or the face side hangar bay. This design can catapult the ships about 3 fighters apart, so they can come out quite fast. Using repulsors to catapult them. The top of this tube, actually is like a door, one door per fighter, allowing quick and easy access, so techs can repair ships within the tube which is not offered in the Chute design.

Counter Measures:
Everyone knew with the advent of weapons like the Concussion missile or Ion Cannons or even the dreaded Proton Torpedo, there had to be ways to confuse these weapons.

Early Warning Systems: with targetting systems for lasers run by starship brains, and software, defensive measure companies produced software which would tell pilots that their were locks on them originally this was built for missiles or torpedoes. In the Pre-Clone war era lasers weren’t too dangerous to ships, but missiles could kill a ship instantly, ripping through it’s thin metal armor. At that time shields were not developed yet, so missiles or torpedoes were the real threat.

Later software was updated to tell a pilot what kind of lock they had. Some custom software would even tell you where.

A small unknown company until recently, signed on with Incom to produce the next generation in shields, delocalizing it, they created and took advantage software that they specially created. Using simple math that would process really fast, by holding down it’s own processor, it can tell where a laser would hit, plus or minus 2-5 feet. The design of the delocalized shielding embedded into the frame was designed to work with this sensor data, although it doesn’t work quite as well without this sensor package and tinty processor people can opt to go without this sensor package. Note against all missiles/torpedoes, most snubfigher shields will fail anyway, this actually gives four or five shield generators to handle it, making it possible to still have shields even after a missile/torpedo attack, although not garantueed.

The Ion Cannon was another annoying development, being like an EMP pulse wave, it was delivered in a tiny package like a laser, that could short systems. Consequently, ship designers, using old technology from pre-hyperspace times, downsized EMP shockwave protection and actually can be installed into ships to keep it from shutting down. It uses a sophisticated yet simple system of having contact poitns at junctions have little tweaks so that they can be seperated and so therefore no electricity can move through boards or anything, countering the Ion cannon and EMP pulsewaves. The problem with this protection is that, once it detects an Ion beam headed your way, it will seperate all the junction points for about a second depending on sensor data, effectively shutting down your whole system by disconnecting it momentarily then reconnecting it again. The system works well, but there’s slight problems, a continued barrage from Ion cannons will keep your system down, but it’s inexpensive because all they have to do is disconnect your electrical systems from your generator.

Torpedo and Missile guidance systems originally used IR to track because it was easy, then they realized it was easy to fool, and sometimes would head into stars or planets or even other things in space. Comets, space stations, other ships etc.

Guidance systems then evolved to use radar, which was immediately thrown out, now they use sensor packages provided by ships. These tend to be more accurate, but sometimes can be fooled, but now a days because of this, noone really wants to stop them, because that means that you have to jam all communications, as they use normal communications routes to recieve the sensor data.

There are ways to fool missiles though. Some companies have developed small projectiles that are shot out at last minute that are actually tiny bombs that are supoosed to destroy the missile before it hits the ship. Similar to the pre-energy weapon shrapnel bombs, it’s a bomb that shoots shrapnel in a cone to cause the missile/torpedoes to explode.

Since the beggining of flight pilots have used what’s referred to yokes, or sticks. Developments though in this design have led to more funcionality and more controls “at the fingertips” of fighter pilots.

The Tie Defender uses a yoke with a wheel which allows for weapons to be fired by thumb controls (either hand or both). The index controls tweak

There also have been innovations with pilots having eyepieces installed onto specialized headsets that feed sensor data so that they can see targets clearer with a targeting reticle on it, so that pilots also know where their weapons are aimed.

Sensor data on ships tends to be lacking on a 2 dimensional screen, so after a few years, all the screens became holographic spheres, with lighting on the inside and the center blip would be the pilots ship. Little blips all around would show up as a basic picture. The fighter pilot could then select ships by touching the screen. The ship’s type and other information would then be displayed either on a seperate screen or a screen embedded in the Transparisteel viewport.


For the longest time people have used propulsion engines that require a feul of some type. All engines are ion engines, and require either energy or feul to support.

Recently though there are rumors about ships that use modified technology to pull a ship towards a destination.

Hyperspace Drives

There are many models of hyperspace drives, each with their own characteristics. By this time most of the universe is hyperspace capable.

There are talks about modification of hyperspace technology to make gates between parts of the galaxy, allowing for ships to be propelled by these large gates rather than waste their own resources.

