Orgasm Denial

k84gal here. My hubbie has done this with me many times. We don't live the lifestyle full time due to our children. So, when the kids are gone he'll place me in subbie mode and then start to tease me. Sometimes it's just a touch, sometimes it's full on making out. He'll build my emotions up for hours and hours. I've often thought that one day he'll make me orgasm just by talking to me, touching me, or looking at me the way he does. By the time he's ready I'm an absolute mess. Often he'll make me cum just undressing me and touching my sex. But sometimes he won't touch me, he'll make me touch him! Give him a blowjob! Or worship his body. He'll then tie me to the bed or tie me up in the closet and start "examining me". But he always stops right before. A flogging or two! Then back to bringing me close. He's left me tied to the closet wall for a long time a few times! Me dripping, begging, not being able to move. The anticipation is mind blowing! Then he'll take me. Against the wall, on the floor, the bed, still tied up or not. I never know how, when or what he'll do to take me over the edge. But eventually he does. Then as I am coming down from the orgasm he starts again. Two or three orgasms later, I'm crying in pleasure or pain as he takes me one more time over the top. By then I can't move. I can't breath, I can't do anything but fall into his arms. God, I love this man!
I can't breath, I can't do anything but fall into his arms. God, I love this man!
This is great info! Thank you for sharing it.

Have you tried to do orgasm on demand, such as by him saying a code word, or texting you (but without anyone touching you)?
I have a girlfriend who was so tied to her Sir in this way, when the relationship ended she had the hardest time masturbating to a good orgasm. :(

I'm happy to say they eventually returned but it was slow going.

I think the tease and the build up when I am at the hands of a woman are what make it so intense for me. I can masturbate and edge on my own, but for some reason it is not a powerful as when I am under the control of a skilled Dominant Woman. She plays me like an instrument, careful to hit the high and low notes. It amuses her and turns her on to play with me, going far beyond just a hard dick and a tremendous orgasm. It is her getting into my head, removing all inhibitions and taboo...I have her permission to scream, moan, and whimper, so I let go, even when I don't want to.

very fortunate

She plays me like an instrument, careful to hit the high and low notes. It amuses her and turns her on to play with me, going far beyond just a hard dick and a tremendous orgasm. It is her getting into my head, removing all inhibitions and taboo...I have her permission to scream, moan, and whimper, so I let go, even when I don't want to.


I have experienced this also from my Ms. It is a very part-time thing for us, especially in more recent years when she has some medical issues. But when it happens, letting go like that is like entering a new universe. Afterwards, melting back into now, I am so thankful and appreciate how fortunate I am for her understanding of my need.
mmm that sounds like a fun time .... i have not had a chance to experience that but, i have had previous boyfriend - make me not wear panties all day at work and left me naughty messages and pics making me so wet. When i got home he would bring me to the edge and then stop making me beg , but he would not allow me to come. When he did let me cum he tied me to the bed and fucked me into the bed ( so worth the days of edging )
What she does to me. Oh my!


Nice kissy,cuddly snuggle that has a soft hand job going sometimes.

Then it goes to turning me on. The slowest softest BJ and 15 minutes I am begging to cum.

She gets me so close to the edge I can't believe she can stop and just make me throb. With maybe just a drop, sometimes two.

More cuddling and really nice kissing.

More times on the edge.

She runs for a glass of water and I admire her beauty.

More on the edge.

It has been an hour and a dozen plus edges.

More cuddling and she tells me when we are on vacation she is going to keep me horny for a few more days then I think I can wait. And she wants to break her record of 27 edges two days in a row before she put me back in the cage. ( I got to lick her to orgasm then)

Another 15 minuets and I blow. It has been over a week.

And she snuggles up and kisses me and lest the cum dribble on my face.

And the snuggles are so sweet.
My submissive side absolutely love-hates orgasm denial. It creates a physically intense feeling, but the effects on my mind are even more pronounced. When I'm denied, especially if I'm required to edge or read erotica or the like, I find that I gradually become less and less able to focus on anything but sex. Eventually, it becomes overwhelming. I find myself struggling to think of anything but my desire to cum. And so I become incredibly malleable, willing to do nearly anything just for the possibility of getting permission to cum. And when the response to my obedience is to simply laugh and make me wait even longer, I nearly go crazy with the intense and unavoidable sexual thoughts that flood my mind.

And of course, I've used this to great effect on subs. It is a fantastic way to gently push people right up to their limits.

Hmmm, past their limits sounds like more fun.
i have become very very intrigued by orgasm denial. I guess its the sub-side coming out? I also want to be humiliated but that's probably another thread. I'm new to all this and wish to experience as much as possible, albeit online rather than in person (wife has no interest in this style of pleasure).
I must be naive but I never heard of this before...It sounds interesting...but I would like to do it in a nice romantic way somehow
With orgasm denial, there's a fine line between keeping focused on sex and getting plain 'ole annoyed. The latter is sensory overload. I'm not quite sure where that tipping point actually is.

I do know that normally I hate to beg. I'm terrible at begging. That whole pride thing. I won't beg! That is... until I'm a wet crazy slobbering mess of nerves and cunt! It's at those times I feel like I'll hand over my life savings, bake you a cake, clean your bathroom, offer you the moon just to have your hand on my clit, your mouth close to mine, giving me permission to cum.

I post a zillion pictures because often times, I lack the... energy? imagination? to actually type words. Soooo - I found this and it seemed appropriate:

Tell her *you* are in control and you don't care until she tries something new.. be assertive. We women like that.

Don't get me wrong, she is very passionate and subservient in bed. Or wherever we are. She does pretty much anything I tell her. The problem is with her being dominant. I just don't think it's in her nature.