Hyperdrives on Capital ships are larger and much more sophisticated and require much more maintenance than on smaller ships. They also can produce more stable hyperspace lanes, allowing for more routes, and faster speeds. This does not make sense as to how a larger ship can actually move faster, but because the energy output is so high, a larger ship can actually make hyperspace jumps faster, and can come out of hyperspace closer to planets, because of their momentum. The bad thing about this is that all you have to do is put a specialized lance in the path of a large ship and it will rip itself apart from the lance being shot through it at such a high speed, (thank the force their are shields on most ships though)

Smaller hyperdrives are actually can get into hyperspace faster, but travel slightly slower. This is not to say that a fighter travels slower in Hyperspace than a Capital ship at all times, just that it could.

There is better software, and calculation programs that can be put in a ship to allow hyperdrives to jump closer to masses, just that one also has to upgrade the hyprdrive or else some dangers could arise, ie. the sensors could travel closer to masses and therefore get too close to stars or ships and it could pull you out of hyperspace too late. So there is a downside, that is always a problem. There are also lots of ways to get hyperspace routes to actually be calculated faster.


The Dreaded Super Star Destroyer out of Shipyards is dotted with 200 Heavy turbolasers, and 200 light turbolasers. 50 Concussion Missile Launchers, 100 Ion Cannons, 20 Tractor Beam projectors. This is only the front. The sides each carry 75 light turbolasers, 50 Heavy turbolasers, 75 missile tubes, 50 Ion Cannons, 10 tractor beams. The rear is defended with 50 heavy turbolasers, 50 missile tubes, and 50 Ion cannons.

The armament is impressive, however it also has bays that can hold 2 Imperial Mark II Star Destroyers. It also has squadrons of it's own, the Executor had 7 total with a makeup of mostly Interceptors and a few bombers. Since then though, because Tie Fighters were opted out, It carries mainly Tie Defenders and Bombers were gone with the advent of Defenders the 2 bomber squadrons were traded out. There also hidden somewhere in the belly of it are squadrons of tie interceptors which are for atmospheric pursuit, these are only rumors and only the Designer knows. Seinar Fleet Systems isn't even aware of the full capabilities other than all the metal and weaponry required for it.

There are factories inside the SSD which uses a combination of fusion and repulsor technology to actually move. It's energy is fueled by 80 fusion/fission generators to actually allow the shields 30 generators full dedication. Engines also have 20 generators full dedication. The last 30 are for weapons, life suport and fueling the factories. Although unknown to almost everyone including Commanders, the factories and lifesupport systems actually use some other source of energy. Seemingly able to run at all times, the factories themselves actually provide supplies and other parts produce air. Rumor has it that because the food on Super Star Destroyers are better than every other imperial ship, that there are decks that raise livestock and other things.


These ships have been used mainly for keeping ships from jumping into hyperspace trying to run from Star Destroyers. These also have been used to capture smugglers, in general armament is less but because the armor is also less, they tend to hold more fighters than your Star Destroyer. They are faster, and smaller than Imperial Class Star Destroyers, but have four large semispheres on the bottom of the ship. These semispheres are actually the dreaded gravity well projectors, creating a wave strong enough to bring even the dreaded Star Destroyers out of hyperspace. They carry 2 squadrons of Ties as a fighter screen and a small amount of turbolasers. There are a few Imperial Navy officers that have used the Interdictor Cruisers abilities to a devastating effect, allowing for very accurate "microjumping" allowing for the immediate deploy of reinforcements without having to worry about coming in blind.

Gravity Well Projectors project out in a cone, consequently the Interdictor Cruiser only projects it's gravity well in a cone, to keep ships in this zone, they have to swing around, but because of a huge mass increase it's harder to move. They also drain enough energy that an Interdictor Cruiser not equiped with extra generators is only able to keep shields up, with limited manueverability while the projectors are engaged. However, some captains do opt to drop shields and fire the turbolasers instead.

The Grave Well Equipped SSD

Like other Super Star Destroyer's it is pretty much the same, only that a large amount of space is taken up by huge gravity well projectors. Unlike those of the Interdictor cruiser, the gravity well projected is in every direction.


X-Wing : From it's namesake, at topspeed, is as fast as a Tie-Fighter, but sacrifices lasers for that.

Y-Wing: (wonders if this could be phased out)

A-Wing: A newer ship, it's sports 2 laser cannons and 2 torpedo tubes. While two cannons don't sound like much, these laser cannons can rotate to fire in the foreward or aft arc of the ship, proving to be useful if any ship is tailing it. Also is as fast as Tie-Interceptor.

B-Wing: Faster than Y-Wings, these rotate on a band around the cockpit to lock into position sporting 3 laser cannons and 2 ion cannons and 2 torpedo launchers, B-Wing Bombers are the newer, sleeker and faster bombers. Slowly replacing Y-Wing bomber units, they can't match an X-Wing for speed but their armor is much better and they carry much more firepower.

Tie-Fighter: These basic ships used to be used for a long time, but they had terrible manueverability in atmosphere. Which caused many deaths.

Tie-Interceptor: A better version of the Tie Fighter, they are faster, and more aerodynamic, sporting triangular solar panels instead of square ones. They also sport 4 laser cannons, making them deadlier, compounded with a larger generator to give them higher speeds.

Tie-Defender: These ships are like Interceptors, but even faster, and have even larger generators. They unlike any other Tie Fighter design have shields and hyperdrives. Ontop of that, their firepower rivals that of a B-Wing. They have 3 interceptor wings on them, placed at 120 degree angles from eachother. Making it look like a ball with 3 shields on it. This actually gives the Tie Defender 4 laser cannons and 2 Ion Cannons, ontop of that they have one torpedo/missile launcher tube.
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The Jedi and Sith know of Lightsbers and use them. The Crystals are mostly traded from unkowen sources, and from Ilum.

Please, no one touch Ilum for now.
sorry I was kinda vague, but that was intended so we could adapt it for more and more different things, it also allows for changes in things. Although for generators I want that concrete (just a side note, please give me input on all this stuff this post is just a side note.)
Donsehan said:
sorry I was kinda vague, but that was intended so we could adapt it for more and more different things, it also allows for changes in things. Although for generators I want that concrete (just a side note, please give me input on all this stuff this post is just a side note.)
I like what you have so far.

Question, there is 2 Super Star Destroyers. D'Rack's Jedi Fleet has the avager, and PD's Sith has the other. We could do with a little info on those.
Originally posted by Orlanth
I like what you have so far.

Question, there is 2 Super Star Destroyers. D'Rack's Jedi Fleet has the avager, and PD's Sith has the other. We could do with a little info on those.

no problem, I'll let the others see what they think first, the SS D's I did say a little about power gen. I'm going to come up with that.

One of the things with SSD's is that cuz they're so large, they are self sufficient, only requiring raw materials. They'll have factories and stuff inside them, including bays for Imp. Stars for repairs and stuff.

I'll update what I have now on in edits and Capitalize the part before changes.

Orlanth, I forgot, so like I posted somewhere in this day and age, lots of things can be designed for specific purposes, so conceivably Jedi could create their own experimental crystals. Just a thought.
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Lazy and tired

So I didn't have time to read the five pages worth of stuff I missed (okay . . . honestly, I read the first two, and then just skipped to the end).

About the Dracuurians: I had planned on their being two distinct breeds on their homeworld. Both sepentine (think velocioraptor with stronger arms, and slightly more upright), but with a size differential. Duu'Raan is of the smaller class. They used a type of repressive caste-like system, where the smaller species were subservient to the larger.

That being said, when I created them, it was only as a background for my character. As they've taken on a larger role, I only think it fitting that we all have input of the intracacies of the species.

They're bigger, faster, and stroger than humans.

About other races: I say use what you want, whether they were from the books, movies, or your own mind. I would rather keep actual characters created by the authors out of it, unless you have them mentioned as deceased, etc. Use the Chiss, but not Drask, or Formbi, or any of the other major players. Make a Gotal character . . . make a Chadra-Fan character (but not the Jedi Healer from NJO . . . her name escapes me).

I love the movies, and the books. And for me, this thread is an opportunity to put my own individual, and original, spin on Lucas' galaxy. So lets just have fun, and create.
Oh, one other thing.

Admiral Dar Thandor is the Commander of the New Republic fleet in this sector of space.

His flagship is the Skywalker and Interdictor-class SSD. It's the only one of it's kind.

He's also an NPC, so use him and his ship as you see fit.

I'll post a bio if I can find it.
Yo! What's up??? Yeah I know I'm still thinking about interdictor cruisers and their specs and that SSD with the grav. well projectors.
I'm here

but I've got no real ideas on how to move things along there.
We need some sort of collective direction somewhere.